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Thread: Daily Surveys

  1. #1
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    Default Daily Surveys

    So I talked with my rep at Greenfield today to find out why some incentive sites can offer two daily surveys when both go through Greenfield. I found out what the deal is and now need to make a decision about SR.

    Here are the facts: 1) I make more through my daily survey connection directly with Greenfield than I do if I go through the third party to get a second daily survey. 2) It's the exact same survey router.

    So if I put both daily surveys up on my site, you would get your normal .80 for the one we have directly with Greenfield but then only about .50 for the other one. And the second one would not count toward the "daily survey bonus" contest.

    The real downside is that if someone takes the .50 one and then cannot qualify for the .80 one, all they get is the .50 and they miss out on the chance for the .80.

    It's a tough call. My rep said that I can add the second ones through the third party. But she said that most sites actually find that people end up making LESS money because they get in on the cheap one and not on the one where they would make more.

    Thoughts on this??
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  2. #2
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    truthfully~~ it is annoying just trying to get 1 survey to pass I don't want to try and do 2! I would rather keep things the same.

    That is just my opinion.
    <Sunshine Rewards

  3. #3
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    I'd vote for leaving it the way it is. Surveys can take forever to qualify. To get paid less, not at all worth it. I like the survey bonus too. It gives me an extra challenge to see if I'll get it this month. I guess I need more motivation.
    Amy Ticker

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  4. #4
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    Well as far as i can see it We still would have the same .80 surveys now Right

    and then could try for a second one at .50 but know that it could be one that we could have done tomorrows for .80

    I think We should add the third party extra survey, but that we can only access it from the exceeded daily limit page. In other words you can only attempt a second one if you have done the one at .80 and put a little warning that the surveys used could reduce ability to quilfy for the other at a latter time...

    I hope this is makeing sense....

    I see this as adding an extra .50 option to people, and if they are cutting it close on an earnings goal could help!
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    I would personally rather have the .80. So initally my vote would be to do what you need to, to keep it that way.

    But Brian has a point also. If there was an alternative way to access the survey's and go through the 3rd party with a chance to earn an extra .50 then I would do it, but I would not want it in place of or it being a crap shoot of going through the survey and not knowing whether or not I get the .50 before I qualify for the .80.

    Make sense?
    Sunshine Rewards

  6. #6
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    I think I would rather stick with the sure bet and do just 1 survey a day for .80 and then have the bonus at the end of the month if a person qualifies. Sometimes it's hard to get 1 survey and also find time to do it if it turns out to be a long one. If both were offered I would always try for the .80 ones first.

    Would it be difficult to see which surveys would be .80 and which would be .50?
    Would it be more work for you, Tricia and SG?
    Would YOU make more money offering both?

    Just a few questions that popped into my mind. I am really happy with whatever you decide Tricia. I just appreciate everything all of you do for all of us. Thank you!!

  7. #7
    Lisaj68's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wilsonfamily4 View Post
    truthfully~~ it is annoying just trying to get 1 survey to pass I don't want to try and do 2! I would rather keep things the same.

    That is just my opinion.

    Are you saying that if we hit the .50 survey first, then we wouldn't qualify for the .80 survey? that would be a bummer.

    If we do the .50 survey first, does that count toward the survey bonus?

  8. #8
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    Our rep seems to think that we might actually lose money by including the second link because we would get paid less for those (the third party takes their cut whereas no one takes a cut in the ones that we do directly with greenfield).

    I think her main concerns are that 1) people get confused when there are two different links at different rates, and 2) people might do the .50 one first and then when they try to do the .80, they would not qualify because they already qualified for their only survey that day.

    We also cannot give any feedback on the .50 days ones because we won't have a relationship with greenfield on them.

    I'm all for it if it would mean all of you being able to earn more money. But if you might actually make less money because of the confusion and that third party taking a cut of the profits, I don't want to do that.

    These would be some intial work to set up, but we would probably be able to automate them at some point, somehow.

    One other thought would be to have a Weekly Survey. Each week, I could put up the link as an "Offer". Then you could do your daily surveys through the regular daily survey page and try the Weekly Survey only on a day where you already got a daily survey.

    Another option would be to let Super Members try out having both of them listed and see if it becomes a nightmare??
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  9. #9
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    I like it the way it is... no need to complicate life....

    I don't do any surveys at any other sites already, because I'd hate to do a survey for pennies when I could get paid .80 (plus bonus) doing the same survey on SR...

    plus it would be a nightmare having to keep track of which surveys I have done to make sure I didn't accidentally repeat one.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wilsonfamily4 View Post
    truthfully~~ it is annoying just trying to get 1 survey to pass I don't want to try and do 2! I would rather keep things the same.

    That is just my opinion.
    Me, too. And, I am obsessed enough about getting the one a day. Two might drive me nuts.


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