Quote Originally Posted by jtowner View Post
I spent over 20 minutes going from one router, to another, all what we have now, Cint, SSI, Survey cube, Samplous, One Opinion, My View, it was question after question and I quit. I can not see me taking time to try this, it is a nice reward, but you could spend a very long time trying just to get nowhere. I did not want to rain on your parade, but its it better to tell the truth, and do I think I want to keep trying that everyday, I would have to say at least for me I pass.

I thought I might of been to hard, I just got tired of answering so many questions, in so many different routers. I decided to go back with a clear head and try, it did not do all of that this time, got one faster than 20 minute stuff this afternoon, and it credited right away. It looks just like the Cint Router, same type of format, when you are starting them. Neither remeber your details and have to keep putting them back in, but CInt is not working, and not sure why yet.
