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View Full Version : Are the payments late or have I been missed?

08-21-2007, 06:36 AM
I cashed out for paypal 08/02/2007 and my account says it has been paid.This is my first cashout and I have not been paid once.Is Sunshinerewards late paying this month or did I somehow get skipped and why does my account say paid when I was never paid? :(

My username is sunshine4mealwayz

08-21-2007, 07:20 AM
We've paid all but two of the cashouts from last month. We tried to email you at the address listed on the account. A couple were held up because they were flagged by the advertisers. Normally, those get resolved within a couple of days (all advertisers go through the possible fraudulent transactions by the 30th--that's why a number of other sites now hold the payments until the 30th of the month). It doesn't look like you did any suspicious offers. It's probably that you did so many small ones so fast and then cashed out for cash and then stopped doing offers altogether. That always raises a flag for them.

As long as you didn't give false information or duplicate offers that you have done before, I would expect that we would have a green light within the next week on both of the two cashouts that are being held up.

08-21-2007, 07:47 AM
Well,I would think it would be normal to not do anymore offers until I knew I was getting paid.I did not know that there was a waiting period between offers.How long are you suppose to wait between signing up for offers?

08-21-2007, 08:39 AM
There isnt a waiting period. When you complete alot of offers in a short period of time the advertisers will flag your account. They have just found that one of the red flags for people who are committing fraud is that they complete ALOT of offers in a short time and then cash out for cash. This doesnt mean that you committed fraud just that the advertisers flagged your account and they have to verify it before they will release your funds and let Tricia release them. Usually we have found that if you do the offers a few at a time and wait for them to credit before completing more offers will not only help you to get more credits but will also keep your account from getting flagged by the advertisers. I'm sure that once Tricia verifies that all of your information is correct and that you didn't repeat any offers you will see your funds moved. HTH and congrats on your first cashout!

08-21-2007, 09:01 AM
Well I used the same name and address on all my signups and even provided my home phone no on them all. All listed in the phonebook under my name.I did use a different email in some offers as some I like to keep my email free from extra possible spam.When I completed an offer I put it in the pending section so I would not redo it in the future.I keep all the ones I have signed up under there so I don't have to worry about redoing them.

08-21-2007, 09:06 AM
I dont see any reason then why your payment shouldnt be released in the next few days like Tricia said. Im sure if there is an issue Tricia will contact you at the email you gave them when you signed up for SR. Keep checking that one.

08-22-2007, 06:01 PM
Thanks for the payment Tricia.You look sooo familiar.You wouldn't by any chance have lived in Ohio have you?:)

08-22-2007, 06:47 PM
I haven't lived in Ohio, but I have spent a LOT of time there. I worked for LexisNexis outside Dayton for 7 years. And we just went to King's Island last week. LOL!