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View Full Version : Disney GC cashout question

03-19-2009, 07:25 PM
I have been reading some of the other threads on here related to the cashout process for Disney GC's. I just want some clarification on the process. I am going to cash out for $600. We are leaving for our trip June 7, so I want to make sure they are here by then. Are the GC's being bought by SR and then mailed to us or are they coming from Disney themselves? Also, how long of a timeframe is it taking to receive them? If I cash out for $100 gift cards, will I pay the extra $0.42 for each card or $0.42 for all six?

Thanks in advance!

03-19-2009, 07:40 PM
I can help with some of your questions...but Tricia or another Sunshinefamily member may need to aswer others.

As of right now, I believe that the GC's are being shipped from Disney BUT I do remember Tricia mentioning she was going to change that again. As for the 42 cents for each card - I asked this and was told that as of right now you have to pay the 42 cents. They are hoping to change this. (http://www.sunshinerewardsforum.com/showpost.php?p=229130&postcount=2)

As for a timeframe 4-6 weeks is the normal time.

03-19-2009, 08:41 PM
I would still allow 6 weeks no matter what on any cashout just because sometimes things get delayed a couple of weeks by the post office. However, if you are cashing out for amounts over $250, there is NOT a charge on those because Disney will still have to send those directly.