View Full Version : Some not-so-positive press

09-13-2007, 07:02 PM
Apparently, the fact that we make you all very happy with our customer service can actually bite us in the butt. Check out these comments to the Indianapolis Star


This is my favorite:

"There's something fishy about the Sunshine Rewards web site.

First, whoever the person is who owns and runs the site, they have chosen not to identify themselves. This is often an indication of a shady business.

Second, in their forums, all the comments seem to be positive; almost as if one person has created multiple logins to hype the company. Many of the entries are over the top praises of the program; and most don't read like typical forum postings.

Instead of running free PR announcements for the company, Star reporters should be investigating this company. "

I'm going to go back to hiding my identity now.

09-13-2007, 07:08 PM
How utterly ridiculous, you unknown person, you!:rotfl:

09-13-2007, 07:10 PM
People like that just urk me! GRRRR! Sorry Trisha

09-13-2007, 07:13 PM
You gave them a great reply!!! Now, if we need to post also, just let us know.

09-13-2007, 07:13 PM
Good gracious!!! People are so skeptical and cynical these days!!! Just because your members are happy, something must be fishy??? Give me a break!!! Forgive us for being a warm and fuzzy community where everyone gets along and has fun helping each other earn money!

The one guy is right though...you ARE a marketing mastermind Tricia!!

Blessing and Miracle
09-13-2007, 07:15 PM
Sunshine Girl,

Don't you dare go into hiding! Keep your head up and definitely keep doing what you're doing! My mother always told me, "When people talk about you, that means you must be doing something right." You can't make everybody happy, and besides the main people are happy---your members!!! Maybe those in doubt will come to the site and be nosy, and if they do---they too will be hooked! Again, you're doing a wonderful job and keep letting the sun shine into the lives of so many others!!!!:sunshine:

09-13-2007, 07:18 PM
I will tell you what I learned recently from my pastor, "What other people say about you is none of your business" :rotfl: In other words you cant let other peoples view of you determine choices you make. Keep it up! You are a model business person and its shocking to most that there are still people like that out there.

09-13-2007, 07:19 PM

I for one am glad it's not like other forums! I prefer nice and helpful people to nasty ones.

And for someone who hides their identity we sure know an awful lot about you and your family!

09-13-2007, 07:19 PM
This was MY favorite comment

Tricia Meyer
Louisville, KY

Reply ยป
10 hrs ago

Hello. I am the owner of this company. I can tell you that the actual press release has all of my contact information, including my Fishers address and my cell phone number. In addition, a reporter from the Noblesville Times was just at my house yesterday to do a story that is supposed to be running today.

A lot of our members in our forum are very pleased with our company, but we do mess things up now and again. You'll see a lot of complaints about people not getting credit automatically for things, but we try hard with our customer service to address the complaints.

I wish that the Star would have contacted me to get more information. The Times went so far as to contact some of our members after reading our forum.

Our forum is 100% legitimate. You can join it and talk to the members if you like. They will all be more than willing to talk with you.

You tell em' girl!! Were here because we wanna be, and there's nothing fake about it. SO WHAT if were a bunch of happy campers, that just means the person running the show, is doing a damn good job!! Grrrr, it makes me mad that some people are so darn negative!!!


09-13-2007, 07:23 PM
I think that we should all be especially happy and chipper tonight. Let's see. What can I do to make that happen? Give me just a few minutes....

09-13-2007, 07:25 PM
They are just jealous, Tricia!! You KNOW you are doing things right, you are an honest and caring individual, and those who think "something's fishy" are probably just too skeptical to look a gift horse in the mouth. Fishy indeed... I could buy some fish with my earnings... the banners don't lie!


09-13-2007, 07:26 PM
I think that we should all be especially happy and chipper tonight. Let's see. What can I do to make that happen? Give me just a few minutes....

Wooooo HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

09-13-2007, 07:27 PM
Boy Tricia, you must type quite fast and furious to get all of these threads posted! What a ridiculous notion.


09-13-2007, 07:27 PM
Holy Smokes Shelly 1500?? YIKES!! Do your fingers hurt from clicking? :rotfl:

09-13-2007, 07:29 PM
How grumpy is that person... to believe no place could be as good as SR appears to be. Sure it is rare... but he is so grumpy he has no way to see it...

Who pissed in his kool-aid?


09-13-2007, 07:29 PM

Sorry....I just think that post is so funny. I'm sorry, I know it shouldn't make me laugh, but it really does. That person must have a really sad life to say things like that. She/he obviously has not spent a whole lot of time here. Tricia, I hope you don't mind, but I felt the need to respond with a comment on that page you posted.

