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Thread: Daily scratch tickets

  1. #1

    Default Daily scratch tickets

    I have noticed that recently you changed the scratches to random selection rather than first come. I do not like this. I hope you change it back. Dont think its fair. If members dont want to go scratch then why give them tickets they will never use. Often I can sign in at night and the scratches are still available. Giving out 600 sounds like an inactive websight. Thanks

  2. #2
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    The reason for this was because there were people who waited until midnight to sign in and do the scratch off. This left an unfair advantage especially for people in a later time zone who could never get a chance. This way everyone has an equal chance to get one. Really the scratch off is designed to be a fun thing for people to earn a penny here and there. No one earns money off of it. It is really a bonus for people who regularly visit the site. I can honestly say that SR is anything but an inactive site. I can also say that I can't remember the last time I didn't get a chance to do the scratch off. I haven't seen complaints from other members about it being a problem. Thanks for the feedback though.

    ETA: Just for the heck of it I checked and over the past 4 years I have earned 7.37 on the scratch off.
    Last edited by jnorth1007; 10-08-2011 at 06:41 PM.
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    It also is not a recent change. I think we actually changed it about 3 years ago. And the 600 members are not pre-determined such that if those particular people do not log in then we do not give out all 600 that day. We give out the full 600 every day but just to random people who log in.

    I can tell you that it IS weighted more to people who have more active accounts. The more that people log into SR, read emails, take surveys, etc. the more likely they will be to get the scratch offs. As Janet said, we LOSE money off of every scratch off so people who only log on and do the scratch offs actually take money away from the active members who are helping us earn money.

    I hope that makes sense. Businesses can't exist by only giving free things away to people or they don't stay in business.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by lfrye39114 View Post
    I have noticed that recently you changed the scratches to random selection rather than first come. I do not like this. I hope you change it back. Dont think its fair. If members dont want to go scratch then why give them tickets they will never use. Often I can sign in at night and the scratches are still available. Giving out 600 sounds like an inactive websight. Thanks
    Looks like it's about 2 years old.
    Been here for almost 10 years...eep.

  5. #5
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    I have actually noticed the opposite, since the scratch offs were changed I have never had a problem getting one. I might be wrong, but didn't they also go from 500 daily to 600?

    I am not the most active member, I always shop thru SR (even for Amazon), and do a few surveys and offers. But I do log in most days, even if it's just to check the forum. I love that I get to do the scratch off when I do. I think its great that SR even has it for us, I don't know that any other rewards sites do anything like that. Bottom line, I'm not going to complain about a fun, FREE game that might earn me a couple cents.

    ETA: I just checked my earnings, I have earned $5 on the scratch off and I have been here a little over 3 years.
    Last edited by Love2Shop; 10-09-2011 at 03:33 PM.

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  6. #6

    Default Scratch offs

    I must say that I am getting conflicting replys to my topic on scratch offs. I always always log in every morning. I always always got a chance to scratch off whether I got anything or not. Now since you changed this, which was recently although some members say otherwise, I have not gotten even once chance. Not matter. Whatever. Thats a websight for you. Always doing something to take away from members. Sights come and go. And so do memberships. I used to really like this one but unless you shop shop you dont make nothing. Thanks anyways.

  7. #7
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    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by lfrye39114 View Post
    I must say that I am getting conflicting replys to my topic on scratch offs. I always always log in every morning. I always always got a chance to scratch off whether I got anything or not. Now since you changed this, which was recently although some members say otherwise, I have not gotten even once chance. Not matter. Whatever. Thats a websight for you. Always doing something to take away from members. Sights come and go. And so do memberships. I used to really like this one but unless you shop shop you dont make nothing. Thanks anyways.

    I am not one to get involved in senseless banter. However, SR is a highly credible and worthwhile site. I can attest from personal experience that 99% of my earnings have been from surveys. I have been a SM or SMP several quarters (expect for the last one). Those earnings were predominately surveys. It is fine to have an opinion. However, it should be supported by factual information. You would be benefiting yourself by giving SR a chance. BTW, I have earned $2.37 in the scratch offs in the past year as a member. I have always been given a scratch card. I would not feel slighted if I was not. This is supposed to be fun and extra money.

  8. #8
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    The scratch offs aren't designed to be a money maker for members. They are just a fun bonus. I've earned 2.74 from scratch offs since I've been a member. There are more ways to earn on SR than just shopping. I believe most members, like myself, earn a lot from taking surveys. Sorry you feel this way.

  9. #9

    Default So much defense, for a simple comment, geez

    This will be my last post on this topic about these scratch offs. one, I have been a member for a long time so I am not some newbie griping about something that I dont like. two. i used to do a lot of surveys but got tired of not being paid for completing them. three, i bought direct tv thru this sight and got fifty bucks and cashed out. No, I dont make much money here, cause I have far too many other good paying websights. I just mentioned I d dint like the change of the scratch offs and I still dont. but I am not going to waste my time talking about this issue any more. happy scratching to who ever is getting them.

  10. #10
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    Wilmington, NC


    Quote Originally Posted by lfrye39114 View Post
    . . . I am not going to waste my time talking about this issue any more.
    Well, it is called a discussion board for a reason. You don't like the change, which is your right. SR had a valid business reason for making the change, which is their right. We can all chime in without agreeing with you, which is our right.

    I've earned just over $10 in four and a half years with scratch-offs, so maybe I am luckier than most. Still, in the context of the over $2500 I have earned from this site, the scratch off is a fun bonus. The scratch off generates less than 0.4% of my earnings here.

    Since you have been a member for a long time, you must be aware of all the ways to make money at SR. If you want to make money by clicking, there is probably a better website for you. If you want to walk away because you don't always get the opportunity to scratch off for three cents, this is probably not the best fit for you. Something about cutting off your nose to spite your face comes to mind . . .
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