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Thread: Couple of newbie questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Couple of newbie questions


    I am within striking distance of super member so I am trying to ratchet things up a little bit in these last few weeks. Anyway, was wondering a few things:

    Why is it recommended to:

    1. Clear cookies often, and
    2. Go slowly on the offers



  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Tacoma WA


    Those paid offers put cookies on your computer. If you have them from a previous offer and go to do one with the same company, you might not get the credit, b/c of that earlier cookie.

    When doing Daily Surveys, they want you to really think about your answers. If you're a speed reader, they will think that you aren't reading, and are just clicking through it. Since they are supposedly using it for actual research for marketing and whatnot, they want real answers. So they want you to ponder the questions, even the questions about your age, or if you're male or female. So you want to go slow.

    A different company that offers surveys (I only do them rarely, Tricia, honest!) words it like this: Please take your time with this survey and read each question carefully. Sometimes, if interviews are rushed through they can't be used. As a result you may not be eligible for the survey incentive or reward."

    OK I actually wanted to paraphrase that, but it's worded so nicely I can't figure out what words to change so I'm not just quoting it.

    Tricia etc, if that needs to be deleted, no was just a perfect way to explain it!
    Sunshine Rewards

  3. #3
    m 'n c's Avatar
    m 'n c is offline Is there a tequilla club I could join?? I'd settle for rum though.
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Houston, TX


    When you rush through offers (even freebies) the advertisers do not think you are taking the offer seriously so they will deny you credit. Same with the daily surveys.

    As far a clearing cookies molly is right. If you don't clear your cookies and do more offers the advertiser will pick up the first cookie and see that you already have credit and will deny you credit for the new offer since you don't have a cookie for it.

    Lastly, the go slowly part. If you do too many offers in one day you will have issues as well. Try not to do more than 5-7 in a day and 20 in a week. Advertisers frown on that and will deny credit because you are just signing up to get credit and not serious about the offer/product as well.
    Sunshine Rewards


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