So this is me, Leslie Carter, a speech language pathologist from Rhode Island stating for the record that I love SR! (or wait...maybe it is just Tricia posing as me ((evil laugh!!!))???) Hahahahahahahahaha!!!:rotfl:

Sorry...it's been a long day!:angel:

09-13-2007, 07:30 PM
Holy Smokes Shelly 1500?? YIKES!! Do your fingers hurt from clicking? :rotfl:

I take my part-time job very seriously! My "real" job pays the "real" bills and there's none left for vacations. So this gets me to Disney!

Yeah, sometimes my fingers hurt, but it's not from clicking... it's from chatting here, LOL! :rotfl:

Sounds like I better go poor a glass of wine and get those fingers limbered up for some excitement tonight, huh??

09-13-2007, 07:31 PM
LMAO thats why I put my name and city so they wouldnt think I was just Tricia posting a bunch of time ROFL

09-13-2007, 07:31 PM
Who pissed in his kool-aid?

:blush: Wasnt me!!! :angel:

09-13-2007, 07:33 PM
I take my part-time job very seriously! My "real" job pays the "real" bills and there's none left for vacations. So this gets me to Disney!

Yeah, sometimes my fingers hurt, but it's not from clicking... it's from chatting here, LOL! :rotfl:

Sounds like I better go poor a glass of wine and get those fingers limbered up for some excitement tonight, huh??

Figures...My DH is expecting to have some time with me tonight since he is working all weekend. AAARRRGGHHHH!

09-13-2007, 07:33 PM
Can you imagine if it was ALL ME in the chat room last night, too? Heck, most people couldn't even read the posts as fast as they were coming in. I must have needed bandaids on my fingers from all of the chatting I was doing.

Go check your paid clicks. fast!!

09-13-2007, 07:33 PM
LMAO thats why I put my name and city so they wouldnt think I was just Tricia posting a bunch of time ROFL

Oh Tricia you are so clever to find all those fake pictures of other people's families to post with your fake identities when you pretend to be us......... baaaahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa (that's my evil laugh!)


09-13-2007, 07:35 PM
It always amazes me how people can comment and offer opinions on something that they know little or nothing about. Whatever happened to giving something a try before passing judgement? I'm really sorry that you have to deal with all the negative comments. I was a skeptic too, until I tried it. It would be nice if all the skeptics out there would at least give it a try.

Keep up the good work, Tricia. We all love it here.

09-13-2007, 07:35 PM
LMAO thats why I put my name and city so they wouldnt think I was just Tricia posting a bunch of time ROFL

How did you get your city in there? I thought I looked, but I must have missed it. So now fishy will think Tricia is posting comments from "united States" to plead her case!!! Hahahahaha.:rotfl:

09-13-2007, 07:35 PM
Can you imagine if it was ALL ME in the chat room last night, too? Heck, most people couldn't even read the posts as fast as they were coming in. I must have needed bandaids on my fingers from all of the chatting I was doing.

Go check your paid clicks. fast!!

WHOOO HOOO!!!!! So should we fill in our own information or the fake information you are using when you pretend to be us???


09-13-2007, 07:36 PM
I think it takes an extremely cynical and little bit shifty person to even consider that one person could do all these posts. LOL. I think there is something fishy about SOMETHINGFISHY. Perhaps he is a GPT site owner who is jealous. You know they say jealousy is the greatest form of flattery so maybe we should be flattered that they hate us cause were so nice :rotfl:

09-13-2007, 07:37 PM
Your "fishy" site has earned me $100 in GC to use at Disney in October. I love this reward site, and proud to say it. I do talk about it to other people.

09-13-2007, 07:38 PM
Maybe I should send them an email with pictures of the 50 pairs of shoes I have purchased on SR since Feb LOL maybe then they will believe

09-13-2007, 07:38 PM
I think it takes an extremely cynical and little bit shifty person to even consider that one person could do all these posts. LOL. I think there is something fishy about SOMETHINGFISHY. Perhaps he is a GPT site owner who is jealous. You know they say jealousy is the greatest form of flattery so maybe we should be flattered that they hate us cause were so nice :rotfl:

Good point, Janet. Someone is just jealous that they can't operate a site as nice and perky as this one :sunshine:

09-13-2007, 07:38 PM
Thanks Tricia!!!!!!:cooldance:

09-13-2007, 07:39 PM
I think it takes an extremely cynical and little bit shifty person to even consider that one person could do all these posts. LOL. I think there is something fishy about SOMETHINGFISHY. Perhaps he is a GPT site owner who is jealous. You know they say jealousy is the greatest form of flattery so maybe we should be flattered that they hate us cause were so nice :rotfl:

Very true!!

09-13-2007, 07:39 PM
Don't let them get you down Tricia - your just an anomoly (sp?!) this day and age with actually CARING about your customers AND providing such first rate customer service.

