View Full Version : DW Tickets

10-04-2009, 10:44 PM
Has anyone ordered Disney World Tickets from DW Tickets?

Can I get your feed back?



10-05-2009, 07:25 AM
Have you checked our newest merchant, Mouse Unlimited?

10-06-2009, 12:52 PM
Thanks Tricia. I hadn't checked Mouse Unlimited.

But I still need to know if anyone has ordered from either of these merchants.


m 'n c
10-06-2009, 12:56 PM
There have been tons of threads on DWTickets. A forum search should be able to get you a ton of threads and reviews on the shopping experience.

10-08-2009, 10:49 PM
Thanks Tricia. I hadn't checked Mouse Unlimited.

But I still need to know if anyone has ordered from either of these merchants.


I have to be honest here - I can't beat them. Authorized Disney Travel Agencies (like us) have to sell legitimate, full-priced Disney Theme Park Tickets. We can't buy them wholesale or acquire them in any other way.

The commission paid to us agents for standalone tickets is pretty slim (thus my tiered cash-back chart). If I offered tickets at DW prices, I'd be losing money on every sale.

DW Tickets is a ticket broker. They buy tickets wholesale through intermediaries or affiliate programs at bulk rates, and then re-sell them.

I can't say whether they're legit or not. I don't know what the legal status is of their tickets - but I'm sure they're OK or they wouldn't still be in business.

If you're comfortable buying Disney tickets from a non-Disney source, I can't offer any valid argument to not shop there.

10-08-2009, 11:07 PM
They are legit. I have purchased from them twice, and never had a problem. I believe both times it took less then a week to get them.