View Full Version : surveys not crediting?

10-07-2009, 09:46 PM
Is there somewhere specific I need to post, or someone I need to contact if the surveys don't credit?

I completed and AMP and a Greenfield recently, one Monday, the other Tuesday.
Neither one has posted, yet.

TIA for helping out this newbie.

10-07-2009, 09:49 PM
If you completed two different types of surveys and neither credited, I would start by going through the stickies and try the suggestions about cookies and settings. Then if it still isn't working for you, we can try to pinpoint the problem more closely. Usually it is just a cookie or setting issue though.

10-08-2009, 08:35 AM
The first thing to know is that these surveys track using different means so for both the Daily Survey and the AMP survey not to credit means there is a problem somewhere in the process of how you are doing the surveys or with your computer settings.

Daily Surveys credit using your SR userid and not cookies. It is very rare for a DS to not credit if you get to the page that says "Congratulations you have completed the study!" So, my first question is did you get that page for the one that didn't credit? The most important thing to remember for the DS credits is to use the same information for the demographics and email information everytime you take the surveys. If you do not get the SR Congrats page it could be that there is a technical issue with the survey and you can report those using the link at the bottom of the daily survey page. If you get a white 'thank you' page it means the survey credits on some sort of delay and you may not see the credit the next day but Greenfield assures us you will see them at some point.

AMP surveys credit using cookies on your computer. When you start the survey a cookie is set on your computer and when you get to the end and recieve the AMP thank you page it sets another cookie and you will recieve credit within 2 hours of taking these. If it doesn't credit within 2 hours then it is not going to credit (unless you check the forums and see a thread about posting issues for AMP which Tricia will post as soon as she finds an issue and these are very rare). In order to get credit for these you have to have your settings on your computer right. Make sure that your Internet Explorer (the preferred browser for SR) settings under Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy and Security and make sure you have your settings set to allow 3rd party cookies and set your security lower so that you aren't blocking cookies. Next make sure you clear your cookies before you start to take an AMP survey. You will need to clear cookies between each time you take an AMP survey. I usually clear cookies in the morning and take my Daily Survey and then my AMP survey. Once you take your AMP survey wait for it to credit. Do not clear cookies again after taking it but before it credits. If you do you will lose the cookie and the credit. Make sure you don't have other programs open when doing surveys and offers. Not everyone has an issue but I have found some programs interfere with my credits so it is better just to close everything out. Clear cookies. Open SR and do your surveys. Wait for the AMP to credit on the hour (sometimes the 2nd hour) and then move on to doing whatever else you need to do. I hope this helps and if you have any other questions please ask and we will help as best we can. Good luck!!!

10-08-2009, 06:27 PM
Thanks jnorth and Tricia!
Being new, I know I'm gonna make mistakes. But, as long as I learn something from it....then it's all good:sunshine2:
Thanks again

10-08-2009, 07:20 PM
Thanks jnorth and Tricia!
Being new, I know I'm gonna make mistakes. But, as long as I learn something from it....then it's all good:sunshine2:
Thanks again

We're always happy to investigate as much as we can. Most of the time we get it figured out but we just have to jump through some hoops. :)