I thought we were supposed get our missing credits from RFG? Something about never having to not get credits for completed surveys?

I completed one on April 4th and still have not gotten the credit.

I posted:

Completed RFG1 on a visual ad for a chain of Pet Hosptial (was IPSOS) that did not credit, At the end I got:

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the survey.
Thank you for giving your opinions. Your participation has generated a $0.15 donation to our charity of the month. Good on ya!

url is:

http://survey.saysoforgood.com/trop/resultMessage.zul?init=-unqt19Zc6MStiDQrMe_NFir4sM{%22tropStart%22%3A%2253 3f206be4b00c7eea7a6817%22}

thread is here

should I file a TT to get my credit?