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Thread: New Daily Survey to Test: OpinionsPay

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Johnstown Pa


    I did 1 RW, it did get approved it was .47 and I am seeing alot lower than that.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by jtowner View Post
    I did 1 RW, it did get approved it was .47 and I am seeing alot lower than that.
    hoping in a day or two we will see some with higher values

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
    So I have been talking to 2 survey companies directly for the last day to get more information about what might be happening.

    Essentially, these survey companies are tracking EVERYTHING you do. Your IP addresses, every question you answer, how many surveys you try a day, etc. And they are REALLY cracking down on anything that looks in any way like people are trying to "game" the system. If you answer a question in one survey that you make 100K a year and then in the next survey you say 200K a year, they will know that and will flag you for fraud.

    We have one member that we have had HALF of their surveys reversed in the last month because they decided after the fact on all of them that there was something that they didn't like.

    They are tracking you across rewards sites, across surveys, etc. I've been locked out of two survey companies myself in the last month and I take MAYBE 10 test surveys a month.... total across all of the companies. But sometimes I honestly forget things like the amount of my car payment or what email address I used the last time I took a survey through that site. For them, those are fraud flags.

    From what I am hearing, it's going to get harder and harder to get surveys for people who take them regularly. For people who just do them every once in awhile, they will be fine. But for people who take them daily, they are going to keep finding ways to crack down.

    As for the OpinionsPay tech issues, I am really confused what is happening. They ran a report on both scard and jtowner and sent it to me of every single survey you have clicked on this month. This is from their survey router back end. They show MANY "start survey do not completes" but I think thinking some of these are the ones that errored out at the end? They don't show them as completed. They show that you didn't complete. So I think if something like that happens again, I need any possible information you can give me. Like if there is any information in the URL of the last page? Or maybe even go back a page when it happens and see if there is anything in the URL that can help? They are tracking them by "click date/time" "PID" and "token" and "TPS Data" plus your IP address and userid.

    I have a MY points account that i shop maybe 2 times a year. I do their daily poll and click to the websites that give me 5 points. I do not do any surveys. Different e-mail address (very old one) than I use for SR

    I have an old e-rewards account from probably 20 years ago. Not sure if it's even active, I think I got an e-mail a year or so ago that seemed like they might be part of Dynata. I never log in or do anything with them. Different e-mail address (very old one) than I use for SR

    Could these be causing issues for me? I don't belong to any other survey websites.


  4. #64
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by SCard View Post

    I have a MY points account that i shop maybe 2 times a year. I do their daily poll and click to the websites that give me 5 points. I do not do any surveys. Different e-mail address (very old one) than I use for SR

    I have an old e-rewards account from probably 20 years ago. Not sure if it's even active, I think I got an e-mail a year or so ago that seemed like they might be part of Dynata. I never log in or do anything with them. Different e-mail address (very old one) than I use for SR

    Could these be causing issues for me? I don't belong to any other survey websites.

    I wouldn't think so. I've got a couple of those accounts as well (!) that I either had before I started SR or use for competitive purproses.
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  5. #65
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by SunshineGirl View Post
    Thank you!! Sending this URL to them now so they can try to figure it out.
    any update?

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by SCard View Post
    any update?
    Same company as the other crediting issue so I followed up with her on this just now as well!
    Sunshine Rewards Owner

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