Quote Originally Posted by askomsky View Post
Yes! There's a whole thread of where we've been seeing it. It's in announcements section.

Here's the link to the other thread...

PS how have you been? Long time no chat!
That shows how MIA I have been.... I would have realized there was already a thread started. I know I haven't been around much, I keep telling myself I am coming to the next chat. I have missed everyone!

It has just been really crazy with DH gone. I always said he didn't help me much, but I am now realizing how much help he was. I just don't have enough time in the day anymore. Plus SR has now been blocked at work

I am going to really try to make chat on Friday night, Taylor just won't go to bed these days (she misses Daddy a lot), and I end up awake half the night trying to clean and get things done around the house.

I really need to start busting my butt on SR again, we have 3 Disney trips this year, and I need to start earning. We are taking a Disney cruise when DH gets leave in April, My mom, sis and I are taking DD to Disney for our birthdays in August, and the SR meet.

I think I need to hire a maid so I can have my SR time back!