View Full Version : Question about Credit Hold offers

08-09-2007, 01:08 PM
I know that for the bigger offers we have the credit hold. My question is in regards to when those post. For those offers that we actually done in July but are on credit hold, when they credit to our accounts on August 15th will our August total then increase by that value or will those be attributed to July?

08-09-2007, 01:36 PM
The should actually credit on that day. So everyone who did bigger offers in July will see a big boost in their accounts next week that will count toward this month's leaderboard.

08-09-2007, 02:22 PM
The should actually credit on that day. So everyone who did bigger offers in July will see a big boost in their accounts next week that will count toward this month's leaderboard.

That's what I thought. Thanks :sunshine:

08-09-2007, 09:40 PM
I have a question along these same lines. I signed up for the Boca Java offer (yum! I should get my first order within the next couple of days). On the Account History page this offer says "on hold til Sept 15." They automatically send the coffee every 4 weeks which is going to come faster than Sept 15. What *if* I don't like their coffee and do not wish to continue the service. Will I still get my credits if I cancel prior to Sept 15? I am hoping I will like it, as well as my husband. It is very convenient to have it delivered.

Tricia :sunshine:

08-09-2007, 10:31 PM
This will really depend. SR wont take back your credits unless Boca Java takes back your credits. By 9/15 SR will have received payment for those credits and the advertiser cant just recind and not pay. If you are following the terms of the trial...paying for the first shipment, cancelling if you dont like within the time period allotted then you should be fine. The things that might trigger a reversal of credits would be using a prepaid card, giving incorrect contact information, cancelling before your recieve your initial shipment. I dont know the exact terms of the offer but simply cancelling after you have tried it and dont like it are not necessarily going to get your credits reversed. The good thing is that by the time they post and are available you know they wont be going anywhere.

08-10-2007, 09:42 AM
Thank you! Yes, I am following the terms of the trial, have paid up front for the first shipment and am excited to taste the coffee so hopefully I will like it and this won't even come into play.

Thanks for replying!
Tricia :sunshine:

08-15-2007, 10:03 AM
I have a hotel stay "hold" that is listed at 0 credits. I'm assuming this was based on the reservation not the stay and will adjust to the real amount later -- is that correct?

I was so excited to be able to book a good rate through Sunshine Rewards! I triple-dipped on this one, too -- used my Discover card for 5% cash back and got points through the hotel chain's rewards program.

08-15-2007, 11:04 AM
I have a hotel stay "hold" that is listed at 0 credits. I'm assuming this was based on the reservation not the stay and will adjust to the real amount later -- is that correct?

That's correct. That means it tracked properly. YEA!