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Thread: Disney bans children...

  1. #21
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    I am glad Disney did this. There are many adults that go to the resorts without children and want to enjoy things without always having to hear screaming kids. As a parent, I don't want others to be subjected to my kids when they are screaming. I had my 4 month old break down last week while we were out, he had gas pains and of course I didn't have my drops for him, we had already ordered and our food just got there. My mom took DS to the lobby area (it was of course raining so we couldn't go outside) while I quickly crammed the food down, then brought him back and I took him so she could eat. There is no reason everyone else needed to hear my kid scream while they tried to eat. I know even as a parent I wouldn't want to hear someone else's kids....But that is just me.

  2. #22
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    I think it's great Disney did it for V and A.

    I think it should stop there though. It is Disney afterall- families go there. If they are going to enforce it at signature restaurants, they need to offer free childcare WITH DINNER at their facilities (with proof of reservation) so parents can eat at the restaurant without spending another $70-80 for two hours of childcare at Disney's onsite daycares. I know the Dolphin does this for Shula's anyway. I think it's fab idea myself!

    I think it would be near impossible to segregate child/non child seating in restaurants. What happens on nights when a TON of childless people come in and they have to wait 2 hours cause there is only 'child' seats? Or vice versa- it would be a loss for the restaurant to lose patrons for not wanting to wait. As a family we pretty much only go to restaurants like Chili's, Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Chevy's, etc. I admit, on occasion we have let our kids (usually as toddlers) sit under the table if we're in a booth. I don't think they're bothering anyone by doing that. What really ticks me off is people automatically assuming my kids are going to be obnoxious just cause they're kids. This happened to me last week in Cheesecake Factory. I took my DD there for a bite for lunch- she's almost 3. She was seriously sitting in her seat, looking at the menu and buttering her bread, acting 100% wonderfully. TWO parties were seated next to us, they took one look at DD and asked to be moved. I was really angry. The second party was told 'too bad, so sad this is the only table we have right now.' And guess what they did the whole meal- either talked on their cell phone or were talking WAY too loudly to each other.

    For any regular dining experience, it's simply a crapshoot who you're going to be seated near. I don't like parents who let their kids run wild either, (my BFF parents her kid like that and I HATED going out to eat with them cause I would want to discipline him myself!), but it's the luck of the draw.
    Sunshine RewardsRobin

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by m 'n c View Post
    I'm not totally for that but I would be for a child vs. child free section of the restaurant to take place of the old smoking vs. nonsmoking. Has that ever crossed anyone else's mind? .
    Ya, everytime I go out to eat. Kids annoy me, so I don't want to sit by them. No use making both our meals uncomfortable.

    Ya, everyI've often wished for family/people with no kids sections too, but for completely different reasons. It really irritates me to have people ask to sit somewhere else b/c they don't want to sit by people with children. It actually makes me very sad and angry when a table is about to be seated near us and then they see the kids and ask "Is there someplace else we can sit?"time I go out to eat.......I'll ask not to be seated by kids. They annoy me.

    I ask before they even lead me to a table so that it doesn't embarass a family.
    Last edited by sunshinecindy; 01-12-2008 at 11:08 PM.
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  4. #24
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    We tend to do the same thing Cindy with the asking before we get seated. We've never asked once we were led to a table. Normally we only care if we are in a crabby mood/tired and can't take a lot of stimulation and we see a table that is going wild. Otherwise we don't really care or ask.
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  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by DisneyMa View Post
    Well, personally as a mom of 3 kids, I wouldn't take my kids to this kind of dining experience. They would be bored to death and I would not want to pay those prices so that DD7 can ask for chicken nuggets and fries

    I'll stick with Club33.
    I have to agree with you!! As a mother of 3 I wouldn't WANT to bring my kids there anyway!!!! Too much $$ and wouldn't be worht it!
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  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by DisneyMa View Post
    I think it comes down to how you raise and disipline your kids. I have 3 and they have NEVER crawled around under the table or made a scene by throwing a fit. If they couldn't handle going to a restaurant then we found a sitter.

