View Full Version : Sunshine Rewards Disney Cruise

08-22-2007, 09:53 AM
Sunshine Rewards Disney Cruise

We are happy to announce that we have come up with a date for the Sunshine Rewards Disney Cruise. After taking into account many factors, we have settled on October 23, 2008. The cruise will depart from Port Canaveral Thursday afternoon and visit both Nassau, Bahamas and Disney's private island, Castaway Cay. The ship will return to Port Canaveral on Sunday.

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions that we already anticipate:

Why did we pick this date? The holiday schedule for 2008/2009 really threw a wrench in things. The only applicable cruises would have run into either Christmas Eve or New Years Eve and been almost twice as expensive.

What is the price? The published prices start around $900 for 2 people or $1500 for a family. We will be getting a group discount but will not know how much that will be until we commit to a certain number of cabins.

Who is invited? All SR members and friends and family are invited. Everyone who books initially will get the group discount. However, people who decide to go later will NOT get the group discount and prices will get higher the closer that we get to the cruise.

Is SR doing anything special for the cruise? We are negotiating a big contest that will start in October and run into 2008. It will include shipboard credits and maybe even a cruise. On the ship, we will be having a meet and greet. And each person cruising with us will get a special souvenir.

Can we pay with Disney Gift Cards? Yes! You can pay with cards that you cash out through us or cards that you buy through GiveFun.com to get the cashback discount.

What do we have to do next? We need to know how many "definites" and "maybes" that we have. If you are a definite, you will have to put down a $200 deposit per person with the travel agency within the next couple of weeks. The deposit can be applied to a later Disney cruise if you change your mind. If you are a maybe, we will just need your name. In either case, we need to start getting a count so that we can find out how much our discount will be. If you are either a definite or a maybe, please send your name and the number of cabins that you will need to us via the email address listed on the Contact Us page. Balances for the cruise will not be due until next summer.

08-22-2007, 09:58 AM
Until DH gets back in to town, I will call us a maybe! but that will change, I am sure!!:angel:

So exciting!!


08-22-2007, 10:03 AM
Tricia I assume that when you say $1500 for a family you mean a family of 4??

We have not considered a cruise b/c of the problems of finding a good rate for 2 adults and 4 children :(

Do any of you experienced cruisers know the best way to handle it?? :confused:

08-22-2007, 10:08 AM
Tricia I assume that when you say $1500 for a family you mean a family of 4??

We have not considered a cruise b/c of the problems of finding a good rate for 2 adults and 4 children :(

Do any of you experienced cruisers know the best way to handle it?? :confused:

I think that the most people you can have in ANY of the cabins, including the family cabin is 4. Depending on how old your kids are, can you do two connected rooms on the inside?

08-22-2007, 10:10 AM
I think that the most people you can have in ANY of the cabins, including the family cabin is 4. Depending on how old your kids are, can you do two connected rooms on the inside?

Yes, that's what we do with hotels that don't have suites for 6. So with cruising I have to pay for 2 adults in each room and then 1 child in each, is that correct? I recall when I was doing research on cruises before that you have to pay adult price for the first 2 people in a room, regardless of age?? :confused:

Magical JenK
08-22-2007, 10:14 AM
How very exciting!! That sounds like a lot of fun! I've heard the Disney cruises are fun for all, but any SR's ever go w/o kids? We're non-parents so just wondering how it is for couples...well, couples who love Disney of course!

08-22-2007, 10:16 AM
Here's a link to the actual page:


SunshineCindy and her DH will be there without kids. :)

And actually, the travel agent that is working with us right now said that she and her husband, who do not have kids, have been on like 5 Disney cruises and love them.

08-22-2007, 10:24 AM
Sounds fun, but I'm not sure if we will be able to go. $900 per couple is a bit steep for us for 3 nights. I'm curious to see what kind of discounts you get though.

08-22-2007, 10:25 AM
And here is a link for you to see what kind of shipboard activities there are on the 3 day cruise:


Martini tastings and wine tastings for the adults. Big shows at night. Pirates of the Caribbean deck party. :) Keep in mind that this one is from July 2007, so things will definitely change. But it gives you an idea of what is included if you have never been on one.

08-22-2007, 10:28 AM
Here's a link to the actual page:


SunshineCindy and her DH will be there without kids. :)


What, you aren't going?

I don't even like kids and I'm going on this cruise. :rotfl:

08-22-2007, 10:32 AM
I am definitely interested but for me it would have to be a solo trip. Anyone interested in sharing a cabin with a 30-something, somewhat normal mom of 2?

08-22-2007, 10:35 AM
Put us (2) down as a maybe. We would be a couple without kids.

We've been on the Disney cruise several times with and without kids. There is plenty to do for Adluts without children and Disney is very good about keeping children out of the 'Adult only' areas. Castaway Cay has an Adults only beach. Nice!!

