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View Full Version : Taking my rewards to WDW...

08-29-2007, 12:34 PM
...I realize there are SR members out there that earn quite a bit more in rewards than I do, but I just had to brag that after my redemption last week, I have hit the $150 mark in Disney gift cards...$125 of which will be going to WDW with me in October ($25 was used as a birthday gift for my SIL). I am very excited because I think about the effort that I put into earning these rewards...a little internet shopping, some paid clicks, Sunshine scratch-off, and a daily survey...and then I think about the pay off!

Thanks SR, Tricia, Cindy, and everyone who makes and keeps SR going day to day...the members, the vendors/companies, etc.


08-29-2007, 12:46 PM
WOOT! :party: :party:

Its not all about how fast or who can earn the most, you earned $150 thats $150 you did not have or plan on haveing! That will be a great to have at disney well the 125, btw great idea using the gc as a gift!

I know i will have $100 SR disney gc when i go in three days, i would not have earned so much if ti was not for trica, and sunshine team, the great encourgment from the fourms, and the community we have! SR has been really additcive for me!

Those paid clicks scratch-offs and daily surveys do add up very quick, and the shopping well if you were going to buy it anyways might as well earn a few credits buy clicking a link on sr first!

Have a great trip in October! enjoy WDW and your SR gift cards!

08-29-2007, 01:22 PM
There's something liberating about spending a gift card, isn't there? It's like you can get whatever you want with it and feel no guilt at all!! And what better way to spend your time in Disney? Guilt free!!!