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View Full Version : cookies clearing

07-23-2008, 06:58 AM
ok just a question. If we clear our cookies and we are suppose to allow cookies than by clearing them later on in the night or day, does that interfer with our credits for offers? I guess Im confused if everything is tracked by cookies than would clearing or using CCleaner erase what we just completed ?

07-23-2008, 07:31 AM
I clear my cookies first thing in the morning before I log into SR. Then I go about my day. Yes most offers, shopping and survey's track from cookies, so you should clear them for a while after your done your shopping etc. I find that doing it first thing in the morning before anything else is easier.


07-23-2008, 10:02 AM
You are correct that you need to be careful to not clear any cookies off before an offer tracks.

Many of the freebie type offers and the OTX surveys credit on the hour. If I have done one of these, I simply wait until I see the credit posting before clearing cookies again.

The daily surveys (greenfield ones) don't track by cookies, so no worries here.

If I shop, I clear cookies right before I shop and then I try to wait about 6-8 hours before clearing again. This might be excessive, but I don't like to take chances with credits. If I were to complete a larger trial or paid club type offer, I'd treat it like a shopping offer and wait a long time just to be sure.

m 'n c
07-23-2008, 10:25 AM
Not sure if this will help you at all but my rule of thumb is to clear once a day.

My normal day is as follows:
Wake up
Clear Cookies
Complete my offers and surveys throughout the day making sure to stick with 1 Daily Survey, 1 OTX survey, and 1 or 2 freebie offers per day (at most).
If I have any shopping to do I do it at night or late in the day when I am done with everything else and then I go to bed.

With this routine I am able to maximize my credits because I am letting cookies sit on my computer for a while and be "collected" by advertisers when they go looking for the cookies and awarding credits. It also helps with getting my shopping credits because I am allowing them to sit for 6ish hours.

Is this the best way? Probably not. I am a tad paranoid about credits and such but this way works for me and I usually do not have issues getting credit for items.

07-23-2008, 10:43 AM
I also clear my cookies right before I go to SR. The very first thing I do after I clear my cookies is to take the surveys. I then do any offers I want to complete and I do not clear my cookies until the very next day which is usually almost 24 hrs in between my cookie clearing. I did not know that the offers are tracked by cookies, but I guess with me allowing them to sit idle for about 24 hrs is a good thing so that they can be tracked and traced for credit. I log on aboutt he same time everyday.

m 'n c
07-23-2008, 10:55 AM
The advertisers and such are pretty quick about collecting the cookies they have deposited on your computer. Most expire within 2-3 hours but like I said I'm just that paranoid about it.

So make sure that you not only are letting them sit but that you are set up to collect all of the different types of cookies. There are tons of threads on cookies and settings so make sure to do a forum search to check your settings.

07-23-2008, 11:34 AM
You know, I've never seen it mentioned, and applies more to shopping I guess where it might take longer, but I guess also it should be mentioned to make sure you stay connected to the internet for X amount of time after the offer. I know this applies more for people on dial up, but even for highspeed users, like me...when I'm not using it I click the standby button on the modem.

I've never really even thought about it, and I don't know all the technology involved in collecting a cookie, but it stands to reason you'd have to be online for them to find you.

07-23-2008, 12:13 PM
My son unplugged the Internet to play X-Box about an hour after I shopped one night and I was freaking out. Thank-fully I still got the credit but I think I just got lucky LOL

I earmark days for shopping, and on those days, I do not do any offers. I clear cookies every morning, and if I am shopping, that?s all I will do that day.

If I am doing offers, I usually know if it is a fast crediting one and will clear after it credits and go onto the next. If it doesn?t credit within a couple of hours, I will do another that evening before bed but I never do more than 2-3 in a day.

Things credit very well for me. Honestly the only things that will NOT credit are Modpath offers. They don?t like me :confused: