Here is a little background. My maternal side of the family is full blood Italian. My grandmother was raised by two parents who can straight from Italy. I hate to say it but she if very often the stereotypical Old Italian Lady. She is my hard Christmas Gift buy each year. She has a house full of stuff she has been buying for the past 80 years and never got rid off. My aunt who never married lives with her and is well on her way to becoming my grandmother. They do everything together. They go to casino's ("on the bus" if you know what that means), they eat out sometimes, they used to bake a lot but now only do it when they find someone who "deserves" it.

With that in mind I want to play "Help Janet be the Golden Child with Grandmother". I always have been because I spend months finding gifts for their birthdays and for Christmas. Last year on her birthday I gave a beautiful necklace with a large pendant on it that was part of the Vatican Collection at one of the department stores and she loved it and shows everyone all the time. Last year for Christmas I gave her a digital picture frame preloaded with pictures of all of her grandkids and great grandkids but now she brings it to me every couple of weeks to update for her so it has become a job. Help me find something on the SR shopping site that I can buy and get rewards on for her. She isn't technologically advanced.

I don't have a prize for the winner but I will give you and SR and the merchant you choose a shoutout on my blog to the person who chooses the best gift. Just post the merchant and the gift here. Thanks guys! I can always count you all to help me in a sticky situation.