Hi all Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Enjoy the freebies:

Gain - This is for a free sample of Gain with Febreze:


Airborne - This is for a free sample of Airborne Immune Health:


Total - This is for a free sample of Total Blueberry Pomegranate cereal:


Cookbook - This is for a free Omaha Steaks Gathering Guide and Cookbook:


Prince Cover Music - This offer, provided by Spin magazine, is for "Purplish Rain", a free download of 9 cover songs from Purple Rain - the word you need to supply is "keyboardist":


Purevia - This is for a free sample of Purevia sweetener - you will receive two sticks:


Tennis Magazine - This is for a free subscription to Tennis Magazine, compliments of Mercury - input your job info. (I'm a stay at home Mom and there is a choice for that as well). You may qualify for additional magazines as well - no credit card required, no auto renewals and I've always found them easy to work with:


Out of room in the subject line so I'll stop there.


~ Rachel