View Full Version : It was killing me tonight...

08-20-2008, 09:03 PM
listening to people talk about Disney!!

I was in the library waiting for DD7 who was at the summer reading program's closing program. I didn't know any of the moms where I was waiting (we have 4 elementary schools so I don't know a lot of moms) but OF COURSE my ears picked up DISNEY TRIP!

OK here is the short version...

One family of 4 is going on their first trip Thanksgiving trip...they figure about $4000 should take care of a 6 day trip with souveniers (it's possible...but that included airfare at Thanksgiving and dining plan for 3 disney adults one child). They are staying "in the park" at the All Star Something (her words). They have the dining plan but don't really have reservations (THANKSGIVING, people!). Another mom told her "no problem, you will be able to get into the pricier places". (hhhmm isn't LeCellier booked from now until FOREVER??!)

They have no plans...just going to get up and get in early every day. Then they will use "speedpasses". Somebody they know PAID the all the CMs at the speedpass line and they got in first right then and there. Otherwise they will get a doctor's note to get a pass to skip lines. (again all her words)

They don't have hoppers...they heard they are cheaper in Disney (are you allowed to find anything cheaper in Disney?). They will do a park go back to swim (ok so they had one thing right!) and then after dinner and stay late. (Don't November hours end EARLY??)

I was CRINGING!! I looked all over for a pen and paper to slip her a note about allears, SR, even the other Disney board...nothing! Granted, these women are from the "snootier" elementary school...very high priced houses, etc...so maybe the money didn't mean much but the other things were killing me!!

On the way to the car, I was telling DD about this family. Even she shook her head and said "Mom, they need a plan...reservations...something!". I have raised her right!

08-20-2008, 09:08 PM
listening to people talk about Disney!!

I was in the library waiting for DD7 who was at the summer reading program's closing program. I didn't know any of the moms where I was waiting (we have 4 elementary schools so I don't know a lot of moms) but OF COURSE my ears picked up DISNEY TRIP!

OK here is the short version...

One family of 4 is going on their first trip Thanksgiving trip...they figure about $4000 should take care of a 6 day trip with souveniers (it's possible...but that included airfare at Thanksgiving and dining plan for 3 disney adults one child). They are staying "in the park" at the All Star Something (her words). They have the dining plan but don't really have reservations (THANKSGIVING, people!). Another mom told her "no problem, you will be able to get into the pricier places". (hhhmm isn't LeCellier booked from now until FOREVER??!)

They have no plans...just going to get up and get in early every day. Then they will use "speedpasses". Somebody they know PAID the all the CMs at the speedpass line and they got in first right then and there. Otherwise they will get a doctor's note to get a pass to skip lines. (again all her words)

They don't have hoppers...they heard they are cheaper in Disney (are you allowed to find anything cheaper in Disney?). They will do a park go back to swim (ok so they had one thing right!) and then after dinner and stay late. (Don't November hours end EARLY??)

I was CRINGING!! I looked all over for a pen and paper to slip her a note about allears, SR, even the other Disney board...nothing! Granted, these women are from the "snootier" elementary school...very high priced houses, etc...so maybe the money didn't mean much but the other things were killing me!!

On the way to the car, I was telling DD about this family. Even she shook her head and said "Mom, they need a plan...reservations...something!". I have raised her right!

Well they'll learn the hard way!!!! :rotfl:
One note though we did go the Thurs before thanksgiving and came home on Thanksgiving. Our flight was 160 RT per person (not bad IMHO flying from PHL) and the later hours started the first full day we were there.( I think Fri the 16th but Thanksgiving was the 22nd last year) So they may be ok there depending on their arrival dates, but I know for a fact that it was tough enough getting Chef Mickey in Aug for our Nov trip (that's when we committed to going) and forget Cindy's castle, no times left and I called every week until we left. I did end up with a few ressies, but not all I wanted, as a matter of fact Chef Mickey was the only one I had orginally hoped for!

I knew once we booked that I was Disney dumb and needed all the help I could get, besides here I talked to several friends who go every year and got the scoop I needed. It drives me crazy how some ppl feel "entitled" to certain things. Oh well once again they'll learn a hard lesson!

m 'n c
08-20-2008, 09:09 PM
Let her go and have a miserable time. It will cut down on crowds in the future :rotfl:

08-20-2008, 09:26 PM
I agree!!! Let them learn like we all had to!:rotfl:

08-20-2008, 10:04 PM
Funny Catherine- yep, let them learn the hard way and we won't have as many crowds!!

I had a similar experience when we were at the park one day. About 3 Moms that I didn't know were discussing Disney plans and it was hard for me not to correct 95% of what they said! People just don't know Disney like we do...but maybe that's a good thing!

Magical JenK
08-20-2008, 10:36 PM
Oh Janet! Your post had me CRINGING!! I agree, while your intentions were good, let them learn the hard way...we all did & we turned out alright! :rolleyes: Besides, had you told them anything different than what she already knew, she would have NEVER believed you!! :rotfl:

BTW...good job on raising DD!! She's going to make a fine Disney Planner someday! :clap:

08-20-2008, 10:53 PM
Janet....I loved your daughter's comments. So cute. Smart kid! :)

08-20-2008, 11:09 PM
You are all right...we didn't know much either. It just kills me to hear such mis-information. I only wish I could hear the story when they get back but I don't know who she is....

As for DD....when I do my plans, I must print her out a few empty spreadsheets. When she sees her dad for his visitation day, she plans pretend trips every week...giving him the run-down on ALL the hotels and restaurants. It is too funny. I will have to videotape it when she doesn't know I am watching!

08-20-2008, 11:48 PM
Its kinda sad some people just dont know what to do for their first trip. I did a lil research before going for the first time. I think we were like that the first time. Now.....we are experts......


