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Thread: People who join and then just disappear...

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Houston, Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by lanny76 View Post
    I'm not posting as much because life is so busy for one, and for another, I seem to step on toes sometimes without meaning to! But mainly I just do not have as much time even for doing surveys with a lot of new responsibilities along with 4 kids.......I somehow don't think I'm one that's missed too much tho! I do keep checking in tho and and am not planning on ever quitting SR because I appreciate all the great earning opportunities, the friendly forum, etc.
    Oh yes, you are missed when you're not around!! I know that you have all those little ones.

    Quote Originally Posted by spring View Post
    I still read the forums almost daily, but don't always sign in or post as regularly as I used to. I'm glad the survey complaint issue has been limited to 1 thread, but I get a little frustrated when some days it seems like that is the most active part of the forum. Some of the info imparted in that thread is useful, but there is still a fair amount of whining and complaining going on that completely turns me off. Tricia, Cindy and our wonderful mods must have the patience of Job trying to keep it all in check.

    It used to be so much fun to come to the forum and see what everyone was up to. Whatever happened to a lot of our fun threads, like family pics and furbabies? Thank goodness we still get the occasional TR's!
    You know to be truthful, it really didn't bother me as much. It's like shopping at the store. Some things you pick up and somethings you pass up. You 're not intersted in everything but you keep going back.

    That's how I feel about the threads. If it's not interesting to me, I keep on keeping on, but I'll always come back. (I must also say that some things I do intend on reading but I forget to come back to it. LOL.)

    Pat, I forgot I need to finish my TR! I'm still on Martha's Vineyard. LOL.
    Sunshine Rewards

  2. #22
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by speechteachri View Post
    Also, I think many of the original members of SR that were really active here are now friends on FB...with all the pictures posted there and all the up to the minute updates on people's lives, posting updates and pics here is not as "necessary."
    I think you may be correct. For me it is much easier to post pictures on Facebook than here. There have been many times that I have wanted to click on a name to see pictures while I was here only to remember that we can't do that here.
    The complaints don't bother me, and several times when I have had survey trouble it takes restraint not to complain. But sometimes I need to ask questions and try to figure out what is wrong when things don't credit. I think I have most of my issues figured out, finally!
    I love SR and hope to be around for a long time!
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  3. #23
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by sunshinecindy View Post
    As most of you probably figured out a couple weeks back, I finally had enough of the survey complaining and also noticed that a lot of old regulars weren't posting, thus the new "survey problem, b*tching,discussion whatever" only thread. I do hope this brings more of the old ones back. I do see that they are on here reading the threads, just not posting, and I for one miss them.

    I'll need to work on SG about getting the chat back to working for everyone cause I know a lot of you are like me and it isn't working for us for some reason. We had some really great chats and fun in there, especially on trivia contest nights.
    I for one like the "survey problem, b*tching, discussion whatever" only thread. Although, I think to call it that is offensive to people who use it. I think its these types of comments as well as a mod telling someone awhile back that "these are just surveys and we need to realize that there are more important things in life than surveys not crediting" that have almost made me give up SR altogether. It makes it hard to be excited when I get on and read comments like this. Maybe others feel the same way and that is why people are not commenting as much.
    I think maybe people that have been doing this a long time forget what it is like to be a newbie and not get your credits. It motivates me to keep trying when I know I am not the only one having problems. When I was new and only hearing about all these credits everyone was getting and I was having problems it was hard to stay motivated when the only help I could get was to tell me I was having a cookie issue.
    Sorry if I have offended everyone but think that its more than people posting about non credits that is running people off ....
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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by KimCh View Post
    Sorry if I have offended everyone but think that its more than people posting about non credits that is running people off ....
    I beg to differ with you, I've been around here a long time, and I know the feel for the members, and I can tell you most certainly that its the negative attitudes that have made a lot of our older members leave. I hate it for our new members when they have trouble, thats one of the reason we have stickies and mods and other members to help answer their questions, but the constant impatient posting of something not crediting immediately is a real downer. And, 99.9% of the time when someone doesn't get a credit it is because of something with their computer, not SR or the surveys or merchants. Plus, with so much of that going on in the thread, its hard for us to tell the legit problems from just the members computer problems.
    If you think you know all the answers, it just means you haven't been asked all the questions.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by sunshinecindy View Post
    I beg to differ with you, I've been around here a long time, and I know the feel for the members, and I can tell you most certainly that its the negative attitudes that have made a lot of our older members leave. I hate it for our new members when they have trouble, thats one of the reason we have stickies and mods and other members to help answer their questions, but the constant impatient posting of something not crediting immediately is a real downer. And, 99.9% of the time when someone doesn't get a credit it is because of something with their computer, not SR or the surveys or merchants. Plus, with so much of that going on in the thread, its hard for us to tell the legit problems from just the members computer problems.
    When I read the earlier post about why people leave, I thought of reasons that I have almost left and thought I would post. I have only been here for 6 months and dont know anyone or have a feel for the other members, I just know how I have felt watching the way some people talk to us on here and thought that might have something to do with it. I guess what is negative to one might not be negative to anyone else and maybe I just offend to easily.
    I am sure on your side that gets very annoying watching people post about non credits and if people leave because of people talking about them thats a bummer. I will try to avoid posting in that thread in the future and hope this will help to avoid the loss of anymore members.
    I honestly was trying to give you insight from someone new coming in and hope that I havent offended anyone.
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  6. #26
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    I am definitely more likely to respond to threads that I see new people start, even if they are about non-credit issues, just because I want to make sure that new people are getting the help they need. No offense to the old regulars. But I know you all tend to take care of each other and the mods let me know when there are big issues. I like new people to get responses as quick as humanly possible, so I do try to pay more attention to those threads.

