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View Full Version : Anyone done the Lint B Gone offer?

Magical JenK
07-26-2007, 02:06 PM
Or have the Lint B Gone?? I was wondering how well the lint brush works!!


07-26-2007, 02:40 PM
Haven't done the offer, but I do have the product.
They work pretty well. If you have a lot of long term lint build up it can be pretty difficult to get out. Persistence is the key. For the less compact stuff it works great. Not sure how much they are selling them for as I can't see the offer (not available in my area) but I think I paid 15 dollars at the home show and got 3 brushes (different sizes)

Hope that helps.

Magical JenK
08-17-2007, 04:49 PM
Ok, I finally ordered my Lint B Gone...and I just have to say wow...perception is key!! Offer says $10 plus s&h...got the confirmation email & shipping is $15.90!! Re-read the offer & it's $7.95 processing fee & $7.95 handling fee! Well, I am getting two sets of two brushes, so it's not too bad really....plus $3.50 in SR!! That's great!!

08-17-2007, 05:33 PM
Do these work on cat hair? That is our biggest problem. 2 out of 3 cats are shedding nightmares. But, we love 'em.:love:

Magical JenK
08-17-2007, 05:39 PM
While I can totally appreciate cat hair & removal...I think you'd be very disappointed to learn that the Lint B Gone is to remove lint from your dryer!! :0) So unless your cats are getting into the dryer.....you may want to pass this one!!

08-17-2007, 05:53 PM
While I can totally appreciate cat hair & removal...I think you'd be very disappointed to learn that the Lint B Gone is to remove lint from your dryer!! :0) So unless your cats are getting into the dryer.....you may want to pass this one!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

08-17-2007, 07:26 PM
While I can totally appreciate cat hair & removal...I think you'd be very disappointed to learn that the Lint B Gone is to remove lint from your dryer!! :0) So unless your cats are getting into the dryer.....you may want to pass this one!!

Cat in the Dryer? Humm! I am not even going to say what i am thinking!

08-17-2007, 09:52 PM
While I can totally appreciate cat hair & removal...I think you'd be very disappointed to learn that the Lint B Gone is to remove lint from your dryer!! :0) So unless your cats are getting into the dryer.....you may want to pass this one!!

You don't know my cats, they go anywhere and everywhere and if they realized how warm a dryer could be, they would be there.:rotfl: But, gosh, I didn't look at the actual site, just assumed it was a regular lint roller. My dryer doesn't have lint. Well, it does, but it has a little basket I empty every couple days, no problem.

Magical JenK
08-18-2007, 02:18 PM
You don't know my cats, they go anywhere and everywhere and if they realized how warm a dryer could be, they would be there.:rotfl: But, gosh, I didn't look at the actual site, just assumed it was a regular lint roller. My dryer doesn't have lint. Well, it does, but it has a little basket I empty every couple days, no problem.

One of my cats does like to get into the dryer!! He's crazy!! But I make sure when he "helps" w/the laundry I make sure he's out before I shut the door!!

As for the Lint B Gone, it's brushes to get in further than the lint catcher on a dryer. Check it out! Perhaps you'll be swayed to buy one like me! I got $3.50 in my SR account in 1 hour & 15 min after doing the offer!! :cooldance:

08-20-2007, 05:36 PM
While I can totally appreciate cat hair & removal...I think you'd be very disappointed to learn that the Lint B Gone is to remove lint from your dryer!! :0) So unless your cats are getting into the dryer.....you may want to pass this one!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

You really have to stop this........I am constantly spitting my drink all over my desk.