08-22-2007, 10:41 AM

I'll split the cost of the 2nd room with you and we can put one of my kids and two of your kids in it. I wouldn't extend this offer to just anyone but because you're my sister, I guess I can do it. :rotfl: I can think of another sister who would love to be the fourth in the room... Let me know.

How very exciting that a cruise is now officially in the works!! I can't wait!!

08-22-2007, 10:43 AM
I am definitely interested but for me it would have to be a solo trip. Anyone interested in sharing a cabin with a 30-something, somewhat normal mom of 2?

WOuld we be able to split teh 900 if we did share a cabin Tricia? My husband is too busy in October to go so I would consider rooming with someone. Put me down as a maybe. We are saving for Disney Jan 2009 so this is real close to that. We'll see.

08-22-2007, 10:44 AM

I'll split the cost of the 2nd room with you and we can put one of my kids and two of your kids in it. I wouldn't extend this offer to just anyone but because you're my sister, I guess I can do it. :rotfl: I can think of another sister who would love to be the fourth in the room... Let me know.

How very exciting that a cruise is now officially in the works!! I can't wait!!

Thanks for the offer, I'm sure that 3 kids (especially ours :confused: ) in a room would be interesting. :rotfl:

Actually, now I'm wondering if it would be best to do this cruise for our anniversary weekend, but you know how guilty I would feel not taking the boys. :(

m 'n c
08-22-2007, 10:45 AM
We can't go :( Mid-October is right when 3rd quarter hits and so we will be chained to our desks. Oh the fab life of 2 auditors!

Will this be an annual or every 2-3 year type thing? I'd love to go and meet everyone and a disney cruise would be a blast. The timing is just bad for us right now.

08-22-2007, 10:47 AM
WOuld we be able to split teh 900 if we did share a cabin Tricia? My husband is too busy in October to go so I would consider rooming with someone. Put me down as a maybe. We are saving for Disney Jan 2009 so this is real close to that. We'll see.

Yep. So it would be about $450 a person.

08-22-2007, 10:47 AM
We can't go :( Mid-October is right when 3rd quarter hits and so we will be chained to our desks. Oh the fab life of 2 auditors!

Will this be an annual or every 2-3 year type thing? I'd love to go and meet everyone and a disney cruise would be a blast. The timing is just bad for us right now.

If it goes over well, I am guessing that we will continue to do things like this. :)

08-22-2007, 10:48 AM
Thanks for the offer, I'm sure that 3 kids (especially ours :confused: ) in a room would be interesting. :rotfl:

Actually, now I'm wondering if it would be best to do this cruise for our anniversary weekend, but you know how guilty I would feel not taking the boys. :(

You could actually take the boys and still make it special for your anniversary. How old is your youngest? We did so much just the two of us last time--dinner at the adults-only restaurant, the martini tasting, a trip to the adults-only beach. And our kids didn't care because they were having so much fun themselves at the Club!

08-22-2007, 10:51 AM
How very exciting!! That sounds like a lot of fun! I've heard the Disney cruises are fun for all, but any SR's ever go w/o kids? We're non-parents so just wondering how it is for couples...well, couples who love Disney of course!

My DH and I did the 4 night as part of our honeymoon (no kids yet) and we absolutely loved it. My DH was hesitant, he thought it was going to be like WDW. He was surprised at how you could avoid the kids after the intial boarding. You would love it.

08-22-2007, 10:53 AM
You could actually take the boys and still make it special for your anniversary. How old is your youngest? We did so much just the two of us last time--dinner at the adults-only restaurant, the martini tasting, a trip to the adults-only beach. And our kids didn't care because they were having so much fun themselves at the Club!

Our youngest will be 4 1/2 by then. That would be awesome to be able to do adult things alone together and know that the kids are having a great time too. That's definetly one of the most alluring aspects of a Diseny cruise for us. :sunshine:

08-22-2007, 10:55 AM
Our youngest will be 4 1/2 by then. That would be awesome to be able to do adult things alone together and know that the kids are having a great time too. That's definetly one of the most alluring aspects of a Diseny cruise for us. :sunshine:

That's why we love it. We can do our own thing and the kids can do theirs. Then we can get back together for breakfasts and (sometimes) dinner. We always sit the night before with the navigator and pick out what things we want to do apart and what things we want to do together. Plus a little down time for the kids to relax if they are going to be staying up late.

08-22-2007, 11:16 AM
We can't go :( Mid-October is right when 3rd quarter hits and so we will be chained to our desks. Oh the fab life of 2 auditors!

Will this be an annual or every 2-3 year type thing? I'd love to go and meet everyone and a disney cruise would be a blast. The timing is just bad for us right now.

My husband is a CPA, that is why I would have to go solo. :)

this is also why our Disney trips are in January. He can have vacations during summer and January. :)

08-22-2007, 11:17 AM
Yep. So it would be about $450 a person.

