View Full Version : Circuit City back on-line

06-02-2009, 09:24 PM
I got an email a few days ago that Circuit City is back on-line. Is there any way SR could get them back?

m 'n c
06-02-2009, 09:34 PM
I think they are under new ownership and I don't see any mention of an affiliates program. I also think they failed to pay out on SR shopping (ALOT of money) so I'm not sure if SR will want to add them back.

Have you tried some of the other electronic stores? I know they all sell slightly different items but I am really loving buy.com for their sales and bestbuy for the instore pickup + SR credits.

06-02-2009, 09:34 PM
It's only *sort of* Circuit City. They are now owned by the same people who own Tiger Direct. So they are using the same logos and customer lists, but the products and prices are different. I'm sure that they will start up a program before too long.