View Full Version : Kathie~ Thank You

09-29-2008, 03:12 PM
For your sweet card. It means alot, Your words of encouragement are appreciated so much.:sunshine:

09-29-2008, 08:00 PM
You're welcome. I've been thinking about you and your DD. Hope all is going ok.

09-29-2008, 09:42 PM
She seems do to be doing pretty well. I can tell some bit of a mood swing but not too much more. She's also starting puberty YEA! (:rolleyes:)
We are just trying to work on reconizing the medicine BEFORE attitude. :D

I did however finally break down at church on Sunday. And I realized this that she is going through will be a her blessing later. Meaning that she will come through this. God does have a devine purpose for her and he will work through this for her. How can I deny her that?
Yes as a mother we are so valiant at coming to our babies aide when they need us and we will fight tooth and nail to fix it. But there is a time and place when it is out of our reach and we have to trust his purpose.