Thanks. If I see someone else wanting to share I may through this out to hubby.

If not I may have to wait until the next SR cruise. :)

08-22-2007, 11:20 AM
Sounds so nice. I would like to go. DH couldn't because of vacation. But I wouldn't be allowed to go solo or with one of my kids....don't get me started on that......But everyone else have a great time!


08-22-2007, 11:44 AM
Sounds like fun... can't do it from Florida... but if you decide on one from CA in the future... count me in.

Have fun

08-22-2007, 12:05 PM
WOOT! The Famous SR Cruise is Hapining!

I will be in the Mabey asile right now, just priced that out for one person and OUCH!!!! Anyone want to split a room.....

This does sound like fun, wonder it it falls on the 2008 pin cruise date....

I am going to have to be very busy on SR to pay for this!!!!!

08-22-2007, 12:52 PM
Ok we are a family of 5 so does that mean I need 2 cabins for us? What kinda of cost does that make 2 adults and 3 kids? Man I shoulda held off on that last child (JOKE!!!!!) I will talk to Brandon tonight but we are a definite maybe and if we can work out this cabin thing it shouldnt be a problem at all.

08-22-2007, 12:58 PM
I think at this point we would be a definate maybe. I would probably be able to use 2 personal days for work, since the cruise doesn't leave till Thurs. afternoon. Does Disney have transportation from the airport to Port Canaveral? We would have to fly in that am if we were to go. Do you need a passport??

Oh, I have lots of questions. I guess I will have to talk to dh. Don't know if we would do the two of us or all three of us or not.....

08-22-2007, 12:59 PM
Ok we are a family of 5 so does that mean I need 2 cabins for us? What kinda of cost does that make 2 adults and 3 kids? Man I shoulda held off on that last child (JOKE!!!!!) I will talk to Brandon tonight but we are a definite maybe and if we can work out this cabin thing it shouldnt be a problem at all.

I'm interested too (maybe) if you can get the price/options for a family of 5.

08-22-2007, 01:04 PM
If anyone has ever been on one of these cruises could you please just answer a few questions for me my daughter will be three this dec so almost four if we go on the Sr cruise. Is there alot for her to do? What is the kids club like for them? I seen the pics but just wanted to hear from someone who has been there and done it:) Other then them few questions were in may take a month or two with us to get the deposit since we leave for disney in 35 days and counting :cooldance:

08-22-2007, 01:25 PM
Ok we are a family of 5 so does that mean I need 2 cabins for us? What kinda of cost does that make 2 adults and 3 kids? Man I shoulda held off on that last child (JOKE!!!!!) I will talk to Brandon tonight but we are a definite maybe and if we can work out this cabin thing it shouldnt be a problem at all.

As a family of five, you can book a category 4 stateroom or a suite if you want to be in one room. The cheaper alternative would be to book connecting category 10 (inside) or 8 or 9 (outside) cabins. Since you can pick your staterooms, there is no stress about "can we get connecting rooms?". The first two people in each room count as adults (regardless of age), so you would be paying for four adults and one child if you booked two rooms. From what I have read on the DIS, it is still cheaper than the category 4 and you get two bathrooms!

Wish we could go, but we went in January, are going again in October, and are going to WDW in April! DH is Disneyed out!

08-22-2007, 01:48 PM
Add us to the maybe list. DH and I are celebrating 20 years next year and we talked about doing a cruise. With a Disney cruise, I am not sure what we would do with our children. It would be nice to have them at home with grandma but I hate to leave them at home with her. Decisions, decisions, decisions.

08-22-2007, 02:19 PM
Wish we could go, especially since we would be able to celebrate our 10 year anniversary during it. But I'm pushing to go to WDW in January 09 and I don't think I could do both.

Have fun!!! :sunshine:

08-22-2007, 02:28 PM
Augh. $600 in a few weeks, when in a few weeks we'll be at Disneyland....augh.

We'd be a maybe.

08-22-2007, 03:02 PM
I think at this point we would be a definate maybe. I would probably be able to use 2 personal days for work, since the cruise doesn't leave till Thurs. afternoon. Does Disney have transportation from the airport to Port Canaveral? We would have to fly in that am if we were to go. Do you need a passport??

Oh, I have lots of questions. I guess I will have to talk to dh. Don't know if we would do the two of us or all three of us or not.....

Disney does have transportation from the Orlando airport to the port. As long as you take the first flight of the morning, you should be fine. You can start getting on the ship at around noonish, but it doesn't really leave until about 4. And the van ride from the orlando airport to the port doesn't take long.

08-22-2007, 03:04 PM
If anyone has ever been on one of these cruises could you please just answer a few questions for me my daughter will be three this dec so almost four if we go on the Sr cruise. Is there alot for her to do? What is the kids club like for them? I seen the pics but just wanted to hear from someone who has been there and done it:) Other then them few questions were in may take a month or two with us to get the deposit since we leave for disney in 35 days and counting :cooldance:

There is a TON of stuff for kids that age to do. My older daughter went for the first time ON her 3rd birthday and had a fabulous time. Last time, mine were 3 and 5 and we could hardly get them to spend time with us they spent so much time in the kids club.

