View Full Version : Oh Tricia you are breaking my bank!

m 'n c
08-19-2007, 09:28 PM
I just had to take advantage of the Shoebuy code. I was doing well holding off the last few days but just had to buy some shoes to make myself feel better. I'm turning into Janet and Kathie! Not that that is a bad thing when it comes to shoes :rotfl:


08-19-2007, 09:36 PM
You're telling me!! Even SG wants to buy shoes from shoebuy now. LOL!

08-19-2007, 09:39 PM
Is shoebuy shiping anything extra with those shoes, that makes you so addicated to shoebuy.com or something.....:angel:

I know that that the offer is good, but.....

m 'n c
08-19-2007, 09:40 PM
At least I can wear these to work so I can't complain too much. I need to get Mike to check out shoebuy and see if there is anything he likes on there. I'm harassing him over his christmas list now so I can start shopping on here and earn some more disney gc's!

What is SG shopping for?

m 'n c
08-19-2007, 09:40 PM
Is shoebuy shiping anything extra with those shoes, that makes you so addicated to shoebuy.com or something.....:angel:

I know that that the offer is good, but.....

Nope its just the addiction us girls have with shoes.

08-19-2007, 09:43 PM
What is SG shopping for?

I'm guessing this.



08-19-2007, 09:44 PM
Nope its just the addiction us girls have with shoes.

Ok so its an estrogen thing! Just wanted to make sure i was not missing out on some included extra......

Magical JenK
08-19-2007, 09:46 PM
At least I can wear these to work so I can't complain too much. I need to get Mike to check out shoebuy and see if there is anything he likes on there. I'm harassing him over his christmas list now so I can start shopping on here and earn some more disney gc's!

What is SG shopping for?

Come on...share your shoes w/all of us!! I'm trying to be good too & there are some "fall" shoes I want from Shoebuy....perhaps I shouldn't be good & get them?!

m 'n c
08-19-2007, 09:49 PM
Come on...share your shoes w/all of us!! I'm trying to be good too & there are some "fall" shoes I want from Shoebuy....perhaps I shouldn't be good & get them?!

Yes get them. Please post the ones you are looking at. I was having a hard time deciding between plain black flats and the polka dotted ones I got (1st post). I can't wait until they get here!

Magical JenK
08-19-2007, 10:02 PM
Oh those are soooooooo cute! I love those! Here are my boring work shoes, but I still thing they're cute:


m 'n c
08-19-2007, 10:04 PM
Those look pretty comfy Jen. They look like they'd be a good pant shoe.

Most the time I wear the shoes into work and kick them off once I get under my conference table. At least with those ballet flats I won't be kicking them off at all!

Magical JenK
08-19-2007, 10:08 PM
Yeah, I thought they were cute! The polka dots are super cute...more to think about hmm...
You feeling better??

08-19-2007, 10:10 PM
I'm guessing this.



LOL!!!!!!! I'm going to have to show him this. LOL!

Unfortunately, nothing so exciting. Just some new athletic shoes to start breaking in before WDW. :)

m 'n c
08-19-2007, 10:12 PM
Yeah, I thought they were cute! The polka dots are super cute...more to think about hmm...
You feeling better??

Well the throat and ear aches are gone but I'm still all stuffed up. I have some nyquil to take tonight and hopefully I'll feel better in the morning. I had to quit taking the tylenol severe allergy/sinus as I was going to bed every 3 hours which wasn't working out too well. The shoes definetly did help though :)

Magical JenK
08-19-2007, 10:17 PM
Shoes really have healing powers don't they!!?? Well I'm glad some of the ickyness is gone!!

08-19-2007, 11:38 PM
I just had to take advantage of the Shoebuy code. I was doing well holding off the last few days but just had to buy some shoes to make myself feel better. I'm turning into Janet and Kathie! Not that that is a bad thing when it comes to shoes :rotfl:

I'm glad you added that last sentence in. One can never have too many shoes.

I had mentioned the other day that I was looking for a pair of shoes in sage green color. Good thing I looked in my closet first before ordering. I have some.......I just got. :rotfl:

Ok so its an estrogen thing! Just wanted to make sure i was not missing out on some included extra......

It's not estrogen. Go take a look Bryan. A while back DH need a new pair of sneakers for jogging and another pair of walking sneakers for WDW. I had him check out ShoeBuy........he found ones he liked..I ordered them and he loves them.