I mean seriously, how many people are going to believe in a pleasureable atmosphere, where you can make money, have fun and have quick assistance if something goes amiss? If I didn't experience it first hand I might have some reservations myself! :rotfl:

You rock Tricia, don't let this overshadow your (what should be) happy day.
I've been reading boards on the internet for years and this is the only one I've ever participated in - everyone is so kind and helpful. There's no cattiness like other boards or "cliques" just a bunch of people that are so grateful to have found this site.

09-13-2007, 07:40 PM
Thank you for the click Tricia. !!!!

09-13-2007, 07:41 PM
OH Tricia, there is always one! :( Just wait till he see's all the replies to his. They will know then that your forum is not full of made up people. :rotfl:


09-13-2007, 07:41 PM
Can you imagine if it was ALL ME in the chat room last night, too? Heck, most people couldn't even read the posts as fast as they were coming in. I must have needed bandaids on my fingers from all of the chatting I was doing.

Go check your paid clicks. fast!!

Ok, now we know the real story of Tricia Meyer...all the pictures we've seen of her are fakes....she's really an octopus!!!

Oh Tricia you are so clever to find all those fake pictures of other people's families to post with your fake identities when you pretend to be us......... baaaahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa (that's my evil laugh!)


You have a much better evil laugh than me Shelley!

09-13-2007, 07:41 PM
Thank you for the click Tricia. !!!!

Has anyone noticed that when I get angry about things, I always just end up giving more money away? :rotfl:

09-13-2007, 07:43 PM
Has anyone noticed that when I get angry about things, I always just end up giving more money away? :rotfl:

Ok everyone....what can we do that would make her REALLY mad?????


09-13-2007, 07:43 PM
Has anyone noticed that when I get angry about things, I always just end up giving more money away? :rotfl:

Okay, which one of you is "something's fishy"... shame on you, making Tricia give us more money :rotfl:

09-13-2007, 07:44 PM
Ok everyone....what can we do that would make her REALLY mad????? Hahahahaha!!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

09-13-2007, 07:45 PM
Wow- that's just ludicrous! They obviously no nothing about this site at all!
We all know you are above board Tricia and we appreciate it!

Thanks for the click also!

eta: Have you seen how many posts some of these people have?? Wow, Tricia you would be one busy girl posting all of that! And DH must be rigging all of the banners to have different amounts. Geez, they need to get a life!

09-13-2007, 07:45 PM
Anger, alcohol, lonliness and pain medicine. Doesnt matter it all makes her give money away LOL thats why we love her.

09-13-2007, 07:48 PM
Wow- that's just ludicrous! They obviously no nothing about this site at all!
We all know you are above board Tricia and we appreciate it!

Thanks for the click also!

eta: Have you seen how many posts some of these people have?? Wow, Tricia you would be one busy girl posting all of that! And DH must be rigging all of the banners to have different amounts. Geez, they need to get a life!

You are probably the most fishy person on the site since aside from my mom, you are the "oldest" member that we have. Seriously. Aren't you like number 10? And the first 6 members were all test memberships. Cindy is number 7.

You are definitely me. I mean, I am you.

09-13-2007, 07:53 PM
PEOPLE NEVER CEASE TO AMAZE ME!!! I was going to post another positive reply but thought somethingfishy might find it fishy and not believe how great SR is. Then I thought, what if somethingfishy joins sr???? What if it gets too big and Tricia can't keep up and do that wonderful job because she is so busy????? What have I done tempting people to join?????? oh woe is me........
Then I thought, "Tricia is smart enough to keep up with the marketing and great service that makes SR so right." So I will relax and not fear and continue to enjoy the Sunshine Rewards and it's members. Thanks Tricia:cooldance: :cooldance: :cooldance: :cooldance:

09-13-2007, 07:54 PM
Maybe we should all post our referral links there and help people see for themselves how to earn $$$!

09-13-2007, 07:56 PM
I think a healthy bit of skepticism is a good thing, but come on now. :rolleyes: Just b/c everyone seems positive on a site certainly doesn't mean it's the same person with multiple log-ins. Instead of blasting the site (unseen IMO), they should be joining and seeing for themselves how great it really is. I'm sorry you're having to deal with such negative people that have nothing better to do with their time than to spread gossip and negative opinions/vibes. :rolleyes:

I say have an alcholic beverage of choice, kick back and relax and don't let this little hiccup worry you none. Positive word of mouth spreads quickly and I'm sure with that new article you'll notice a jump in new members in no time!

09-13-2007, 07:56 PM
I just went over there and saw all of your posts. You guys crack me up!!!!! So I just added a new offer for you. It is a HUGE (i.e. total) payout for an offer that should go through for absolutely everyone. Go check it out before I change my mind:

Home Depot Sweeps (MID)

09-13-2007, 07:58 PM
OMG... that cracked me up (I mean you cracked yourself up)!
I feel special! I knew back then what a good site it would be!:)

Now get back to posting! (I'll see what kind of deals we can get on bandaids and finger splints).

