View Full Version : Which survey do I need to adjust my age to what I WILL be in 2009??

01-13-2009, 04:05 PM
My birthday is in May and I recall last year learning that you needed to enter your age that you WILL be turning for either the GF or OTX surveys. I thought it was for OTX, but lately I have been getting booted out of GF surveys left and right after I enter my age...and I was wondering if I should be adding one to my age for GF's daily surveys. I could not find the info on any stickies. Thanks for your help!

01-13-2009, 04:17 PM
Last year it was OTX, but I've actually done a few OTX surveys this year and haven't had an age problem, so I don't think they are having that problem this year.

It's probably just that Greenfield wants a different age group for the surveys you're trying to do...pretty common.

But I applaud you for trying to find out if there's an actual problem! :sunshine2:

01-13-2009, 04:19 PM
My birthday is in May and I recall last year learning that you needed to enter your age that you WILL be turning for either the GF or OTX surveys. I thought it was for OTX, but lately I have been getting booted out of GF surveys left and right after I enter my age...and I was wondering if I should be adding one to my age for GF's daily surveys. I could not find the info on any stickies. Thanks for your help!

Thanks for asking this question. I'm interested in the answer too. In the past few days, I've been booted out of a couple of GF survey after clicking on my age too.

01-13-2009, 04:25 PM
It was OTX and I don't think they have the problem this year as I haven't been booted out after answering about my age.

01-13-2009, 08:44 PM
It was OTX and I don't think they have the problem this year as I haven't been booted out after answering about my age.

Thanks April. I thought it was otx but was confused that I wasn't having problems with otx, but was having problems with GF. Oh well..thought maybe it would be an easy fix...but I will just have to wait for more survey options.