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Thread: Announcement on Filing Trouble Tickets once again

  1. #1
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    Default Announcement on Filing Trouble Tickets once again

    C'mon guys, its the holidays. There are a lot of people on vacation (some even in our SR family) and it may take a little longer, so don't be so quick to file the TT for several reasons. First off, we probably won't get to it anyway for another week and second off we haven't finished uploading all the credits we need to do manually anyway. Give us a little break. Wait about 10-15 days after your purchase (or in some cases your item was shipped) to see if you get your credits.
    If you think you know all the answers, it just means you haven't been asked all the questions.

  2. #2
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    We actually have merchants (entire networks) who closed down from the 21st through January 2. So we are having to sit on some of this stuff and be patient until next week. Believe me, we want to see the credits as badly as you do.
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  3. #3
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    Thanks Cindy!!!

    I would like to say thanks to Tricia, Cindy and Angie....I had a couple of things that were 3 weeks beyond the date of purchase that I filed TTs on. I wasn't in a big hurry for them, but you guys got them taken care of!!! What a nice surprise that they came through during the holidays!!!

    I know you guys are so busy and I just wanted to say thanks again for being so great!!! You never cease to amaze me!!!
    Last edited by tommygirl79; 12-27-2007 at 11:22 PM.

  4. #4
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    Milwaukee, WI


    Thank you guys for all you do. Of course we realize it's the holidays and everyone is busy. I don't think anyone is waiting for immediate responses or anything like that (hopefully!) We just get anxious with our credit, whenever it comes. Enjoy your time with your families, we're pretty patient here, and we also realize that not everything is in your control. Have a great New Years! .......and try to relax?!!!!!

    Sunshine RewardsPhotobucket

  5. #5
    DisneyMa's Avatar
    DisneyMa is offline I need to be moving, but I'm relaxing on SR!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by lmroyea View Post
    Thank you guys for all you do. Of course we realize it's the holidays and everyone is busy. I don't think anyone is waiting for immediate responses or anything like that (hopefully!) We just get anxious with our credit, whenever it comes. Enjoy your time with your families, we're pretty patient here, and we also realize that not everything is in your control. Have a great New Years! .......and try to relax?!!!!!

    Well said. Our credits will wait. Have a good long weekend.
    Sunshine Rewards

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by DisneyMa View Post
    Well said. Our credits will wait. Have a good long weekend.
    Agreed. I certainly don't mean to be a pain or make anyone feel like I'm not giving them a break. Rather I thought the purpose of filing a ticket was just to say "hey, I am expecting this and wanted you to know so you can look for it if necessary," when more time elapses than expected. And also so I don't forget or lose track of the email confirmations -- especially since I am off this week and able to spend a good amount of time on SR. Then if the credits come, great. If not I will wait patiently until someone is able to look into it for both of our benefits.

    We all appreciate your hard work!! Have a wonderful holiday weekend and enjoy your well-deserved time off.

  7. #7
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    It would be nice to have a "note" section in the TT so we could add extra no hurry just filing to beat time limit on filing TT or.... no hurry enjoy your vacation.

    What is the time limit to file a TT? a month?

    I also suggest a note on the rental car links so people will know it is "normal" to wait a certain time period after returning the car... not from reservation date...

    Just some suggestions while I'm thinking of it...
    Have a great Holiday and deserved break from the website job.


  8. #8
    kimntrent is offline How fun this was. I loved it. Can we do it again some time?
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    I know I am guilty of one yesterday and I am not expecting it right away. I know holiday season and the time it takes things to get here I just wanted to put it in the pile. I know that for some places it takes several before the company would look at them.


  9. #9
    jnorth1007's Avatar
    jnorth1007 is offline Got my mind wandering and luckily I didn't get lost

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    I don't believe there is a time limit on how long you CAN wait before filing a TT. The bigger issue is filing too soon. It actually causes more issues when it is filed early then when it is filed late. These shouldn't be used as a way to remember what you have purchased. I think that these are being looked at as no big deal and being used as a means of communication. What everyone needs to realize is that they are only handled by Miss Angie now and she can only look them over and submit them for you. If you have an issue that Tricia or Cindy needs then it is better to use a different means to contact them about the issue. I seriously wouldn't even consider submitting ANY TT unless told to do so by Tricia before 7 business days or 10 days. There are credits that come quicker than that but there are so many more that are taking at least 10 - 14 days to come in. I had a travel shopping credit that I did on 12/8 that showed up 2 days ago. I think that if we continually submit TT's to merchants before they have the opportunity to fully upload all of the credits they have then we may be looked at as impatient and a pain to deal with. I know it is aggravating and hard to track orders that you make once you get past the 7 day mark but I just keep a pad next to the computer and mark all purchases on it. I try not to file any TT's unless it has been 2-3 weeks. I realize that may be a long time but I haven't had to file one since the ELF purchase I made and that was because none were crediting. I think a much better way to handle it is to request about how the merchant credits in the shopping section. This way, if others are having issues with crediting from that merchant than Tricia can see the trend and respond accordingly. This will also help you to know if it is one that takes a while to credit and you can hold off a little longer on filing the TT. Noone is trying to make it hard for you guys to get credit by making you wait. If anything it will make it quicker and easier to get credits if only those who had issues with the transaction (i.e. cookies) are filing them and Angie isn't chasing down credits that would have come in on their own in a few more days.
    Sunshine Rewards

  10. #10
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    And we are constantly trying to come up with new ways to make the process better. In a perfect world, we would get credits for everything and the merchants wouldn't screw us over. LOL! But with different computers treating cookies in different ways, it just doesn't always work. The good news is that we had literally thousands of transactions last month and have only about 30 trouble tickets open. So MOST transactions go through fine. If you have more than 2 trouble tickets in a month, there is probably something on your computer that is not handling credits right or you are clicking on other sites looking for coupons while you shop.
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