Quote Originally Posted by momof3lovebugs View Post
the first time I did it I lost 17lbs so i know it works IF you stick with the program which I intend to this time.I have NO intention of going to wdw and being confused for Jabba while I'm on Star Tours.
I found out what my problem was--I could never find fried chicken fingers on the zero points list!! I love chicken fingers but more than that, I love Coke Classic!! I think I would have cut back on those, but at the first meeting, we were talking among a group of my friends and I was looking at the books when I discovered that my drinks were 3 points each... I only had 20 points per day and drink more than that in a day!! We were discussing this and laughing that I couldn't eat anything for the next three months and this woman sitting there listening to us said in a smart voice "Oh no!! You HAVE to give those up!! You can't be drinking those!!" That pretty much set the tone for the rest of my membership....