    Forums definitely go in cycles. I am seeing it with some of the other marketing forums that I frequent right now. We tend to get less traffic during peak travel times and holidays. We get more traffic during major shopping times. That will be starting soon. :0
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  7. #27
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    I've been around for a while. I use many, many rewards programs, some much more actively than others depending upon where I get the most bang for my buck (or time spent on tasks). I joined the forum, but I don't find any benefit to it fo me. Everything that I need is within the main site, so I rarely come here. I generally only come once in a blue moon to see if there is anything new going on. I am really not interested in seeing pictures of vacations or talking about what we're all doing with our SR money. Please don't misunderstand me: there's absolutely nothing wrong with it and many people enjoy sharing and bonding in this way, but it's just not for me.

    The last time that I came was to post a question about a Crocs coupon that was sent to SR for its members, but the site did not honor the coupon as it was sent to SR. I posted a question about it starting a new thread, and I know that someone here at SR said that she immediately contacted them. Crocs apparently never replied, because no response was posted. I edited my post about 5 days after the original post (almost exactly a month ago) to ask if crocs had responded yet. It was kind of a shame. I discovered the coupon on the forum, went to buy the shoes through SR, then never got them becuase CROCS sent out a coupon incorrectly and apparently never made it right. I never bought the shoes b/c I was waiting to see if Crocs was gonna offer to honor the coupon as sent to SR members.

    I'm certainly not trying to knock SR; she didn't have to address the issue at all. But my point is that I really only come to the forum to look for really good deals posted here. SR seems to be way too busy to follow up on every single question that they get asked, so I just stick to the main site and avoid the frustration now.
    Sunshine Rewards

  8. #28
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    I used to be active, then when I went from full time to part time, I wasn't able to do surveys anymore. For some reason half the time that I do surveys on my laptop they dont credit, so I just quit.

    But now I really miss surveying and being rewarded.

  9. #29
    jnorth1007's Avatar
    jnorth1007 is offline Got my mind wandering and luckily I didn't get lost

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    Quote Originally Posted by AlternateEgo View Post
    I used to be active, then when I went from full time to part time, I wasn't able to do surveys anymore. For some reason half the time that I do surveys on my laptop they dont credit, so I just quit.

    But now I really miss surveying and being rewarded.
    Maybe one afternoon when you have some time we can sit down and go through the things to check and see if we can figure out what is blocking your laptop. It seems so strange but with computers and the internet nothing ever shocks me. I have to keep my laptop plugged in to the ethernet (yellow) chord in order for things to post. I can't use my wireless to do surveys or shopping or they won't post. I have never figured out why but it just is LOL. However, plugged in it all credits. Wacky. Anyways, maybe if we go through and try some things with you we can figure out what is up. I would be fustrated if half of my items didn't post. Catch me one afternoon when you have time and I will see if I can help you.
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  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by natofborg View Post
    The last time that I came was to post a question about a Crocs coupon that was sent to SR for its members, but the site did not honor the coupon as it was sent to SR. I posted a question about it starting a new thread, and I know that someone here at SR said that she immediately contacted them. Crocs apparently never replied, because no response was posted. I edited my post about 5 days after the original post (almost exactly a month ago) to ask if crocs had responded yet. It was kind of a shame. I discovered the coupon on the forum, went to buy the shoes through SR, then never got them becuase CROCS sent out a coupon incorrectly and apparently never made it right. I never bought the shoes b/c I was waiting to see if Crocs was gonna offer to honor the coupon as sent to SR members.

    I'm certainly not trying to knock SR; she didn't have to address the issue at all. But my point is that I really only come to the forum to look for really good deals posted here. SR seems to be way too busy to follow up on every single question that they get asked, so I just stick to the main site and avoid the frustration now.
    For what it's worth, they never did respond to us. They answered us after the weekend was over and told us that they would "follow up" and get back with us. But they never did.
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