View Full Version : Question about Illuminations

09-07-2007, 05:16 PM
Does anyone else shop with Illuminations? I always order Halloween things for the holiday and all of its festivities. Halloween is huge at my house from pumpkin carving weekend to Tiffany's pumpkin patch and the haunted yard. Is it possible to get this on the shopping list?

Have a great day! Thanks for ahead for your time! :pumpkin:

m 'n c
09-07-2007, 05:22 PM
I can't help you with adding them but I can give you a tip when you are looking to see about adding merchants. At the bottom of most websites where it has the footer links (contact us, about us, etc) some sites have a link for affiliates. Normally that is an indication if we can get them on SR or not :)

09-07-2007, 05:30 PM
Thank you so much M'n'C. You have been so helpful to me on many things. I greatly appreciate it. One day I will be a pro! :)

But not today, as I was looking for another place, Illuminations was there. I do not know how I missed it. (Maybe it was hiding on me) I am quite embarrassed. Shhh. Can I use the excuse that I am tired from my first week back to school? So Sorry!

09-07-2007, 05:36 PM
I think I have some coupons to add for them as well. So you may want to wait on shopping for a day or two and I can see what I can find for you. :)

09-07-2007, 05:45 PM
Thank you very much for the heads up on some coupons! I will hold off on my order just in case. Thanks for all you do!!

m 'n c
09-07-2007, 05:48 PM
Thank you so much M'n'C. You have been so helpful to me on many things. I greatly appreciate it. One day I will be a pro! :)

But not today, as I was looking for another place, Illuminations was there. I do not know how I missed it. (Maybe it was hiding on me) I am quite embarrassed. Shhh. Can I use the excuse that I am tired from my first week back to school? So Sorry!

I was a very lost and confused newbie at one time and it was preforum so I know where yall are coming from! I don't mind helping when its an answer that I know.