BTW...Hope you don't freak SunshineGuy out with my ticker though!:rotfl:

Aww.. and I got a visit from the Tag Fairy too! Yay!!

09-13-2007, 07:58 PM
Oh how repulsive!!!!!!
But thanks FishyGuy, You just got me .05 more cent to bring to see MIckey mOuse. :cooldance:
How in the world does he think this is fishy. Well lets see:
In this day and age there is actually still a company who has morals, values and great customer service. I know it is hard to believe but YES they do exist. It is those few who keep their clients happy. Hence our hAppy little forum. I do the happy dance everyday when I see my totals going up. I AM real, not a figment of Tricia's Imagination. Wait Or Am I........:confused: Now I have to rethink everything................:sunshine:

09-13-2007, 08:02 PM
I just went over there and saw all of your posts. You guys crack me up!!!!! So I just added a new offer for you. It is a HUGE (i.e. total) payout for an offer that should go through for absolutely everyone. Go check it out before I change my mind:

Home Depot Sweeps (MID)

Did it... woot!!! (had to throw that in since Bryan still isn't back)

Thanks, Tricia!

ETA: OMG, it credited ALREADY!!! Thanks!!!

09-13-2007, 08:04 PM
Did it... woot!!! (had to throw that in since Bryan still isn't back)

Thanks, Tricia!

I 2nd that! Thanks!

09-13-2007, 08:05 PM
I just went over there and saw all of your posts. You guys crack me up!!!!! So I just added a new offer for you. It is a HUGE (i.e. total) payout for an offer that should go through for absolutely everyone. Go check it out before I change my mind:

Home Depot Sweeps (MID)

Well Tricia...I have to say...you'll be making a whole lot of $$ for yourself tonight with this offer up...you know with all the aliases and all!!:rotfl:

Thanks, by the way!

09-13-2007, 08:09 PM
I 2nd that! Thanks!


Thanks for the offers/clicks Tricia. Now, my goal is to make it to $130.00 in my acct. before the end of the night - is there anything we can say to piss you off enough so I can achieve this goal? lol :rotfl: :rotfl:

09-13-2007, 08:10 PM
Well Tricia...I have to say...you'll be making a whole lot of $$ for yourself tonight with this offer up...you know with all the aliases and all!!:rotfl:

Thanks, by the way!

Heck, I may make so much off of these tonight that I can upgrade my office desk to the fake walnut instead of the fake oak. :cooldance:

The LK 4
09-13-2007, 08:10 PM
:rotfl: Tricia - you're the best!! :rotfl:

Of course, that must mean that I'm the best.....I mean....we're ALL the best....

I'm so confused! Must be all of the voices in my head telling me what to type under all of my user ID's. :p

The LK 4
09-13-2007, 08:12 PM
WOOOOO HOOOOO!! Surveys.com just credited for me! Another 1.75! Cha - CHING!!!:cooldance:

09-13-2007, 08:12 PM
Geez, all of this talk is making me want to go and re-read "Sybille". There's a nickname for you Tricia - Sunshine Sybille, lol!

09-13-2007, 08:14 PM
:rotfl: Tricia - you're the best!! :rotfl:

Of course, that must mean that I'm the best.....I mean....we're ALL the best....

I'm so confused! Must be all of the voices in my head telling me what to type under all of my user ID's. :p

that's it...that explains it all, it's the multiple personalities!!!!!!!

Heck, I may make so much off of these tonight that I can upgrade my office desk to the fake walnut instead of the fake oak. :cooldance:


09-13-2007, 08:18 PM
Figures...My DH is expecting to have some time with me tonight since he is working all weekend. AAARRRGGHHHH!


09-13-2007, 08:23 PM
This is my favorite:

"There's something fishy about the Sunshine Rewards web site.

First, whoever the person is who owns and runs the site, they have chosen not to identify themselves. This is often an indication of a shady business.

Second, in their forums, all the comments seem to be positive; almost as if one person has created multiple logins to hype the company. Many of the entries are over the top praises of the program; and most don't read like typical forum postings.

Okay, usually I try to read the rest of the comments first but this just makes me spitting mad and I am NOT the owner, have only been a member for 4 months, and I just can't help it if I and the rest of us are positive. That is exactly why most of us join in on THIS forum and only read the others. I have posted like maybe 4 times on the Dis and everytime I feel like I am hunched over waiting for someone to knock me for what I said. Even when I posted a link was up on another site. And, that is not to single out the Dis, but I have seen so many people jumped upon for something so stupid in other forums. We all know that the written word can be taken out of context. We all say dumb things, make mistakes. So, why can't people just be more tolerant of one another? As a human being (and, I started to say Christians, but it isn't just about my beliefs) our forum should be the norm and the others the oddity, not the other way around. Off my soap box.

