View Full Version : Beauty.com Gift Certificate Contest

09-12-2008, 12:45 PM
As promised, I want to give away this $10 Beauty.com Gift Certificate. Given our talk in another thread about stirrup pants, I finally came up with the perfect contest.

Rules: Post in this thread your most memorable bad outfit. It could be something your mother dressed you in, the first outfit you got to pick out yourself, your prom dress, or even something you wore last week. Just describe it to us!!

Posts must be in this thread by noon Eastern on Saturday (tomorrow). That gives us about 24 hours. Cindy, Angie, and I will choose the best outfit description to win the contest.

Game on!!!

09-12-2008, 01:06 PM
I'll start by saying I still don't feel this was a bad outfit. I really liked this outfit.

However, no one else agreed. In fact I got the Dee Lite (http://www.ladykier.com/) Groovy Dresser award in the upperclassmen dorm my senior year of college b/c of this very outfit.

Picture, if you will, a periwinkle cotton tank top dress that went to just above the knees. And then picture rust-colored tights to go along with it. And then whatever shoes I had (quite often, b/c they "matched", my almost periwinkle Birkenstocks (let's remember this was western WA in the 90s, OK?).

To me? Fabulous!

To everyone else? Not so much. Not at all.


09-12-2008, 01:09 PM
In fifht grade I had a cardigan that was these little diamond pattern in orange, hot pink, electric blue, yellow and red. I wore it with a white turtleneck underneath, and purple cords.
This was paired with purple suede shoes, the front of my hair in braids, the rest loose (and brushed-my hair's wavy, so it wasn't as bad as if I had curly hair, but it wasn't good), purple glasses, and braces.

09-12-2008, 01:10 PM
I'll start by saying I still don't feel this was a bad outfit. I really liked this outfit.

However, no one else agreed. In fact I got the Dee Lite (http://www.ladykier.com/) Groovy Dresser award in the upperclassmen dorm my senior year of college b/c of this very outfit.

Picture, if you will, a periwinkle cotton tank top dress that went to just above the knees. And then picture rust-colored tights to go along with it. And then whatever shoes I had (quite often, b/c they "matched", my almost periwinkle Birkenstocks (let's remember this was western WA in the 90s, OK?).

To me? Fabulous!

To everyone else? Not so much. Not at all.


Can we all sing "groove is in the heart" God I loved that song.....I remember going to a frat party at Dartmouth and it was playing and I thought....this song was made for me!!!!!

09-12-2008, 01:13 PM
Go back to the mid-80's, I was in 6th grade and this outfit was so cool that year.

Black parachute pants that zipped down the front of both legs with gray in the unzipped part, Flourescent Green Sweatshirt, Flourescent Green lace trimmed ankle socks, Black open toed pumps.

This makes me cringe now, but at the time it was so in.

09-12-2008, 01:15 PM
my outfit stems back to 5th grade......

my cousin val and I got matching outfits

We had our Mork From Ork (silk screened picture of mork doing the nano nano sign) with our Mork rainbow suspenders......we had the coolest jeans (they had a rollerskate (shoelace included) on ONE back pocket and we wore our rollerskate shoes/sneakers with them, but when at school we wore our NIKES.

I look back at this outfit and bust a gut....what were we thinking.....we also feathered our dorothy hamel hair cuts and wore on single barrett (you know that ones with the laces woven on it with tails hanging down....rainbow colors of course to match our suspenders)

09-12-2008, 01:24 PM
Gulp...here goes. Think mid-late eighties.

