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View Full Version : Things From Another World Increase

08-26-2008, 01:47 PM
I just found out that we got a commission increase for Things From Another World (http://www.sunshinerewards.com/shopping/ThingsFromAnotherWorldTFAW). So guess what? You get an increase, too! TFAW had its biggest month in sales last month...that goes to show what a huge variety of products they have. And now you can shop for 7% cash back. :)

08-26-2008, 01:51 PM
This is a great place to find a unique Christmas gift. In fact, my son is a sci fi lover who's into Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, comics etc. I may just have to start the Christmas shopping season early!

08-26-2008, 02:25 PM
You know, this is one of those merchants I have seen, but never really took the time to explore to see what they were about. Oh my.... considering that I have a couple of Batman and Superfriends fans in the house this is great!!! DH's birthday is coming up as well as Christmas and this will help tremendously!! He's terribly hard to buy for (well, and he likes expensive stuff) so this will help me find some little fun things for his gifts!! And an increased payout is awesome!:clap:

08-27-2008, 09:03 AM
I can see why they had a great month. I think I order 2-3 times in one week last month from them :rotfl: This is the perfect site for finding gifts for my son. His birthday is next month so I know I'll be heading back there again very soon!