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Thread: Greenfield/Toluna Surveys (Official Thread)

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Johnstown Pa


    Trish that is your call, I do not see where we said we do not like them anymore, what I said was they need to get there act together, and fix or update there system. I also believe they are 1st who started doing surveys online, the incentive has gone down from 1.00 to .75, maybe they do not have funds for a update, or correct the system, I did not look and read what others were saying about them, not sure why I did not do that after all this time, I will have to see what I can find by reading forums, if we are having issues other sites has to have them to.


    I read about a new survey company, or I think is new never heard of it before today. called. Ketsci Surveys its on some different sites now, did not see any feedback on them yet.
    Last edited by jtowner; 08-18-2015 at 06:45 PM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    I was okay with a couple of weeks of problems. And when they were checking in once a week to let us know where everything was. Now it just seems to kind of have drifted off. And, yes...they did lower the rate on us. We made as much with them in September 2007 as we now make an entire month putting ALL of our shopping, surveys, and offers together. That's how much things have changed since we first started working with them. We weathered "surveygate" where they made an example out of us by almost completely shutting us out of surveys even though we were one of the only sites that was 100% against fraud. Then we accepted the change in commission. Then we rewrote our system when they changed networks. THEN we started accepting that instead of paying us 30 days after a member takes a survey, they now pay us 120 days after a member takes a survey. We front the money and hope that we will get paid by them.

    It's sad to have our relationship come to this after 10 years but we have put up with a LOT and when you put member complaints in a public forum on top of all of those things, it is just kind of icing on the cake.
    Sunshine Rewards Owner

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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
    I was okay with a couple of weeks of problems. And when they were checking in once a week to let us know where everything was. Now it just seems to kind of have drifted off. And, yes...they did lower the rate on us. We made as much with them in September 2007 as we now make an entire month putting ALL of our shopping, surveys, and offers together. That's how much things have changed since we first started working with them. We weathered "surveygate" where they made an example out of us by almost completely shutting us out of surveys even though we were one of the only sites that was 100% against fraud. Then we accepted the change in commission. Then we rewrote our system when they changed networks. THEN we started accepting that instead of paying us 30 days after a member takes a survey, they now pay us 120 days after a member takes a survey. We front the money and hope that we will get paid by them.

    It's sad to have our relationship come to this after 10 years but we have put up with a LOT and when you put member complaints in a public forum on top of all of those things, it is just kind of icing on the cake.
    When you put it like that, I think it's time to get rid of them! I haven't had as many problems with them as others, but I also haven't been taking as many surveys as others. They should be treating you better!
    Sunshine Rewards

    Member #4187

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Tricia- that's awful that they make you wait that long to get paid.

  5. #15
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    I heard from them today and they gave me a chunk of manual credits but did NOT give me the subids. So I am going to have to get the list from them and compare them line by line again to figure out who to give the credits to. But we did get maybe 40 credits from them today.

    They have asked me if I can provide them very specific information about the surveys we are not getting credit for so that they can track it through the system. I guess they are thinking that it might be certain user accounts that are not crediting for some reason as opposed to just a general outage.

    For those of you who have missed at least 5 credits in the last 2 weeks, can you please open up a trouble ticket and tell me what the email address you use for the surveys is. I'll send them that email address along with your userid and see if that can help them find the problem.

    They did say that a number of other partners HAVE dropped them from their sites because of all of this and that they continue to work on it daily. But after awhile it's all kind of starting to sound like mush. I hate it because my contact there has been the same person for almost 10 years and she is an absolutely wonderful person that I love working with. She and I get along very well and none of this is her fault. But she also understands that this has to be a business decision for SR and she knows the problems we are having.
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  6. #16
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    Oh...statistically...the dump of manual credits ended up being about 31% of our total credits. So it's down from missing 50% last month but is still about 1 in every 3 surveys not crediting correctly.
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  7. #17
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    I will open a TT. in the last 2 weeks (August 5-19) I have had 10 that did not credit. From August 1-19, 13 that did not credit. 4 have credited this month.