    I don't know how I feel about the kid vs. no-kid sections. I wouldn't want to be bothered by unruly children when my kiddos were behaving.
    I agree 100%!!!!!!!!! How are children supposed to know HOW to act if you don't take them out and TEACH them!!!!! My children have been eating out about once a week since they were newborns. I waitressed for 10 yrs (in HS and college) so working the other side of the coin really helps. But that goes for just normal behavior in stores also.
    It irks me when parents let their children get crazy, but I usually just point out to my kids, "Would you be allowed to act that way if it were you?" they get the point.
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  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by sunshinecindy View Post
    Ya, everytime I go out to eat. Kids annoy me, so I don't want to sit by them. No use making both our meals uncomfortable.
    That hurts my feelings. I try really hard to make sure that my kids don't annoy other people when we go out to eat. They know that they will be escorted out to the car and sit there the rest of the meal if they are ruining the dinner for everyone around us. It's one thing to say that sitting by unruly kids can ruin a meal but it's completely different to say that sitting by ANY kids ruins a meal.
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  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
    That hurts my feelings. I try really hard to make sure that my kids don't annoy other people when we go out to eat. They know that they will be escorted out to the car and sit there the rest of the meal if they are ruining the dinner for everyone around us. It's one thing to say that sitting by unruly kids can ruin a meal but it's completely different to say that sitting by ANY kids ruins a meal.
    I agree Tricia.
    Sunshine RewardsRobin

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
    That hurts my feelings. I try really hard to make sure that my kids don't annoy other people when we go out to eat. They know that they will be escorted out to the car and sit there the rest of the meal if they are ruining the dinner for everyone around us. It's one thing to say that sitting by unruly kids can ruin a meal but it's completely different to say that sitting by ANY kids ruins a meal.
    Agreed. It hurts my feelings and my kids (the older boys) have noticed before when people have asked to "sit someplace else". That hurts their feelings.

    It's like sitting on a bus and knowing that people specifically don't want to sit near you b/c of a particular characteristic you have and assumptions they are making about you based on that characteristic. It makes you feel like there is something wrong with you.

    I give everyone a fair shot, even if they are old and crabby looking or teenaged and rowdy looking. We sit where they put us and enjoy our meal, regardless of the tables around us.

    We also are VERY strict with our children's behavior in public, especially at restaurants. It hurts my feelings when people don't even give the kids a chance, they just assume that they will misbehave and that we are poor parents and won't correct it.
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  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
    That hurts my feelings. I try really hard to make sure that my kids don't annoy other people when we go out to eat. They know that they will be escorted out to the car and sit there the rest of the meal if they are ruining the dinner for everyone around us. It's one thing to say that sitting by unruly kids can ruin a meal but it's completely different to say that sitting by ANY kids ruins a meal.
    I agree. We have always taken DS with us out to eat (sit down or fast food) since he was born so it's not a foreign environment for him. We do expect him to behave and not bother others or we would have no problem removing him from the table/ restaurant. Luckily to this point, we have never had to do that though. I personally would not take my kids to a place where I didn't think that they could behave for the length of time required- so at least now I would never take them to a place like Victoria and Albert's. You can only expect young kids to be quiet, etc for so long lol. Yes, some people do take their kids to these places and do not correct them or leave- but I am aware not only of what my kids are doing but also how it might affect those around us.

    It makes me think of our plane trips. The first plane trip with DS was when he was 5 months old and and he's been to Disney 8 times, so that's a minimum of 16 plane trips. On every one of those flights, when people are boarding around us, they get that look on their face and quickly ask to move to another area. And you know what? The first two years worth of trips he slept from takeoff to touch down. And the rest of the time, I take plenty of things to occupy him (new toys, books, DVD player, etc). When you hear or see that person ask to move because they don't want to sit next to your kid, it does strike a nerve. Some kids do act up... but not all!
    Sunshine Rewards


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