The kids club does different things depending on the day. The days that we are en route and in the bahamas, they would spend in the special kids areas of the ship. They have characters come and teach them dances, they watch disney movies, they make tons of crafts, etc. The day that we are at Castaway Cay, they have a special kids' area AWAY from the water. But they play in the sand, have treasure hunts, and play water games.

08-22-2007, 03:10 PM
Okay were in when is the latest that we can put the deposit down for the room? Things here are a bit crazy we had some bad storms two weeks ago all kinds of trees came down and insurance dont cover nothing "act of god they say. And we also have our disney trip next month:) I talked to Dh and he's all for it as long as it's not all women:minnie:

08-22-2007, 03:27 PM
Definitely not all women. LOL! At least Sunshineguy and Sunshine stepdad will be there. Maybe even a Sunshine FIL. And a couple people who have RSVPd so far have said they are bringing spouses.

It will likely be a couple of days before we have everything hammered out with All Seasons Travel. And then at that point they can tell us how long the block of rooms is good for. I would have to think that they would give us at least a few weeks, if not a month to get all of the deposit money in. And I think she said something about needing the first two names on each room but the 3rd and 4th could be added later. I'll have to check on that. So it may mean that we only need deposits on the parents.

08-22-2007, 03:33 PM
I am pretty sure my dh will be going too!! Someone will have to watch the kids while mommy is tasting Martinis! :rotfl:


08-22-2007, 03:37 PM
A month and deposits on only two adults, with more to be added later, would be a Good Thing.

But still a maybe. :)

08-22-2007, 03:38 PM
Sounds good I'm sure you'll let us all know as soon as you know something else :) We've never done a cruise before mostly because dd was so young but time goes by so quick I can't believe she's going on 3! I let dh know it's not all women so he will be fine. One more question not sure if anyone here knows or not do they have wi fi on the cruise ship. Three days without the net to him will cause him to have a heartattack:rotfl: He is a It manager for a health system here so he likes to keep up with his emails etc at night or else he will come back to so many he wont know what to do. I'm sure Tricia know's the feeling:) He took off two days last week came back and there was 485 diffrent requests from dr's etc so he was very happy going back to work :computer:

Soccer Princess
08-22-2007, 04:26 PM
Okay what are the prices for the different room categories? DH will not stay in an inside cabin, no matter what lol. We are maybes right now, depending on when the deposit and everything is due! :)

08-22-2007, 04:45 PM
I am a maybe for now for a family of 4

Will have to toss up some figures here

08-22-2007, 04:47 PM
Oceanview rooms look to be about $400 more. Of course, that is before our group discount. So they may be even less than that (they SHOULD be less than that).

Wi-Fi: Disney has a couple of different options. I have heard that it has been changing a lot in the last couple of years. I think you can buy wifi access or you can pay a set amount to use their laptops while you are in the lounge. It seems that with each year, their options get better and better.

08-22-2007, 04:50 PM
I am a maybe for a family of four. I will show DH when he gets home if it is not too late. I got excited just looking. :mickey: :minnie: :cooldance: :sunshine:

08-22-2007, 04:53 PM
One thing I will also add. The last time we cruised, we booked in February for an October cruise (9 months) and pretty much got exactly the cabin that we wanted. We're looking at this 14 months out. So although the very best cabins are already taken, we should not have any problem with choosing mid-ship cabins, cabins on certain decks, etc.

08-22-2007, 04:54 PM
I keep readingthis and I sososo want to go. So much to think about, being here on the west coast I would have to leave Wednesday. Who would watch my kids? Justthinkingout loud.
Tricia, What is the cost for 1 adult 2 kids if I had to take them? I have my passport but none of my family members do so that adds on to the price if they went, but O, how I want to go!

08-22-2007, 04:59 PM
I was going to talk to dh about this when he came home for lunch but it was crazy and I forgot. I have $150 in Disney gcs I could but down and I bet we could come up with the other $50 in the next few weeks. The main problem is that we have been saving to go to Disneyland then. We can change that around though. Wilsonfamily of 4, if you just come with the kids, you know our kids could play together. It sounds like their is a ton of kids activities so you would get alone time.

08-22-2007, 05:08 PM
How exciting!!! I'm a maybe .. Have to run past dh...

08-22-2007, 05:11 PM
How exciting!!! I'm a maybe .. Have to run past dh...

you are going to run past him? better run slow or he won't hear it all.:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

08-22-2007, 06:30 PM
Would we be able to add days at Disneyworld to this?? That would also take care of our Disneyland trip that was scheduled for then. We could just switch to DW.