08-21-2008, 01:03 AM
Don't you just love listening to people who are going to Disney that really do not have a clue! They give me a good laugh. Sure 4 days is enough time to do all the 4 parks and water parks...and yeah through in a trip to downtown disney. Sometimes I have to cringe and not jump in .....

this one mom from preschool spent over $5000 for a 5 day trip (2 adults, 3 kids, but one under 3!~) and they only went on 10 rides the whole trip. I even gave her my planner to look over and she wouldn't believe me that it would be crazy crowded (april vacation)......what a waste of money when you could have planned the trip and had a ball (she decided that since it was her 5 year olds birthday that she would let that 5 yr old tell them what rides they would go on...)

Like many of you said.....let them find out the hard way!


08-21-2008, 06:54 AM
Well...I guess we are all Disney virgins at some point! LOL! But I would have been DYING to jump in and say something! You have raised your children well!

I helped my sister with her Disney trip (which is being a bit "unfun" for them because of the hurricane rain). Now I am hoping someone else will come to me with wanting me to share all of my Disney knowledge. It is SOOOO fun planning a trip - even if it isn't your own!

Magical JenK
08-21-2008, 08:53 AM
Now I am hoping someone else will come to me with wanting me to share all of my Disney knowledge. It is SOOOO fun planning a trip - even if it isn't your own!

I agree Ang! Talking Disney is like crack cocaine to me!! You just can't shut me up once I get going!!

08-21-2008, 09:49 AM
I agree Ang! Talking Disney is like crack cocaine to me!! You just can't shut me up once I get going!!

Yeah...I hear you on this one Jen...my family thinks I have an unnatural obsession (but who do they call when they need WDW answers...MOI!)


08-21-2008, 10:50 AM
Well...I guess we are all Disney virgins at some point! LOL! But I would have been DYING to jump in and say something! You have raised your children well!

I helped my sister with her Disney trip (which is being a bit "unfun" for them because of the hurricane rain). Now I am hoping someone else will come to me with wanting me to share all of my Disney knowledge. It is SOOOO fun planning a trip - even if it isn't your own!

I agree. Disney is my favorite subject and I love telling people all about it!!!:banana: I would have had to say something, lol!

08-21-2008, 10:54 AM
I agree Ang! Talking Disney is like crack cocaine to me!! You just can't shut me up once I get going!!

Yeah...I hear you on this one Jen...my family thinks I have an unnatural obsession (but who do they call when they need WDW answers...MOI!)


I totally agree. I am just catching up on yesterdays events because I spent all of yesterday helping a friend plan a trip to Disney in November. My friend called me to ask a few questions and we spent most of the afternoon calling back and forth. This will be their first trip to Disney and I gave her some must know info - Make dining ressies(if you can still get one), arrive early at the parks(parks do close earlier than in summer months), get park hopper tickets, use fast pass, and last have a plan of attack. I think I blew her away because her plan was to get up, have breakfast and go to a park and get 1 park done per day with swimming in the afternoon. 4 days = 4 parks. I don't think she believed me at all about the dining ressies but I did get her to call and then all the calls started because she could not get the day/time/place she wanted so she kept calling back asking which one would I take etc. I wish that she lived closer because I told her I would have just drove over to her house and spent the day planning the trip. But atleast she is on the right path and has a couple of places to eat and has started to pick and choose which park to visit which days and what they want to do in each park. :cooldance: By the end of the afternoon, she asked if I would send over my sheets that I use to plan our trip - so I sent her over my Disney spreadsheet!

08-21-2008, 02:00 PM
Obsessive Planner of Other People's Disney Trips here too :blush:

I made all of my brother and SIL's ADRs for them for their first trip.......and then made all the changes too when they got down there and discovered how much they enjoyed the TS buffet restaurants (they have an 8 year old daughter who doesn't like kids food so the buffets were best)

And I helped him get a code by telling him to request the dvd and put his dates into the disney vacation planner on the WDW site........and I ran all his numbers to make sure he got the best deal.

And I gave them all kinds of advice...which ended up with me giving them a mandatory Disney planning meeting/class for 1 1/2 hours a few days before they left :rotfl:

Yes, I am a freak with way too much WDW knowledge. :blush:

But you know what? They had a great time and said that my information was invaluable! :cooldance:

08-21-2008, 05:49 PM
I feel for the family. They will be the ones to yell about how awful Disney is when they return home. I also love to talk Disney, have helped several folks plan trips. My sons have learned the value of planning before you leave home. They had a friend that went without a plan and they hated it all. DS19 gave them an entire speach about what to do and what not to do and how they had done it all wrong.

Pooh's Pal
08-21-2008, 09:16 PM
Love this thread! I just got off the phone with my Disney pal that I travel with quite a bit, she is going with her hubby in late September and just got an awesome rate from Alamo for her week rental...and she had to call me, cause she knew that I would be the only one that understood her excitement!

Funny I have a gal that works with me, heading down 9/19, 4nts, 1st trip, All Star Sports, Free Dining (I made all her ADR's or she'd have nothing!) and every-time I talk with her, she says things like, "So can I walk from the Magical Park to the other Kingdom?" "So do you think I'll get an upgrade to a nicer room at the hotel?" I want to die everytime asks me something or she says or tries to say the names of the parks! :rotfl:
And I've sent her countless emails, websites and lent her my guide books...?

Some people Just Don't Get It and Probably Never Will! :confused:

08-21-2008, 09:51 PM
I have a friend that is going for the first time in January. She has her flight but that's it. She has no idea about anything. How many days in the parks, places to eat, where to stay, etc. :eek:

So, I have alot of work ahead of me.:headache:

08-22-2008, 01:18 AM
Oh boy, are they ever in for a rude awakening.