I had just arrived at work when someone said a plane had struck the WTC. We are on hill in northern NJ and have a view of the Manhattan skyline so we all rushed outside and watched the pitch black smoke billow out... I remember it was an absolutely beautiful day... sky clear and so very blue. As events progressed throughout the day friends, family co-workers was all we could think about.... waiting to hear.

When I drove home later that day, I went by the parking lot of the train station in our town and it was eerily full... I wondered how many people would never come back to get their car. We lost 12 residents that day... family, friends, neighbors... including the father of my DD's friend.

Life does go on but it will never be the same... I think we have all been changed. Today is a time to remember those who died, those who lost loved ones, and also those who survived and still can't really figure out why or get over the guilt of having escaped.