    I have tried to see if there is pattern for me as to time of day I do surveys - no, type - sometimes Toluna credits, most times not. Have had LRW credit and then next time it doesn't. H+P credited once and next time did not.

    I have notes at home on my calendar as to what days I completed DS and which did not credit if that is of any help to you with the 40 credits.

    Crossing my fingers that GF can figure out why credits come through sometimes and often not, but after what happened to my account with them after they updated their server back in March 2014, not real hopeful for me.
    Last edited by SCard; 08-20-2015 at 09:12 AM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
    SG is out of town but once he gets back, I will have him remove them from the site. Once they are removed, I will not be putting them back because I don't want to go through this with them again. If the members don't like them anymore, I don't have any reason to work with them.
    GF is still on the list, are they staying? Are we going to get the back credits since 8/1? Will they give us missing credits going forward?
    Just wondering how to proceed as I am missing A LOT of credits.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by SCard View Post
    GF is still on the list, are they staying? Are we going to get the back credits since 8/1? Will they give us missing credits going forward?
    Just wondering how to proceed as I am missing A LOT of credits.
    I've had a handful of members email me outside of the forum asking me to keep the surveys because they are not having problems getting credits. Which lends credence to my new-ish theory that it is just a handful of your accounts that are having the problems at this point. Greenfield did give me the credits back to August 1 but I am still waiting on the list from them of members to credit. I last heard from them on that Friday, so hopefully I will get it today or tomorrow.

    They are also now searching a couple of member accounts specifically to see if it can help them pinpoint where the problems are happening. When you take they survey on their end, their system DOES record the credit. But for some reason a pixel isn't firing or a cookie is being blocked that it making it so that their system doesn't report it to the network that they use to pay their affiliates. So the data is all there. Something is just blocking it from being sent over properly. Back in the old days, we didn't even have a system that sent the credits. We just logged in once a day...pulled a list of the credits from them...and manually credited all of your accounts. It was terrible! But we never lost any credits. Now because we use so much more technology to get credits to members almost instantly after a survey is taken, it's opened us up to having a lot more things that can go wrong in the process.

    So because they ARE showing good faith in getting us the delayed credits and some members really do want to keep using them, I am going to continue to give them a shot. However, for those of you who are having more than 1 or 2 not credits, you may want to continue to wait because I'm 99% sure that your credits are going to continue to not work. Something has changed with your accounts or a survey stuck in your cache or something that is screwing everything up for you.
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  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
    I've had a handful of members email me outside of the forum asking me to keep the surveys because they are not having problems getting credits. Which lends credence to my new-ish theory that it is just a handful of your accounts that are having the problems at this point. Greenfield did give me the credits back to August 1 but I am still waiting on the list from them of members to credit. I last heard from them on that Friday, so hopefully I will get it today or tomorrow.

    They are also now searching a couple of member accounts specifically to see if it can help them pinpoint where the problems are happening. When you take they survey on their end, their system DOES record the credit. But for some reason a pixel isn't firing or a cookie is being blocked that it making it so that their system doesn't report it to the network that they use to pay their affiliates. So the data is all there. Something is just blocking it from being sent over properly. Back in the old days, we didn't even have a system that sent the credits. We just logged in once a day...pulled a list of the credits from them...and manually credited all of your accounts. It was terrible! But we never lost any credits. Now because we use so much more technology to get credits to members almost instantly after a survey is taken, it's opened us up to having a lot more things that can go wrong in the process.

    So because they ARE showing good faith in getting us the delayed credits and some members really do want to keep using them, I am going to continue to give them a shot. However, for those of you who are having more than 1 or 2 not credits, you may want to continue to wait because I'm 99% sure that your credits are going to continue to not work. Something has changed with your accounts or a survey stuck in your cache or something that is screwing everything up for you.
    thanks for the update. Hoping that GF can figure out the problem and fix it. to the best of my knowledge nothing has changed on my end; same laptop, same e-mail address, same browser. I won't do any more GF until I hear more from you. DS was green on Saturday and Sunday so I tried and completed ones on both days. Saturday it did credit, Sunday it did not.


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