Not sure if this it the right place for this post but I wanted to thank Sunshine Rewards. By taking surveys through SR, I've been enrolled in two different consumer opinion communities.

The first, sponsored by a major health insurance company, pays me $10 in Amazon GC every month where I log in and participate at least 4 times. Over the last two years, I have received over $200 in rewards for my participation.

The second community came through the new survey opportunity, Opinion Central. I just signed up for a consumer opinion panel on smart phones. The company is sending me a brand new smart phone to use for 6 months. In return, I have agreed to participate in an hour long online discussion and two, two hour long in-person panels. For the three panels, I will be paid a total of $250 and get a free phone!

So, thank you Sunshine Rewards for all the great opportunities to earn Disney money, and for surveys that give me opportunities to earn beyond this website.