You can't beat free shipping and free returns and the Sunshine Rewards on top of that.

Besides..........who needs an excuse to buy shoes!!! :rotfl:

08-19-2007, 11:48 PM
I'm glad you added that last sentence in. One can never have too many shoes.

I had mentioned the other day that I was looking for a pair of shoes in sage green color. Good thing I looked in my closet first before ordering. I have some.......I just got. :rotfl:

It's not estrogen. Go take a look Bryan. A while back DH need a new pair of sneakers for jogging and another pair of walking sneakers for WDW. I had him check out ShoeBuy........he found ones he liked..I ordered them and he loves them.

You can't beat free shipping and free returns and the Sunshine Rewards on top of that.

Besides..........who needs an excuse to buy shoes!!! :rotfl:

Well I know guys buy and wear shoes, but i know i only buy shoes when i must! not just the have another pair! or to have a pair to match x!

But yes you can not beat the offer and wish i still needed some crocs or had found sr sooner so i would have saved on my crocs. just glad i did get free shipping and free return shipping and no tax when i did but a specail sr coupon and SR back would have been nice!

Besides ..........I can always find an excuse no to buy shoes!!!!!!

All of this shoebuy talk did get me to find out that shoebuy sells Baggallini and i had been thinking about a Baggallini messanger bag since all that talk started. just my luck the sunshine coupon works, but they dont sell black! Now my choices are navy, red, or lime(only because its the dis color) I really want black mabey they will stock it soon before my time and the offers run out! only $28.xx and 13% back not a bad deal!

08-19-2007, 11:49 PM
Ok so its an estrogen thing! Just wanted to make sure i was not missing out on some included extra......


Meanwhile, I see that you're looking at a Baggallini?:p :angel:

oh, you posted about it before i got my post in! goes to show i shouldn't tease people, it never works!

08-20-2007, 12:02 AM

Meanwhile, I see that you're looking at a Baggallini?:p :angel:

oh, you posted about it before i got my post in! goes to show i shouldn't tease people, it never works!

ok sorry!
why the :p :angel: for the Baggallini

now on the the Baggallini messanger sling thing I want to know why they are not labled unisex and are labled womens! just like why are most crocs labled womes but have mens sizes too! Why can't guys get black Baggallini messanger sling and why can't shoebuy have them in black. i like my little mission space black messanger sling.

08-20-2007, 12:08 AM
Why can't guys get black Baggallini messanger sling and why can't shoebuy have them in black.

They probably did but all the guys bought them!!! :rotfl:

Get navy if that is the only dark color they have. DH carried the sage green one....more like an army green. I prefer black too but people carry all different colors of bags. I don't think anyone will pay that much attention to unless it was hot pink or bright yellow or even DIS green.


08-20-2007, 12:11 AM
They probably did but all the guys bought them!!! :rotfl:

Get navy if that is the only dark color they have. DH carried the sage green one....more like an army green. I prefer black too but people carry all different colors of bags. I don't think anyone will pay that much attention to unless it was hot pink or bright yellow or even DIS green.


OK i will make sure i never get a bright yellow, hot pink, and now you had to go and ruin Dis Lime Green.....:computer: Thanks..... Anything!

I guess navy would not be too bad! Just black goes so well with anything.

Those guy and wanting black bags!!! i called dibs first!!!

08-20-2007, 01:39 AM
OK i will make sure i never get a bright yellow, hot pink, and now you had to go and ruin Dis Lime Green.....:computer: Thanks..... Anything!

Sorry........you really shouldn't listen to me.........just get what color you like.

I guess navy would not be too bad! Just black goes so well with anything.

Those guy and wanting black bags!!! i called dibs first!!!

Yes you did!! Whatever you get........you'll like it. :sunshine2:

08-20-2007, 10:01 AM
My Baggalini is red and DH had no problems carrying it at the zoo. It isnt really a feminine looking bag so I think anyone can carry it really.

08-20-2007, 12:52 PM
I love Shoebuy-- maybe a little too much! Ordered the Propet Wash-n- Wear Slip on Walking Shoes this weekend. I was 'needing' a new pair of walking shoes. I may need to look into a Baggalini, too ;-)
Thanks Tricia for the amazing discount offered through SR. :sunshine2: :