Worst outfit I EVER had, hands down (and I had some doozies)...my green and black kitty cat outfit. Kelly green leggings (not so bad) with a kelly green and black flecked colored sweater...'member those sweaters?? They had a base color (usually black) and then a meshy top color weaved into it creating a salt and pepper look of sorts. I believe this particular sweater style was commonly displayed on (one of my all time favorite TV shows) Family Ties. Anyway, my green sweater also had a frightening looking cat emblazoned on the front (of course I thought it was darling at the time). So okay, we have ugly pants paired with an even uglier sweater. I had to have it when I saw it in the store. My Mother had one of those "this battle is not worth fighting" looks on her face and relented since it was cheap enough. Here's where it gets awful. Despite its ultra stylishness, the material was made from some type of crazy hot knit. When I wore it, I sweated like crazy (not normally a sweating type of person) and despite deodorant, this sweater made me rather unpleasant to be around. But I loved it and suffered through it (as did those around me apparently). After several wearings, the cheap knit fabric began to take on a permanent odor, despite washing, and my older DSis kept not so gently pointing that factoid out. But I wore it until it was threadbare. I look back and cringe. What the HECK was I thinking?! I'm amazed I had any friends.

Oh and if it couldn't get any worse. I was in 8th & 9th grade. Yeah. Not 3rd grade like you were probably assuming. Sigh. NOT one of my finer moments in life.

09-12-2008, 01:47 PM
Good Grief!

Ok..Ok.. here goes. Oh man I cant believe I am posting this. :o
Anyways here goes. I was in college, a dumb sophmore (who thought I was hittng the big time with the "upperclassmen" since I was NO LONGER A GREEN freshman. So I thought I would try to "fit in"
Most of the girls in the group had "big hair" you know the days when every one sprayed their hair to jesus.
Well I went through my closet trying to come up with a cool outfit. DOH!
And I pulled out my trusty pair of stirups with a god awful green BIG shirt with sometype of geometric design all over it. and a pair of black high heels.
Man I dont know what I was thinking. Anyway did the do. I really didnt realize how much hair I had but my hair ended up being higher than anyones I would ever admit( except for here). And my outfit to top it off made me look like I fell out of the "footLoose" movie backwards. :rotfl:
Whats worse... is after the day was over and I realized I was the joke on campus. And I tried to not ever think about it again.... I made it in the year book. Now mind you no name was ever mentioned But when I saw the title Dont forget "BIG HAIR and Bad Clothes" I knew it was me. And now everyone when they look and read thier yearbook I will be remember in history.
My dear DH has seen my college yearbook but he doesnt in no way know that it was me. :o;)

09-12-2008, 03:16 PM
I was in high school in the late 60's mind you...yeah, I'm that old!! Anyway, my very favorite outfit was my Tennis Sweater with the cable stitching and the navy and burgundy stripes on the V-neck and end of the sleeves and around the bottom of the sweater, you remember these don't you? :D I wore that sweater with my navy blue wool skirt with either navy or burgundy knee high socks, my white oxford button down shirt under the sweater and my (don't laugh).....navy and white saddle shoes....oh baby, it was the killer outfit, or so I thought.....I think I tried to wear that outfit at least once per week if it was clean. Oh, how I loved those saddle shoes!! :rotfl:

09-12-2008, 04:07 PM
I can't think of a whole outfit although I am sure I had plenty of interesting ones. But, I do remember the Guess jeans I wore in 5th grade. They were yellow with a floral print. Very colorful. I also pegged them!! Oh the horror!

09-12-2008, 04:24 PM
Ok, I just have to play too, but I think only the women around my age will get this.

I was going on a date, I was only 16, he was a college guy. I wanted so hard to look grown up and impress him. My mother who really wasn't all about me dating him anyway cause he was too old for me, took me shopping and bought me this peach colored pantsuit. Its not as if the color itself was horrific enough, but the material was this spongy stuff, it was horrific, but she made me wear it. It made this swishing sound everytime I moved. I still remember that awful outfit 36 years later. At least I can say that outfit didn't stick in the guys mind, I asked him a couple days ago if he remembered it and he said no...thank heaven I'm the only one with that awful pantsuit memory.

09-12-2008, 04:25 PM
Okay, here is my worst outfit. I was in sixth grade. I thought I looked cooler than cool. I have a picture I am going to see if I can dig it up and scan it. A white pair of stirups like you showed us. With the scrunchy white socks. High top reeboks. A white sweatshirt ten sizes to big that hung off the shoulder with splatters of hot pink, lime green, bright yellow, bright purple, neon blue paint all over it. And you had to top the outfit with a uneven ponytail on the side of my head, half hanging off. LOL!!! Everyone outfits are to funny. Good luck judging this Tricia!

