View Full Version : unable to see survey?

09-12-2008, 10:28 PM
When I click on a survey, the page comes up completely white, and remains that way, even if I click refresh. Am I doing something wrong? Is there something I need to add to the trusted site, or turn something off? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

09-13-2008, 12:08 AM
Do you have a Mac? Are you using Firefox?

I ask b/c several people using Firefox on their Apple computers are reporting the same sort of problem. I don't know that any further common ground other than those two things (but not all people using Firefox on Macs have problems), and I don't know if any solution has been found, but if you fit those two profiles, you're not alone, at least.

09-13-2008, 07:15 PM
nope, not a Mac and using Internet explorer 7. I have Kaspersky for antivirus software- something Best Buy recommended above Norton's when we got the computer. . .I don't know. :computer:

I will probably have to track down a 14 year old to fix it for me. . .I would bet they could figure it out!!!!