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Thread: Anyone Up for Some General Disney Planning?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2007


    This is bratty and champagne problems AF, but I don't know what to do about my September/October trip. I'm out in the service industry in MA all week. I have faith in WDW's cleaning/mask enforcement. To be honest, I'm more pressed that I'll have to quarantine post-WDW than anything.

    Been here for almost 10 years...eep.

  2. #22
    PSL1013 is offline We plan to eat and drink around the world
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    Apr 2007


    We are keeping our reservation for now for the end of October, waiting to see what happens. I also trust Disney and people are saying they feel safer at Disney than in their home grocery store. We also have to quarantine when we get back here in CT but not worried about that at all as we are retired. Disney also doesn't want the tri-states entering FL but that is not being enforced and DeSantis hopefully will reverse that on Sept 5th? 2 wk quarantine is nothing to us because we stayed home 3+ months in the beginning. People who have a job to go back to would have more of a problem justifying the trip and to me it probably wouldn't be worth the hassle of a quarantine and then having to get tested before being allowed back to the job. We also have to fill out paperwork online and pretty sure MA has to too before re-entering our states or we will get fined. You have to do what your gut tells you to do, Disney isn't going anywhere and will be there when this virus is under control.
    Sunshine Rewards


  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    moved our October trip (originally was April) to April 2021; hoping we will be able to go. We do have park hoppers.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default that we are back, I feel comfortable talking about the trip we just took.

    We were at Boardwalk for 8 days. Flew on Southwest (no middle seats plus a mask mandate). Rented a car. Used annual passes to go to every park, some 2 or 3 times.

    The masks were NOT a huge deal except that it was so stinking hot!!! It was around 95 most of the time, with a "real feel" of about 110. We just aren't used to that. So combining that with the masks was very tiring and we had to drink a LOT of water. But it really wasn't a terrible thing to have to take a nap every afternoon.

    Safety procedures were incredible. The worst mask offenders were people with their noses sticking out and a handful of kids. But they were few and far between and easy to avoid. The worst place by far was the Tiki Room because for some reason lots of people brought in food and were taking off their masks to eat. But be were also pretty spread out.

    Every cast member we talked to was so happy to be back. One of them in the gift shop told us that they finally let CMs visit a park each the other day. She chose EPCOT and cried while she was there because she was so happy to be "feeling" Disney again. I know there are a lot of stories about CMs being afraid to go back to work but the ones we talked to kept thanking us for coming back and saying they were grateful their jobs were called back up in the first round.

    LOOOOOTS of hand sanitizer. Before and after every ride. Pretty much at the door of every restaurant and shop.

    So from a safety perspective, I was truly happy. And this is coming from someone who has only left the house maybe 10 times since March? And most of those were for curbside pickup!

    The down side is that there is a lot less food and entertainment. Even when we got to eat at our favorite restaurants, a lot of our favorite foods were missing. But we just said "would we rather be here and have a limited menu than not be here at all? yep!!" So we rolled with it.

    Disney Springs was a hot mess. People there are NOT being as safe and it is very crowded. Everyone warned me but we went anyway because we needed to find somewhere to eat dinner and really wanted to go to Goofys. We stayed about as long as it took to eat dinner and go to Goofys. lol

    It really seemed like the people who were in the parks (or at least 90%+ of them) were happy enough to be there that they didn't want to break the rules.

    Oh! Ride times. We didn't wait for more than 30 minutes for anything. And a lot of things were walk on. Some of it was just paying attention to the Disney blogs in advance to see when the best times to go were. Some of it was the reduced crowds. The parks did often look really busy and there was a steady stream of riders on every ride. But the queues were not overflowing and without fastpass the regular queue line moves so fast. Expect down times every couple of hours of about 10 minutes for cleaning. That caused our longest waits.

    We were going back in October but Jillian no longer has a fall break so we just cancelled. But we are headed back in November and December as long as everything goes well!
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  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Love hearing your report! (I wimped out and am waiting to decide).
    Been here for almost 10 years...eep.


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