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View Full Version : offers pending credit help

07-28-2009, 11:35 PM
Is it normal to have almost 40 items in your offers pending credit?? It feel like my stuff has not been crediting lately... My surveys are but not my offers??? Help??:love:

07-29-2009, 08:07 AM
It's normal to have a lot of offers in your pending list. Can you check your account history to see if any have creditted lately? Part of it will depend on how many offers you are doing per day (I think it's reccommended you do no more than 5 a day) and some just don't want to credit for certain people. Are you clearing cookies? Are you giving the offers a chance to credit before doing so?

Since you can retry offers after 30 days, I try to clear offers older than that from my pending list. Even if I don't retry right away, it makes the list a little shorter and less intimidating.

Keep in mind that every goes through dry spells with offers not creditting too. Hope this helps some!

07-29-2009, 10:02 PM
Hi! Thanks for your help. I am clearing my cookies, but may be to often. Could that be the case?? I have read so many forums and everyone is real specific about clearing cookies that I have been doing it after every survey and offer..... How often should I clear? Thanks again for your help!

07-30-2009, 07:51 AM
That certainly could be the case. Try to wait until at least the top of the hour to give offers a chance to credit (often those auto credits come through by like 10 after the hour.) If there's still no credit at that point, I'd try to give it another hour or two, then it's probably ok to clear cookies.

Good luck!

07-30-2009, 10:54 AM
I don't think it is necessary to clear cookies several times a day. I usually clear first thing in the morning and then once during the day and only then because I do the daily survey and my husband does the SM survey and since they are both GF surveys my info is in the system. I clear cookies and then he does his survey. Besides that I don't think it is necessary to clear cookies so often. You should also make sure you are spreading out the offers. Only do 1 quiz addict a day etc. This means you wont need to clear cookies as often and it gives you a better chance of getting credit. Hope this helps.

m 'n c
07-30-2009, 11:39 AM
Ooh 40 sounds like a lot. I try to keep my list to no more than 15. That does mean that I only do about 1 freebie a day maybe 2 at most. I remember last year Tricia mentioned to try and limit it to 5-7 freebies a week and make sure you aren't doing the same ones back to back (ie the quiz ones that were mentioned above). Maybe try doing less and see if you have any luck.