I just signed up for this so I can't tell you anymore than what I'm posting, but I think that I can stand to use envelopes with advertising for my bills and my brother is at boot camp and then going to some other training until January and we are mailing letters EVERY day so I bet if this works, he may be getting some too!


The concept is supported by advertising, in two parts. Ads are printed on the back of the envelope, and in exchange for 5 free ready-to-mail envelopes, users also agree to receive advertising messages via email once a week.

Registered users can order a maximum of 5 envelopes per week.

Ad supported mailing
The adverts that are printed on the back of the envelope are essential to allow mailers to send mail for free through the USPS. Our plan also includes weekly ads sent by email to all registered users. Due to the need to ensure all our envelopes get used by our mailers, we will start with a limit of 5 envelopes per week, again this number may change overtime.