Quote Originally Posted by bbangel View Post
I'm trying Yak and Yeti this June. Most of the reviews I've seen have been pretty good for the restaurant (better than the CS). I imagine this one is largely a matter of taste so you really need to try it to see.

Sci-Fi is definately more a place for atmosphere than food, but my mom and I did okay here. They helped me out with something off the menu since I wasn't feeling well and it turned out fine. Just get a milk shake and that will make it all better

I've only done LTT for supper so no help there and I've never been to The Wave.
I've seen pretty good reviews for Yak & Yeti too. Since we're paying cash, I think I might have to sacrifice this for the dessert party I'm so torn because I really want to try it. I just need to do more surveys at home!

We'll definitely have milkshakes at Sci-Fi! Cookies n cream for me, chocolate for Tom!