View Full Version : Kinda Freaked Out

02-12-2009, 07:05 PM
I just had a guy come to my door to talk to me about rolling over a 401K. I don't normally open the door to strangers, but the dogs were going crazy and was expecting one of my kids to be coming home from school.
I really don't like sales people or people that I don't know in general coming to my door. But I know for sure that he came to my door based on one of the offers from here. He said I had requested info and he read off the phone number given. It was a private number that I have set up just for offers that I do only on SR. So that sort of freaked me out. It's one thing if they call, or email me with offers. The emails go to a separate account so that is fine. But for some random person to come to my door solely on an offer that I filled out. That I am not real thrilled about.

02-12-2009, 07:08 PM
:eek: Oh goodness - sorry you were caught off guard. That wouldn't be fun at all.

02-12-2009, 07:29 PM
That is totally not cool. I don't blame you for being upset. Did he give you any info for the company or was he an independent? Even if he is an independent he is still a "rep" for someone. They need to know that he is doing that.

02-12-2009, 07:38 PM
I wonder what kind of offer it was? Maybe we can track it back to where it came from?

02-12-2009, 08:10 PM
I had something similar happen to me last fall. I happened to be outside and a woman walked up to me. She said she was here to give me the information I requested for fertilizing treatment. She told me I had requested it online - and since this is the only place I do those types of things, I knew it was for an offer here. I was very surprised they sent a rep out to make a home visit. The saleswoman was very, very pushy and even after I told her that I didn't realize that they were affiliated with another fertilizing company that we had an awful experience using hence my reason for not wanting to deal with them, she continued to push and give me all the reasons why we should use them.

I'm glad she only stopped by once. I better watch out for her as it's getting to be spring here soon.

I would have been freaked out if it was a man and I was home alone.

02-12-2009, 08:41 PM
oh wow that is very freaky. I have been getting the most weirdest calls on my cell phone today, but i dont give my cell phone out here so i dont know where they got it from

02-13-2009, 10:33 AM
I wonder what kind of offer it was? Maybe we can track it back to where it came from?

I can't figure it out. He said a 401K rollover, and I don't remember there being an offer for that. But maybe one company sells the info to another. Not sure.