08-22-2007, 06:47 PM
As a family of five, you can book a category 4 stateroom or a suite if you want to be in one room. The cheaper alternative would be to book connecting category 10 (inside) or 8 or 9 (outside) cabins. Since you can pick your staterooms, there is no stress about "can we get connecting rooms?". The first two people in each room count as adults (regardless of age), so you would be paying for four adults and one child if you booked two rooms. From what I have read on the DIS, it is still cheaper than the category 4 and you get two bathrooms!

Wish we could go, but we went in January, are going again in October, and are going to WDW in April! DH is Disneyed out!

Hi Mary!!!

08-22-2007, 06:50 PM
I am pretty sure my dh will be going too!! Someone will have to watch the kids while mommy is tasting Martinis! :rotfl:


That's what the kids' club is for Lydia! :rotfl:

08-22-2007, 06:51 PM
Would we be able to add days at Disneyworld to this?? That would also take care of our Disneyland trip that was scheduled for then. We could just switch to DW.

Definitely. I already told the agent that we would likelyhave people that would want to make this a Land and Sea package and WDW onto it. It's really easy to do.

08-22-2007, 07:00 PM
Hi Tricia -- put us in as a "Maybe". I wanted to cruise in January of 2009, but depending on how this year goes we might just do this instead. How fun!!!!

08-22-2007, 07:12 PM
Thanks Tricia. Will you be able to let us know the prices for land and sea or do we need to talk to the travel agent?:)

08-22-2007, 07:15 PM
Thanks Tricia. Will you be able to let us know the prices for land and sea or do we need to talk to the travel agent?:)

Probably everyone will end up talking to the travel agent. What they are doing right now is negotiating the group rate with Disney. Once they get the rate, we will all call them individually to make ANY reservations that we need (including transfers or whatever else). Even if you just want to talk to them in general about the specifics of the cruise, how the deposits work, etc., you will be able to call them. We have had them book our last two Disney cruises and they are just awesome.

08-22-2007, 07:18 PM
Thanks Tricia. Will you be able to let us know the prices for land and sea or do we need to talk to the travel agent?:)

DO IT DO IT!!!! You would love WDW. I mean you would love disneyand too but you would love the WORLD! And if you are doing the cruise your airfare is already done.

I really don't think we can do this years cruise. I think I need to wait until the next one. We are saving to buy DVC and then going in January 2009 so I think we will have to be wise and say no. But boy will I be wishing I was with you all. Maybe if I win some big money. :)

08-22-2007, 07:18 PM
This sounds like so much fun. I am going to have to do some thinking. I know my son's couldn't come because of school, but that is the semester that we had talked about my oldest doing the Disney College Program. If that happened I could go to Disney for free! With no teens in tow I would be a single. Guess I'm a maybe.

08-22-2007, 07:21 PM
I'm a definate maybe. Wouldn't mind sharing a cabin if someone is up for that.

08-22-2007, 07:23 PM
I just wanted to chime in and say that I'm going to be extremely jealous of all you as you get ready for your cruise! We won't be able to join as we'll be getting off one in Sept of '08 and planning a family Disney cruise in January of '09. We LOVE cruising and this December is our 3rd Disney cruise. I worked for another cruise line (which I also love!) but I must say that Disney REALLY knows how to do it, from the sail-away party to all the little events that happen on board. I'm going to need to make sure that I now check with Tricia for the dates of the NEXT(!!!!!) SR cruise before any other plans get made!!!!

(btw, the weather in Cabo is WONDERFUL!!!!!)

08-22-2007, 07:30 PM
Oh, how I would love to go!! I don't know if I can justify the plane tickets (for 5 people) for a 3 night cruise. Especially since we will be at Disneyland in October 08.

When will you know what the discounts are? Maybe DH and I can come (just for the cruise) or maybe I could convince a girlfriend to come with me.

I would put me down as a very slim maybe:rotfl:

08-22-2007, 07:33 PM
The land and sea one sounds really good:)

Soccer Princess
08-22-2007, 08:36 PM
Okay if we are cruising -- we need to keep up the exercise challenge so we will all look like hotties in our bikinis while we are lounging by the pool and sipping our daquiris! :)

08-22-2007, 09:25 PM
I'm sorry I won't be able to go, we are going this year and next year will be my son's first year in kindergarten so I would feel weird taking him out of school for a vacation after starting less than 2 months before. This does sound like a lot of fun though!

08-22-2007, 09:48 PM
Oh, how I would love to go!! I don't know if I can justify the plane tickets (for 5 people) for a 3 night cruise. Especially since we will be at Disneyland in October 08.

When will you know what the discounts are? Maybe DH and I can come (just for the cruise) or maybe I could convince a girlfriend to come with me.

I would put me down as a very slim maybe:rotfl:

Switch your DL for WDW, and you're set! :)

FWIW, I'm also having a problem with the 3 day thing; on my own I would never go one such a short one... So I would *have to* add more on to make it worth it to us.