09-12-2008, 10:31 PM
OK - I had the stirup pants. I had the flashdance inspired ripped off the shoulder sweatshirts. I even smahed my ample figure into skinny jeans.

Hands down winner - 5th grade. Red plastic (pleather) mini skirt with a matching pleather vest. This was paired with red plastic "go-go" boots. Somewhere in the house is a picture to prove it!

09-13-2008, 12:45 AM
OK yet another fad that I should have skipped. Units outfits. They were all the rage when I was a sophmore in HS and I HAD to have one. My Gmaw decided to fork out a small fortune to buy one for me. Remember these? The jumpsuit looked like a huge rectangle with little diamonds cut out under the arms to make them fit better :rolleyes: Then you would take one "belt" which was basically a strip of material that you scrunched around your waiste and used to blouse out the top. Then you took the zipper and pushed it down until it was near your bra strap and tied another belt strip in to a bow on your bra strap and tucked the side of the jumpsuit in so that you had a deep vee in the back with a bow at the center. There could not be a least flattering outfit in the history of time. tight arms and ankles and waist and miles of material everywhere else. Mine was BRIGHT BLUE and I used black or white belts to compliment it depending on if I were going to be wearing black shoes or white shoes. The shoes? well those pleather flats from payless that smelled horrible after you wore them a few times with no stockings. UGH! :blush:

m 'n c
09-13-2008, 12:58 AM
oh oh does my Tacky Prom outfit count? We did tacky prom with my sorority a few years ago and I found my dress at Goodwill. It was a black tank with a silver lambe skirt that went to the top of my knees. Talk about stylish. I paired that with some silver shoes, crimped hair, and electric blue shadow. If I had a scanner on me I'd scan my pics in because they were oh so fabulous. The dress went back to goodwill after the party.

09-13-2008, 03:21 AM
I got elected to be on Homecoming my Freshman year. Our highschool still does this. They elect a representative from each grade to be on Homecoming court. I wanted to look really different. I noticed in the stores that dresses were longer. In fashion for years was the mini-skirt, mini-dresses, etc.

I convinced my mom to buy me a red/black plad jumper style dress, with a black turtle neck sweater to wear underneath the jumper. The jumper dress had a wrap around skirt with a large gold "safety pin" to make it look like it was holding the wrap around skirt. The dress went below my knees. (Remember the mini-skirt era was just ending.) I got these big black, clunky heal shoes to match (Jimmy Walker-Dynomite)!!

I had these ugly silver round glasses, I had naturally curly hair and in those days, there were no gels or mouse and my hair looked like a big blond puff ball, because I wanted to get rid of the curls, so my mom used a blow dryer to try and straighten out my hair.

Anyway, all nite long, everyone asked me where I left my bag pipes. People thought I looked like a Scottish Bag Pipe Player.

09-13-2008, 07:41 AM
Stonewash jeans (the pair I just HAD to have for Christmas) neatly folded to the side tucked and rolled at the ankles so they fit tight with low black boots (think Madonna). A big light pink sweater with a low waisted belt that I didn't need, 10 necklaces and bangles and even bigger hair. Sigh....what a dork :D

09-16-2008, 03:49 PM
Was this forgotten about....did I miss the announcement with the winner? :confused:

09-16-2008, 04:53 PM
Voting is complete!! And although we thought all of your outfits sounded just TERRIBLE..... the winner is Jenvance!

Please file a Trouble Ticket and I will email you the gift card number. :)

And thanks to everyone for playing and sharing. It's fun to learn about everyone.

09-16-2008, 05:06 PM
Congratulations Jenvance for having the worst outfit! :rotfl:

09-16-2008, 06:29 PM
WOW I won something!! Thanks so much SR! Having the worst outfit finally paid off!!