In January, I booked a short weekend (friday, saturday and sunday) surprise trip for me, DH, DD, and DS to celebrate our 20th Anniversary in the place we Honeymooned---of course Disney--to coincide with the Food and Wine Festival. (I know, why take the kids? How could I justify going to Disney and NOT take the kids--oh well, my kids are great) This is something my DH has wanted to do for a while. Flight booked, hotel paid for, (thanks to SR when we could buy Disney Gift Cards and still get the rebate), stash money hidden, time off work for DH okayed with his boss, (as well as mine), etc. Just waiting for the right time to tell him.

Fast forward to today's mail. DD is the Varsity Swim Team at the local High School, and Coach sent his yearly letter with the start date of the season, all scheduled swim meets, and I'll stop right there. The very weekend we are booked to go to Disney, the BIGGEST AND MOST IMPORTANT swim meet is scheduled. What to do?
1. Cancel the whole thing?
2. Try to switch weekends, then try to juggle hockey season where DH is coach?
3. Leave DD home with my best friend--her daughter is also a swimmer--DD says she is okay with it. This is my least favorite option.
4. Finally, tell DH everything and let him in on the surprise, and work something else out?

BTW, we are booked in the BCV in March 2008. I had the surprise trip booked before we decided to plan the other one, so we'll be there soon enough, but I really wanted to pull one over on him!

Any thoughts?