And, Tricia, is your name really Samantha and are you really a brunette?:rotfl: If so, you are doing a really good job of hiding your identity.:rotfl:

09-13-2007, 08:23 PM
SunshineCindy's signature is HILARIOUS in light of all of this. LOL!

09-13-2007, 08:25 PM
And, Tricia, is your name really Samantha and are you really a brunette?:rotfl: If so, you are doing a really good job of hiding your identity.:rotfl:

I have a REALLY good hair dresser. LOL!

The LK 4
09-13-2007, 08:25 PM
SunshineCindy's signature is HILARIOUS in light of all of this. LOL!

Bwahahahahaaaa!!! :giggle:

09-13-2007, 08:27 PM
SunshineCindy's signature is HILARIOUS in light of all of this. LOL!

"TRY to be yourself, everyone else is taken by Tricia" :rotfl:

09-13-2007, 08:28 PM
I just read the comment of the stinky fish. Obviously a very unhappy person who is jealous of all of us, I mean me's here.
I got here just in time to get the 5 cents and the home depot 50 cent (well hopefully, it hasn't credited yet)
Thank you fishy person.

09-13-2007, 08:30 PM
SunshineCindy's signature is HILARIOUS in light of all of this. LOL!

Cause maybe SunshineCindy is really YOU and you are just putting up a front by saying that this entire time....ah ah :)

09-13-2007, 08:31 PM
I think it takes an extremely cynical and little bit shifty person to even consider that one person could do all these posts. LOL. I think there is something fishy about SOMETHINGFISHY. Perhaps he is a GPT site owner who is jealous. You know they say jealousy is the greatest form of flattery so maybe we should be flattered that they hate us cause were so nice :rotfl:

This was one of the first things I thought of when I read somethingfishy's comments. Somebody's jealous, nanny,nanny, boo boo!

09-13-2007, 08:32 PM
I'm so confused. I don't even know who I am anymore?????????
I could be YOU. :confused:

09-13-2007, 08:32 PM
Cause maybe SunshineCindy is really YOU and you are just putting up a front by saying that this entire time....ah ah :)

If I'm you, does that make SunshineGuy both my husband and my son-in-law? EWWWWW!!!

09-13-2007, 08:32 PM
Cause maybe SunshineCindy is really YOU and you are just putting up a front by saying that this entire time....ah ah :)

Does this mean she is her own mom and her daughters grandmother??? :rotfl:

09-13-2007, 08:33 PM
"TRY to be yourself, everyone else is taken by Tricia" :rotfl:

Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!:rotfl: Tricia is the master body snatcher! She and sunshine guy have a master plan for taking over the world by taking us all over when we join SR and get involved in the forums!!!! That way they are really the ones making all the money in all of our banners! Tricia you are brilliant!!!! That means I'm brilliant!!! I like that!!!!:cooldance:

I just read the comment of the stinky fish. Obviously a very unhappy person who is jealous of all of us, I mean me's here.
I got here just in time to get the 5 cents and the home depot 50 cent (well hopefully, it hasn't credited yet)
Thank you fishy person.

the stinky fish!!!! Hahahaha!!:rotfl:

09-13-2007, 08:34 PM
I am just getting caught up on this whole funny/ridiculous thing...I have yet to go read the comments from our wonderful members.

My question is...Tricia - if you are really us - then are you really in Disney now as Bryan? Or did your fingers get tired being him so you sent "him" away? haha

09-13-2007, 08:37 PM
why is it we always take everything just to the edge of insanity???? :rotfl: We can never stop with a witty little remark. It always turns in to a brewhaha. That is why I :heart: this place LOL because I am a brewhaha too.

09-13-2007, 08:38 PM
I am just getting caught up on this whole funny/ridiculous thing...I have yet to go read the comments from our wonderful members.

My question is...Tricia - if you are really us - then are you really in Disney now as Bryan? Or did your fingers get tired being him so you sent "him" away? haha

Dang it. You got me. I had to send Kathie away because I ran out of room for shoes. I had to send Bryan away because I couldn't keep up with the posts.

Who wants to be next?

09-13-2007, 08:38 PM
why is it we always take everything just to the edge of insanity???? :rotfl: We can never stop with a witty little remark. It always turns in to a brewhaha. That is why I :heart: this place LOL because I am a brewhaha too.

Me too! Makes life more fun! :)

09-13-2007, 08:38 PM
Does this mean she is her own mom and her daughters grandmother??? :rotfl:

I think that this is legal only in a couple of States......

However, since everyone is Tricia, and Tricia is everyone she could change these laws as she sees fit.

