It is with sadness that I announce that Greenfield has determined that we have been sending a high amount of fraudulent traffic to their surveys. I was literally so shocked when they called me today that it took everything in me not to cry right then and there. Far and away if Sunshine Rewards is ANYTHING, it is an honest loyalty program with high standards for its members.

Effective immediately, many of you will be blocked from taking surveys. The number is so high that it actually threatens SR's very existence. Here are some of the things that Greenfield deems to be fraudulent:

  • Taking surveys with multiple email addresses in order to take the same survey more than once.
  • Taking surveys so quickly that you are not giving quality answers.
  • Lying about your demographic information in order to be accepted into a survey.

Greenfield has been watching the number of email addresses that each of you use to take surveys, as well as which of you are also doing them daily on other rewards sites with different email addresses. I was quite shocked to hear some of your names. While Greenfield does expect that people might use a total of 2 or 3 different email addresses, they get suspicious when you use 5 or 10....or 20 or 30..... This INCLUDES using gmail to generate multiple email addresses.

At this time, I do not know what the fate of the Greenfield surveys will be on SR. I do know that some of you are going to be blocked from taking the surveys until Greenfield can come up with a way to prevent you from taking the same surveys multiple times. If they can find a way to do that, they will start to allow you back in on a trial basis.

It breaks my heart that something like this could mean a devastating blow to the future of the community we have created here. PLEASE think carefully when you complete offers and surveys about whether you are giving the advertiser true value for the credits that you are getting in return. It's absolutely essential to the future of the business.