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Thread: SR Staff PMs Turned Off

  1. #1
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    Default SR Staff PMs Turned Off

    As SR continues to grow, it becomes more and more important for us to track trouble issues and be able to give consistent answers. Over the last couple of months, SunshineCindy, SunshineGuy, and MissAngie have been getting literally hundreds of private messages asking questions like "When will my Netflix credit come through?" "Why didn't I get credit for my Daily Survey", etc?

    First, it is hard for us to track who your membership number is versus your forum name. So a lot of times, we don't even have access to your account information when you ask these questions. Second, it is difficult for us to track what answers we are giving to which people when we are all answering them in different PMs. And third, it is administratively a huge time eater when we are answering questions in PMs that have already been answered in the forum.

    Effective immediately, I have turned off the PM function for SunshineCindy, SunshineGuy, and MissAngie (mine has been turned off for months). This will help us to better track real trouble answers and encourage people to ask questions in the forum. If you have a legitimate credit question about an offer or shopping, please do open a trouble ticket and then we will have all of your account information at our fingertips. We will also be able to route the ticket to the SR staff member who can fix the problem.

    As always, we will still be answering questions in the forum.
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  2. #2
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    Thank you SR staff for all that you do!!!

    Sunshine Rewards

  3. #3
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    Sorry, I did send Cindy a PM the other day - but it was a question that I honestly felt like I didn't want to post in the forums, since it was more sensitive, I thought. I didn't precisely want to ask in the forums if my IP address was getting blocked by certain companies when I did offers, but I guess I should have anyway - esp since I just mentioned it anyway. And when Cindy graciously replied, I thot it only proper to send a reply by PM to the PM I got.
    But if this was part of the last straw, I do apologize - sorry to have been a bother in any way.
    Thanks for being open with us.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bellanlivismom View Post
    Thank you SR staff for all that you do!!!
    I'll second that!! I don't know how ya'll do it and keep everything straight. I only deal with 19 people's questions about "stuff" and there are days that is 18 people too many.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lanny76 View Post
    Sorry, I did send Cindy a PM the other day - but it was a question that I honestly felt like I didn't want to post in the forums, since it was more sensitive, I thought. I didn't precisely want to ask in the forums if my IP address was getting blocked by certain companies when I did offers, but I guess I should have anyway - esp since I just mentioned it anyway. And when Cindy graciously replied, I thot it only proper to send a reply by PM to the PM I got.
    But if this was part of the last straw, I do apologize - sorry to have been a bother in any way.
    Thanks for being open with us.
    This is definitely not targeted at any particular PMs. If it were only a few here and there, it wouldn't be so tough.
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    With PMs turned off, can you tell us how to reply to a TT reply/comment without sending a PM?

    When I first filed a TT I was able to sign up for email notification when it was replied to, and I vaguely remember going through "the system" to reply to it, but the last two (at least) TTs I filed I haven't been able to figure out how to get the notification, and haven't been able to find how to reply to it through the system, and was only able to do so with a PM.

    Thank you in advance for clearing that up!
    Sunshine Rewards

  7. #7
    bbangel's Avatar
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    See, now I was thinking more important things like how are we going to let Cindy know who we are when we win prizes!
    Seems like a good move all in all.
    Sunshine Rewards

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by lanny76 View Post
    Sorry, I did send Cindy a PM the other day - but it was a question that I honestly felt like I didn't want to post in the forums, since it was more sensitive, I thought. I didn't precisely want to ask in the forums if my IP address was getting blocked by certain companies when I did offers, but I guess I should have anyway - esp since I just mentioned it anyway. And when Cindy graciously replied, I thot it only proper to send a reply by PM to the PM I got.
    But if this was part of the last straw, I do apologize - sorry to have been a bother in any way.
    Thanks for being open with us.
    Oh no, yours was an easy one to answer. LOL

    Like Tricia said, sometimes we get PM's that have to go to other people ,and then we are sort of stuck in the middle and I'm afraid sometimes those questions go unanswered because they've been passed around and we don't know if it was resolved.
    If you think you know all the answers, it just means you haven't been asked all the questions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bbangel View Post
    See, now I was thinking more important things like how are we going to let Cindy know who we are when we win prizes!

    LOL! Me too!!! I think that's the only reason I've ever PM'd Cindy!!

    Sunshine Rewards 8x Super Member

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by mollyeilis View Post
    With PMs turned off, can you tell us how to reply to a TT reply/comment without sending a PM?

    When I first filed a TT I was able to sign up for email notification when it was replied to, and I vaguely remember going through "the system" to reply to it, but the last two (at least) TTs I filed I haven't been able to figure out how to get the notification, and haven't been able to find how to reply to it through the system, and was only able to do so with a PM.

    Thank you in advance for clearing that up!
    This exact senario happened to me and recently with both Cindy and Angie.

    I had messages in the TT that were questions I had to answer and the only way to do that was through PM. DO we reply to a TT message or question?

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