View Full Version : jewelry savings plan charged me twice(?)

07-24-2007, 04:10 PM
Ok, anyone else notice this when they used the jewelry savings plan:

I was charged the $4.99 when I signed up. Two weeks later I was charged $4.99 again. I called them, and they explained it just looked that way online, that they really hadn't charged me twice, it was like a hold.

Anyone else have this happen? And if you did, did the first $4.99 come off your account? Cause I got a minus in front of both charges, and both amounts have been subtracted from the amount on my card.

Thanks for any help!!!

07-24-2007, 04:23 PM
I was charged twice also. I just noticed it today and I figured the first was a preauthorization that would fall off. Since I used my Obopay card I know that I won't see the first one fall off until 30 days has passed. I will see what happens soon since I did that one the first few days of July so by the first week of August I should be able to tell if it drops off.

07-24-2007, 04:37 PM
OK!! THANK YOU! That is what I used. I didn't realize that it took 30 days, thanks that eases my mind.:heart: