View Full Version : Pure Sleep

09-24-2008, 09:01 PM
i just saw this advertised on TV. Not sure if it is the same thing my sister got that cost her (at least her insurance company) hundreds of dollars or not, but it looks like it may be.

It is a mouth piece used at night to stop snoring. It has helped DSis, and from what I can tell, it would probably help me as well. I do not wake up feeling rested, and there are times in the night i wake up with the feeling air is closed off in my mouth. I would really like to try it.

So, Tricia, if you see any offers come through for Pure Sleep, I would get one for me and for my brother. DB is the worse snorer in the family. My poor DSiL has not had a good night's sleep in forever........


09-24-2008, 11:18 PM
depending on the cost, I would look into it for my hubby. :)

09-24-2008, 11:31 PM
the TV offer I saw was 2 payments of 29.95.

Well worth a try in my opinion.
