Quote Originally Posted by arob414 View Post
Me, too! I think that beside the fact that I already like Vista, I like having something new. And, wireless internet setup was literally a matter of clicking a button and putting in the network password. I can't tell you the hours I have spent setting it up on 3 computers and then, sometimes, it would forget.

Mine arrived, Wednesday, and all I have wanted to do was play and explore mine. I have 3gb RAM, also. Compared to the speed from my 1/2 gig, I am blazing a trail. I am used to CrapCleaner taking a minute or so, this clears so fast!

I have still not started scrapbooking, haven't even installed the software, yet. We are all on the network and the girls have access to my music and photo files, still trying to get our @#$@%& wireless Lexmark online. We have had it about 7 months, it is quite forgetful...it forgets it is wireless about every other job.

Have fun with your new laptop. Too bad for the kids, tho.

Yeah I'm guessing the wireless internet won't be a problem since we already have it just need to get the new laptop ready. IT's also bluetooth enable which DH loves, tho not sure why if it's "mine"! lol My desktop down here is pretty fast I think it's 2 gig RAM bc I knew it was better to come down here on chat nights but I was too lazy to keep running up and down the stairs!

Dh had problems trying to get his work laptop to network with this desktop but hopefully we can do that with no problems with the new laptop. It would be nice to have access to all my pics and doc's without running back and forth with a flashdrive!

Let's not talk about pictures. I"m about a year behind in getting my sorted and organized (just on my computer) so I can get them uploaded to Kodak or something similar. Maybe with this huge harddrive it'll be something I can do. I also ordered Paint Shop Pro x2 two months ago and have yet to install it on my desktop bc this pc needs a good reformatting/cleaning and I know once I install it i won't want to stop playing with it. I just need to back up my pictures on here first and burn them to CD so I can get this cleaned up.

Don't be suprised if I keep asking you questions until I get used to Vista!!