08-22-2007, 10:46 PM
Hmmm this would give me reason to justify buying an annual pass for our Dec 07 trip. we could cruise in Oct 08 and do disney (free tickets!) on the same trip!
Put us down as a maybe - family of 3 (dd will be 4.5).

08-22-2007, 11:47 PM
I am seriously considering this cruise.........I will turn 40 next July, so this can be an extra gift to myself. Trying to convince one of my friends to come along with me (although my girls would love it, I think the 3 day one would be better for us 2 older gals to enjoy)

Put me down as a maybe..............

08-22-2007, 11:52 PM
where's the contact page?

08-22-2007, 11:56 PM
never mind i found it, but it says it disabled due to spam, so I'm putting my maybe, (75%sure we will) 2adults 2 kids, 1 cabin. would like lnd and sea

08-23-2007, 02:43 AM
here's a 80% maybe. I'm going just not sure if Dh will be or if I have to drag some poor kicking and screaming soul onboard with me. So as soon as I talk to a couple of friends and see who wants to go, I'll switch this to a definite.

08-23-2007, 10:09 AM
kinda new here, but this sounds like a great idea! dh and I have been talking about a dis cruise for oct 08 anyway.

i think we'll be a maybe.

i saw a question asked, but didn't see an answer. do we need passports?

08-23-2007, 10:25 AM
I would love to go but we are a family of 5 how does that work for the cabins, would we have to upgrade.


08-23-2007, 10:30 AM
Put me down as a maybe. I've really been wanting to do a Disney cruise. I don't know about DH - he gets motion sickness (hates the buses at Disney) so I've never been able to talk him into a cruise.

Anyone who has experience with motion sickness ever been on a cruise?

08-23-2007, 10:36 AM
Put me down as a maybe. I've really been wanting to do a Disney cruise. I don't know about DH - he gets motion sickness (hates the buses at Disney) so I've never been able to talk him into a cruise.

Anyone who has experience with motion sickness ever been on a cruise?

I am a total motion sickness person! There are definitely some tips and tricks. We try to sleep toward the middle of the ship so that it doesn't rock as much. A 3 night is a little bit harder because they move a little more during the day. It seems like on the 7 night, they moved mainly at night (except 1 or 2 days).

I have less trouble on the ship than I have in the passenger seat of my car for some reason. LOL! I can take about an hour on a plane before I start to feel icky. But the Disney ships are so big and have so much support under them that you don't tend to feel much unless you are in bad weather or they are having to go really fast to make up time.

08-23-2007, 10:39 AM
I would love to go but we are a family of 5 how does that work for the cabins, would we have to upgrade.


It looks like it is actually cheaper to get two connected cabins. But the All Seasons people would definitely be able to tell you better. It might depend on the ages of the kids as well.

08-23-2007, 10:41 AM
I am a total motion sickness person! There are definitely some tips and tricks. We try to sleep toward the middle of the ship so that it doesn't rock as much. A 3 night is a little bit harder because they move a little more during the day. It seems like on the 7 night, they moved mainly at night (except 1 or 2 days).

I have less trouble on the ship than I have in the passenger seat of my car for some reason. LOL! I can take about an hour on a plane before I start to feel icky. But the Disney ships are so big and have so much support under them that you don't tend to feel much unless you are in bad weather or they are having to go really fast to make up time.

Thanks Tricia - I'll see if I can talk him into it.

08-23-2007, 10:44 AM
Are passports needed?

08-23-2007, 10:55 AM
Are passports needed?

Passport Requirement Update (http://disneycruise.disney.go.com/dcl/en_US/myCruise/landing?name=PassportDetailPage)

http://adisneycruise.disney.go.com/media/dcl_v0206/en_US/media/_global/modules/promotions/Passport_BrandFeature.jpg (http://disneycruise.disney.go.com/dcl/en_US/myCruise/landing?name=PassportDetailPage)
The U.S. Government has extended the deadline requiring all Guests — including children — to carry passports on cruises throughout the Caribbean, including the Bahamas and Mexico, to as early as January, 2008. Because this date is subject to change at any time, visit My Passport Page (http://disneycruise.disney.go.com/dcl/en_US/myCruise/landing?name=PassportDetailPage) to learn how to apply for a passport now, and to discover the benefits of having one.

I would say about a 99% Chance that you MUST have a Passporter to Board the SR Disney Cruise!

08-23-2007, 11:05 AM
Okay then well Dh has one already so that's one less we have to get :)

08-23-2007, 11:09 AM
Where have I been??????

How exciting and so nice of you Tricia to plan it during Noblesville's usual Fall Break! :cooldance:

DH is out of town right now so I cannot give any kind of definitive answer yet but please put us down as a maybe for 4....

Question: Would it be a possibility if DHs Dad and his girlfriend come with and get the same discount that we get? They were just here this weekend and we talked in depth about going all together and this would be just great!!!!