Geez, I'm starting to feel like I'm back in my college days..."I am you, you are me, what if were our whole universe fits on top of the head of a pin?"

09-13-2007, 08:39 PM
why is it we always take everything just to the edge of insanity???? :rotfl: We can never stop with a witty little remark. It always turns in to a brewhaha. That is why I :heart: this place LOL because I am a brewhaha too.

Brewhaha.....I love that word! Haven't heard it in a long time!! I think that will be my new word for the week!:)

09-13-2007, 08:39 PM
why is it we always take everything just to the edge of insanity???? :rotfl: We can never stop with a witty little remark. It always turns in to a brewhaha. That is why I :heart: this place LOL because I am a brewhaha too.

Brewhaha.....I love that word! Haven't heard it in a long time!! I think that will be my new word for the week!:)

"Hey did you hear about the big brewhaha over on the SR forum last night???"


Sorry for the double post!

09-13-2007, 08:39 PM
That is what I love about this board...taking things to the edge of insanity...we never stop with a small remark AND we use (and know the meaning of) brewhaha! Not many other boards can say that...

PS I remember learning that word in HS and have loved it since haha!

09-13-2007, 08:40 PM
I think Janet needs to have that as her second tag

09-13-2007, 08:41 PM
Dang it. You got me. I had to send Kathie away because I ran out of room for shoes. I had to send Bryan away because I couldn't keep up with the posts.

Who wants to be next?

The scary part is how you competed with yourself as "Bryan"! Does that indicate deep conflict within yourself? Can't we and all of our alter egos just get along?

09-13-2007, 08:41 PM
I think that this is legal only in a couple of States......

However, since everyone is Tricia, and Tricia is everyone she could change these laws as she sees fit.

Geez, I'm starting to feel like I'm back in my college days..."I am you, you are me, what if were our whole universe fits on top of the head of a pin?"

This is why Tricia is having problems in Rhode Island...she can't change their laws!

PS I will be next if you want to send "me" to Disney!

09-13-2007, 08:42 PM
:rotfl: :rotfl: see what I mean. Its a BREWHAHA!!!

09-13-2007, 08:48 PM
Any of you want to join us in Flash Chat?:blush:

09-13-2007, 08:48 PM
Dang it. You got me. I had to send Kathie away because I ran out of room for shoes. I had to send Bryan away because I couldn't keep up with the posts.

Who wants to be next?

I'll volunteer if you plan to send me someplace warm and tropical!:)

09-13-2007, 08:55 PM
Well I just replied over there and it says I am from Poynor, TX. Crap it must be my alter. Seriously, I did not see anywhere to put in where you live. Where did that come from? Something fishy over there......................:confused:

09-13-2007, 09:03 PM
I just went over there and saw all of your posts. You guys crack me up!!!!! So I just added a new offer for you. It is a HUGE (i.e. total) payout for an offer that should go through for absolutely everyone. Go check it out before I change my mind:

Home Depot Sweeps (MID)

Thank you, missed the click. But, I (we) love the .50.:cooldance:

Edited: No, I didn't. I did the click before I did the forum. Double thanks.

09-13-2007, 09:06 PM
Just got the credit on the offer! I need any extra I can get right now! Thanks again Tricia!

09-13-2007, 09:08 PM
I was just thinking. Tricia, you sure are going to be awfully lonely on the SR cruise with you, yourself and you.:rotfl:

09-13-2007, 09:10 PM
I was just thinking. Tricia, you sure are going to be awfully lonely on the SR cruise with you, yourself and you.:rotfl:

On the plus side, I'll have plenty to eat! Except of course that I have also signed up for weight watchers about 8 times in the last month.

09-13-2007, 09:10 PM
Ya'll, I so seriously need to study for my class, tomorrow. It is an instructor's class and I don't want to look stupid. Quit being funny! I gotta go...soon. Aw, what the heck, this is way more fun.:rotfl:

09-13-2007, 09:14 PM
Typical newspaper reporting. If you can't find something wrong create it!!!!!!

Tricia you do what you do and we will be behind you 100%!

09-13-2007, 09:14 PM
On the plus side, I'll have plenty to eat! Except of course that I have also signed up for weight watchers about 8 times in the last month.

Well, maybe Weight Watchers won't work for you and you'll need all those cabins you've paid for! :eek:

09-13-2007, 09:17 PM
OK, I had a very bad day today. I had a Psychic freak out on me at work(I do Student Activities at a college). But that was nothing to Tricia's day, made mine seem sweet. We are with you Girl!

09-13-2007, 09:26 PM
Why are some of you beating up newspaper reporters? The comments you're upset about are from morons on a forum. They were criticizing the paper as being too POSITIVE about Sunshine Rewards.

