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View Full Version : Doing and offer more than once

08-04-2007, 02:23 AM
I can see how people get all paranoid by duplicating offers. I myself am confussed. Because it seems like there are so many repeat offers that are alike. I might have seen it offered as a option yes/no on a previous survey. Then when I get to that offer on SR I wonder did I already do that. I have been keeping a very good record of all pending transactions and paid transactions. But it is still really difficult. I am just glad that we can see it marked as pending or paid with a big fat YES. Thanks SR for keeping it more simple. I would be so lost if you didnt make it so easy.

I just wish that there was a way to remove offers that you dont want to partisipate in. I really dont want to do most of the trials expecially if I would never use it or would be tempted to cance itl. And it would be nice to just be able to remove it completely so it wasnt in your way. Am I missing something that I dont know about? :sunshine:

08-04-2007, 08:43 AM
It's on our list of things to add in the next month or so. :)