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View Full Version : P90X

07-25-2009, 11:20 AM

Brandon is dying to get that new workout system P90X. Do you know of any stores we carry that might have it? I googled it and saw that Amazon has it but do you know of any others? I would love to get cash back on this since it isn't a cheap product.

m 'n c
07-26-2009, 01:26 PM
My cousin has been using it. She has really liked it. I'll see if I can find it anywhere else online for you.

m 'n c
07-26-2009, 02:02 PM
QVC.com has it with the resistence bands but not the chin up bar. You should be able to get one that is similar to theirs from Sears or similar.

07-31-2009, 05:48 PM
Just saw this offer come through!!! We should have it up in a few minutes. Not sure on payout yet.

08-01-2009, 10:45 AM
P90X is finally here and active at Sunshine Rewards!!! Earn $15.00 on your purchase of the most talked about fitness program available today!

08-01-2009, 05:17 PM
OK I think we are going to go ahead and do this one. I am just wondering though. It says 3 monthly payments. How does this work? Do they take out a payment on the date of purchase each month? Does it come out on another day? I just want to make sure I have it budgeted for the payments and I can't find any info on the site about it. Anyone ever do this type of thing before?

08-03-2009, 01:02 PM
OK I think we are going to go ahead and do this one. I am just wondering though. It says 3 monthly payments. How does this work? Do they take out a payment on the date of purchase each month? Does it come out on another day? I just want to make sure I have it budgeted for the payments and I can't find any info on the site about it. Anyone ever do this type of thing before?

I'm sorry, Janet, after doing a lot more research on this one, I found that we are unable to offer incentives on the P90X. I've deactivated the offer for now. Should something change, I'll reactivate it immediately.

I've heard so much about it that I'd love to try it myself. Hopefully we'll have access to it soon.

08-03-2009, 04:18 PM
No problem at all Angie. I was still doing some more research on it myself. I just don't know if he is motivated enough for it. I guess eventually we will try it out. I just couldn't find out everything I wanted to know from the website or from other sites that talk about it. Talk about hush hush LOL

m 'n c
08-03-2009, 04:22 PM
What do you want to know about it Janet? I can email my cousin for you and see what she says. She and her husband finished the program not too long ago (but still do it).

08-03-2009, 04:34 PM
What do you want to know about it Janet? I can email my cousin for you and see what she says. She and her husband finished the program not too long ago (but still do it).

I'm also interested in hearing more. Did your cousin and her hubby like it? Did they do it to lose weight or to gain muscle? Did it work? Was the program easy to stick to?

Okay that's all I have for now.......:rolleyes: I would really like to hear about it from someone who's done it, though. I am seriously considering getting this, from the ads I've seen it really looks like it would keep me motivated.

Also really hoping to see the offer posted again, it would be great to get cash back.

08-03-2009, 04:40 PM
My biggest question is what will we need BESIDES the 12 DVDs it comes with. I saw something about a chinup bar...where the heck would I put that in my house???? I also saw resistence bars. But the I saw on the website and a guy was holding weights! How do I know exactly what we need to do in order to complete all of the exercises.

m 'n c
08-03-2009, 04:40 PM
I'll shoot her an email and ask about those things.

They are both relatively thin people to begin with so I think they did it to gain muscle. I don't see them often enough but from what I've heard from other family members is that they did improve their muscle tone. My cousin did say she started out not being able to do a pull up (her husband had to help lift her up) and at the end she was able to do 60 or 80 pull ups unassisted. I'm not sure if that is consecutive pull ups or if they are full pull ups, etc but she noticed that difference.

They did not do the diet program so I know for sure they can't comment on it.

m 'n c
08-03-2009, 04:43 PM
My biggest question is what will we need BESIDES the 12 DVDs it comes with. I saw something about a chinup bar...where the heck would I put that in my house???? I also saw resistence bars. But the I saw on the website and a guy was holding weights! How do I know exactly what we need to do in order to complete all of the exercises.

Ok. I can definitely check on that. I know for sure that I saw a rack of weights in their home. I'm not sure if they got them for this program specifically but they showed up around the same time they started this. They also had the chin up bar. You could probably get away with the Iron Gym chin up bar (available in Sears stores - SR merchant) and it fits in your doorway, no nails needed. Resistence bands - I didn't notice those in their home but they might have used them.

The QVC version of P90X comes with a set of those but you can get them separately at Target.