So, I guess we would be a maybe of either 4 or 6 depending....

08-23-2007, 11:13 AM
Question: Would it be a possibility if DHs Dad and his girlfriend come with and get the same discount that we get? They were just here this weekend and we talked in depth about going all together and this would be just great!!!!

Absolutely. Anyone that we bring with us will get the discount.

08-23-2007, 11:22 AM
I would like to suggest everyone start reading the Cruise board over at Dis, it is a plethora of info and it is a good way of chaning maybes into a firm yes.

We cruise in Sept, so we will have to pass. :( But the rest of you are going to just adore cruise.

08-23-2007, 11:23 AM
Tricia do they plan on giving you a quote for land and sea also or just for the basic package and then we call? I'm so excited though dh is stressed as we have our disney vac next month and i'm already talking about another trip lol. He's not a big fan of disney so hopefully all of you on the ship can brain wash him :rotfl:

08-23-2007, 12:45 PM
Tricia do they plan on giving you a quote for land and sea also or just for the basic package and then we call? I'm so excited though dh is stressed as we have our disney vac next month and i'm already talking about another trip lol. He's not a big fan of disney so hopefully all of you on the ship can brain wash him :rotfl:

SunshineCindy is NOT a fan of Disney. So I had to spend some time last night convincing her. LOL!

You'll work with them directly to get the price on your land and sea because you can do SO many different things (number of days, which resort, transfers, etc). You'll really be able to customize the whole trip.

Soccer Princess
08-23-2007, 02:17 PM
And the great thing if you make it land/sea is that the Food and Wine Festival and MNSSHP will be going on at WDW during that time! :)

08-23-2007, 02:23 PM
And the great thing if you make it land/sea is that the Food and Wine Festival and MNSSHP will be going on at WDW during that time! :)

I have never don WDW in OCT How are the speciasl and the Rates, Usually i only fit in a september free dinning and value trip, But i would so love to do this curise and all this talk about a land see and since i would paid for the air already.... and never done Food and Wine Fest! Ohh! So much to think and crunch!!!!

08-23-2007, 02:40 PM
Aside from the first week in December, October is my favorite time to do WDW. I love, love, love MNSSHP. The weather is warm during the day and breezy in the evenings. The lines are not bad at all. Maybe we can compare notes after you go in sept and I go in Oct. LOL!

08-23-2007, 03:05 PM
Aside from the first week in December, October is my favorite time to do WDW. I love, love, love MNSSHP. The weather is warm during the day and breezy in the evenings. The lines are not bad at all. Maybe we can compare notes after you go in sept and I go in Oct. LOL!

Sounds Great I am about 90% Sure i am going to have to do a Trip Report for you all so you should get all the notes you would need, but yeah i would love to know what to expect for oct, with our SR oct cruise next year!

08-23-2007, 03:42 PM
One thing to do at Nassau is visit Atlantis!!! It's a great place. They have gambling there plus a really nice aquarium. You'll have to visit the beaches also. Just beautiful.

08-23-2007, 04:43 PM
:( :( Right now I will have to say no...can't take the days off from school or take DD out of school. Thanks for doing this though!

08-23-2007, 04:54 PM
We were just talking about doing a land/sea package for next Oct and I just got my Disney Cruise CD in the mail.

Have a question...is that hurricane season?

Tricia - Please put me down for a maybe with 2 adults and 2 kids.

08-23-2007, 06:09 PM
We were just talking about doing a land/sea package for next Oct and I just got my Disney Cruise CD in the mail.

Have a question...is that hurricane season?

Tricia - Please put me down for a maybe with 2 adults and 2 kids.

It's the tail end of hurricane season. It's my understanding that the hurricanes VERY rarely affect the cruises though. And we were at WDW during a hurricane last year and it was actually pretty cool. They held the parks from being opened until 1pm and then kept them open until midnight. An no locals showed up so it was empty!

08-23-2007, 07:30 PM
With all the :sunshine: on board a hurricane wouldn't stand a chance!

08-23-2007, 07:41 PM
With all the :sunshine: on board a hurricane wouldn't stand a chance!

:rotfl: Very witty!

08-24-2007, 11:33 PM
just had to say, i think i have dh 90% convinced! yay!
i just gotta try to save up the money. we will be at wdw in march '08, so that gives me 6 months, i should be able to do it!

08-25-2007, 07:46 AM
Okay, so we have 2 maybes here...but leaning toward definitely. It would just be DH and myself. :sunshine2:

08-25-2007, 08:45 AM
One thing to do at Nassau is visit Atlantis!!! It's a great place. They have gambling there plus a really nice aquarium. You'll have to visit the beaches also. Just beautiful.

Ya, been there three times, lost three times. :(

08-25-2007, 11:53 AM
This sounds SO fun!! I am very tempted but it would mean dd missing 2 days of school and she tries to get perfect attendance every year. I will have to do some thinking on it!!