09-13-2007, 09:28 PM
Why are some of you beating up newspaper reporters? The comments you're upset about are from morons on a forum. They were criticizing the paper as being too POSITIVE about Sunshine Rewards.

I actually left a voicemail for the editor today to see if they would do a real article. What is posted is just a couple of lines from our press release. Hopefully they will do a full story in the future (it's a different paper than the one that did the other story today).

09-13-2007, 09:28 PM
OK, I had a very bad day today. I had a Psychic freak out on me at work(I do Student Activities at a college). But that was nothing to Tricia's day, made mine seem sweet. We are with you Girl!

A psychic freaked out on you????

09-13-2007, 09:30 PM
A psychic freaked out on you????

I kind of tilted my head a bit on that one too.

09-13-2007, 09:36 PM
Something Fishy has to be jealous or seriously in need of a hobby -- or maybe therapy! Could she/he be the psychic who freaked out on sammielynn?

09-13-2007, 09:43 PM
A psychic freaked out on you????

Go figure. She had several campuses to perform at and some of them are in the back woods hills of East Tennessee. She did a practice run to the most remote campus and had an "experience" somewhere on a country road. She refused to travel that road again. I really didn't want to know any more details. But it was a breach of contract, had to deal with her, her agent and my business office all day. She should have known better than to get on that road being a psychic and all. And there is only one way in and one way out unless you go through Kentucky. Glad that is over. Will never book that again.

09-13-2007, 09:55 PM

hello, new here and I am in those hills of TN myself, about 30 min outside of Bristol.

09-13-2007, 10:02 PM
yippie got the home depot offer and the 5 cent click ! Thanks for the extra money :) Sorry you had a crappy day .

09-13-2007, 10:03 PM
She should have known better than to get on that road being a psychic and all.

Ok, that just cracked me up! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

09-13-2007, 10:06 PM

hello, new here and I am in those hills of TN myself, about 30 min outside of Bristol.

Are ya psychic? :rotfl: Sorry, I just couldn't resist. I live in the little hills of Nashville, but hail from the flat lands of West Tn. Welcome!!!:sunshine:

09-13-2007, 10:06 PM

hello, new here and I am in those hills of TN myself, about 30 min outside of Bristol.

I'm in Harriman, just outside of Knoxville. There are several Tennessee folks here!

09-13-2007, 10:10 PM
I am gald to see that, and Knox. lol, I am just up the road in Kingsport. Looks like i may be an odd one here, a stay at home Dad. Any pointers would be great.

09-13-2007, 10:17 PM
I am gald to see that, and Knox. lol, I am just up the road in Kingsport. Looks like i may be an odd one here, a stay at home Dad. Any pointers would be great.

YEA!!!!! Bryan will be so glad when he gets back. He has been on a crusade of sorts to increase the participation of males on SR. Right now we pretty much have 3--SunshineGuy, Brian, and Michael. We are so very glad to have you!!!

09-13-2007, 10:19 PM
This is the only site I have been on where someone hasn't gotten flamed. I mean EVER!!! There are some website where I can read something that looks pretty innocent and a few posts later, WHAM!!! Someone reads something into it and gets all cranky.

Not here. What a great group of ladies, ahem, I mean people!! :hugs:

i missed the click :( but the MID offer has credited already!

09-13-2007, 10:22 PM
Well thank you very much, add a Rob to the list of guys then, :hugs:

09-13-2007, 10:34 PM
Wow! I go bowling and all this stuff happens. Some people just have nothing better to do with there time! I am glad I found this place. You are all so nice. I agree with Lisa about flaming...especially with all my crazy questions!

09-13-2007, 10:36 PM
hi Rob!!


09-13-2007, 10:40 PM
Well thank you very much, add a Rob to the list of guys then, :hugs:

HELLO ROB!! More men.

09-13-2007, 10:40 PM
Hi Rob welcome!!! Make sure to read the FAQS sticky post that was posted by M 'n C. It has alot of really great info that she compiled from all of the questions we have found that new people have. Feel free to ask anything (except our weight LOL) and we will gladly help you out.

09-13-2007, 11:25 PM
Hi Rob and welcome aboard!!


09-13-2007, 11:35 PM

09-13-2007, 11:59 PM
welcome to any newbies. Sorry, I didn't read the entire thread (11+pages!!) I read Tricia's first post and clicked to the "flaming"website. Along with other posters I gave SR a virtual high five!:D So, they can add that to the count. A Bay Area Disney mom of 3 girls loves SR!!:thumbsup: :clap:

09-14-2007, 12:30 AM
Good God, Gert! I go out for a margarita (okay, it was 3!!!), Mexican meal, time with partner dude, TAKE THE FRICKEN PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION into Hollywood, come home and find THIS????????????!!!!!!!!!!!! What the h*** got into something fishy's craw??? AND I missed a $.05 click??? Now I am pissed!!! I don't even want to show partner dude that this idiot is a Hoosier! As one from what I used to call the great state of Indiana, he would be apalled that someone from his home state would even state something like something fishy put into the ether (and NO, I will not put capital letters in this sad sack's name.)

