....of the Debbie Meyer Green bags. I thought there was no way these could work. Boy, was I wrong. I have thrown away so many baskets of strawberries this year that I quit buying it. It seems that I never get to use them before they go bad. I decided I'd get the green bags and give the strawberries another chance. Today, I finally got around to cutting them up. They've been in my refrig for 10 days. They actually looked better then when I put them in there, hows that happen? I am thrilled. The next test is my lettuce. I buy the bags of cut lettuce and with two of us, we never use an entire bag at our meal, and when I go to get it a couple days later after opening it, its brown and wilted. Today I put the remaining bag from dinner ina Debbie Meyer bag, we'll see how it looks in a couple days. With the price of groceries now I've been looking for alternatives like these. I am thrilled.