08-25-2007, 11:58 AM
This sounds SO fun!! I am very tempted but it would mean dd missing 2 days of school and she tries to get perfect attendance every year. I will have to do some thinking on it!!

Have you DD think of it as a in the field test, of ideas learned! or an independent study extended weekend! or a ...

you get the idea. My brother and sister as of next week would have missed the frist week-two weeks of school for the last four years, three of them because of disney vacations, and every year they are among the top students of their classes!

So have i sold you on haveing DD missing a few days of school for a disney cruise yet????

08-25-2007, 12:27 PM
I wish that we were closer to florida and perhaps we could go. I will have to say that we are a no. :cry: But we will think of all of you. And what the family doesnt know wont hurt them. LOL We will be going to Disneyland the end of November. :cooldance: Hope you all have a wonderful time!

08-27-2007, 11:55 AM
Yippee! Yippee! Yippee!

Put me down as a definite yes :cooldance: . I couldn't talk DH into it but he said he didn't care if I went without him, so I'm going anyway. I will also be bringing my oldest DD (will be 8 at the time) and my Dad who is a cruise lover and a Disney lover and never been on a Dis cruise before.

I'm can not wait -- I'm going to have to start checking out the DIS cruise board now.

08-27-2007, 01:06 PM
For those of you going with a family for 3 or 4, the Cat 12 and Cat 11 rooms do not have the toilet and sink separated, but the Cat 10 on up do. There isn't a whole lot of difference in price, maybe 40.00. Would you be more interested in the Cat 10 on up or the Cat 11 and 12.

08-27-2007, 01:11 PM
IF we can get the deposit together, and IF nothing gets in the way of our going (we would be getting insurance this time), we wouldn't need a separated toilet/sink (our 3-then-4 year old will likely still be barging in anyway, LOL), so I've only been thinking of the very lowest category. BUT if the prices you're negotiating are much more amazing than the prices you can get quoted through disneycruise.com, than I could probably be convinced to move up one or two in categories...

08-27-2007, 01:24 PM
i would like at least a cat. 10

08-27-2007, 04:26 PM
We just finalized our plans. YEA!!! Turns out that everyone will have 30 days to place their deposits to get the rates. I'm working on putting all of the info together as we speak. I think that everyone will be very pleased!

08-27-2007, 04:35 PM
:cry: :cry: I wish the flight was cheaper!! I wanna go! Shoot, the flight's price range will be out of my reach for awhile. I'll never make it to Florida! DARN IT!!! :cry: :cry:

Okay I'm done whining and being a cry baby. LOL

08-27-2007, 04:43 PM
We just finalized our plans. YEA!!! Turns out that everyone will have 30 days to place their deposits to get the rates. I'm working on putting all of the info together as we speak. I think that everyone will be very pleased!

I'm so excited!!!!! Can't wait to hear!!!

08-27-2007, 04:46 PM
I cant wait to hear!

08-27-2007, 05:26 PM
:cry: :cry: I wish the flight was cheaper!! I wanna go! Shoot, the flight's price range will be out of my reach for awhile. I'll never make it to Florida! DARN IT!!!

Well you do have over a year. :)

I had my aunt come out from the Daytona area, to Seattle, in '04 (right before Mem Day weekend no less) for something like 99 each way on SW. Add some bucks for the extra cost of fuel and whatnot, and IMO it's reasonable. Same price as going to San Diego right now without a Ding...
(editing again to add...good gravy. if this were '08, I could get a Ding today for 64 bucks each way each person, to Orlando from Seattle. Yowza that's good!)

But flights are WEIRD, and sometimes the farther you go, the cheaper it gets!

I am waiting anxiously to see if it's deposit on two adults or for everyone.

30 days...hmm. 21 days we'll be spending everything at Disneyland...

But maybe we'll have to catch a less expensive RCCL cruise at the same time and just wave at you all, or meet up at Atlantis or something. :sunshine: Now actually, that would be funny!

08-27-2007, 05:56 PM
I can't wait to see the finalized plans either!!! :) Patiently waiting.... :)

08-27-2007, 06:00 PM
Put us down as a maybe. Family of 7 :minnie:

08-27-2007, 08:38 PM
Can't wait to hear the details... :) One good things is that it'll give us more then a year to save up.

08-27-2007, 10:06 PM
We just finalized our plans. YEA!!! Turns out that everyone will have 30 days to place their deposits to get the rates. I'm working on putting all of the info together as we speak. I think that everyone will be very pleased!

i can not wait to see the details and the rates, BTW when does the 30day clock start!

WE need another ticker!!!!!!!

08-27-2007, 10:16 PM
Check the new thread in the Cruise section. :)

08-27-2007, 10:56 PM
Check the new thread in the Cruise section. :)

WOOT off to read the details!