I have no idea what the issue is. It has to be my server or security or something, but i can't figure out what it is. I can take survey's all day every day at work with no issues. We have IE6.

At home we have IE8, with Vista. I can do DS and SM just fine. OTX is impossible though! I clear my cookies and have my security set to the lowest setting (completely annoying my husband in the meantime) and i'd say i get about 50% on the weekends. When i DO get one...it always credits. but it's actually getting one that is the hard part! My issue seems to be getting thru the qualification questions. seems that either i answer 1 qualifiying question and it goes straight to the AMP page, or i get thru all the questions and instead of the "you didn't qualify, would you like to try again", it again goes straight to AMP page. So then i try again, and it just starts all over again with teh same survey's i didn't qualify for!! I got my survey saturday am just fine....but i tried ALL DAY LONG on sunday and never got one to go thru! got my DS and SM just fine though.

Does anyone else have this issue?? Is there anything else i can do???