I'm tired, I probably had too much to drink (now all of Indiana will know that SR promotes over indulgence in alcohol, too!), I've had a rough week (actually rough 2 weeks) but I'm going to Disneyland tomorrow afternoon and Saturday, dining at 2 of my favorite restaurants (and they're NOT the churro carts!) and using my Disney gift cards that I EARNED from SR to pay for these meals. I've been with SR since December of 2006, I've done well with shopping, clicking, offers, and contests, and damn it, I'm going to be with SR as long as T, K, and C keep this site going.

BTW, welcome Rob. Sorry I had to say hello this way. I'm really a nice guy. Just ask me!

To my fellow SR friends, I now need to read my tag and go gently into the night.


09-14-2007, 07:16 AM
Thank you all, and it has been a pleasure to meet you all.:party:

09-14-2007, 07:21 AM
Love the picture of Pat. One of my favorite moments.

09-14-2007, 08:00 AM
Wow....a lot has happened since I was on last - yesterday morning. Sorry Tricia for idiots....can't do a thing about them....

And welcome to the newbie!!!


09-14-2007, 08:08 AM
Well I caught this thread after writing nice things about SR in another post (where a problem was fixed immediately). With all the trouble and problems in the world, I guess people have trouble with positive websites and people that are honest and decent. Just ignore them and keep doing what you're doing! And, I didn't read all of the pages cause I have to get to work!

09-14-2007, 08:12 AM
Welcome Rob !!!!!

09-14-2007, 08:13 AM
wow, i go to bed early and i miss everything! no clicks and i can't find any home depot mid's. so hmmm, makes me think it is all fishy. LOL

someone made a comment, that i totally agree with and love:

that so far, there has been no flaming here, not that i have read anyway. everyone seems happy and helpful on this site, as compared to EVERY other site i have been to.

i have been talking this site up with my hubby since i started here, last wednesday. he always is saying something to me like, try making money with that computer since you are always on it. ok so in 1 weeks time, i think i am about 42cents away from $25.00.

i told him about this last nite, and he is a skeptic, and just laughed. no i don't have the money yet, i am waiting til i have the full 25, plus i can wait til a special cash out.

i guess i am just rambling. but i really enjoy it here.

09-14-2007, 08:15 AM
Looks like I missed all the fun around here last night...thats what I get for going to bed early for a change. I just got done reading the comment made about SR being fishy...some people just cant ever take a good thing for face value. :( Oh well I say....their loss. Let em doubt if thats what they choose because we all know the real deal here. SR is the best:cooldance:

The LK 4
09-14-2007, 08:22 AM
eaglesdare - I love it here as well! My DH doesn't even question me anymore when I hand him the laptop to complete a survey. My DS was happy to do one yesterday as well for a teen survey about Wendy's! :rotfl:

I can't belive how easy it is to earn money with SR. Thanks gang! :sunshine:

09-14-2007, 08:47 AM
We certainly had a crazy night last night! But at least we had some fun, got some more credits, and found another male to join our ranks!!!

09-14-2007, 08:59 AM
GRRRRRR that guy's post made me mad...

I felt that Italian in me coming out :mad:

My husband says I am not as tough as I think I am LOL

I say to all the naysayers...SHOO SHOO GO AWAY BAD DREAM

GO TRICIA!!!!! :cooldance:

09-14-2007, 09:06 AM
I'm tired, I probably had too much to drink (now all of Indiana will know that SR promotes over indulgence in alcohol, too

Heck Michael, even someone as stupid as fishy could tell that if he read one of my posts anywhere. LOL

09-14-2007, 09:13 AM
I'm sorry I missed all the hoopla last night too! I did get the 0.05 click before logging off for the night, but didn't make the connection that it was due to something going on in the forum.

I can kind of see where someone might be slightly skeptical at first about a site like this, just because it does seem like you're getting something (in some cases, a LOT of something) for nothing. It's easy, if you don't know what it's all about, to think "Ok, where's the catch?" But, instead of bashing and/or calling it out in a public forum, why not give it a try? What do you have to lose? It's not like if you sign up, the (supposed) mysterious shadowy figure that runs the site will be able to stick their hand through the computer screen and steal your wallet! Or, if you don't want to do that, then keep quiet and don't knock it if you haven't tried it or even attempted to learn anything about it. I'm sure if this site was scam, you would find people posting warnings and complaints on the BBB, or on other sites (Disboards, anyone?) if you searched hard enough.

Then on the other hand, we could just all be Stepfordesque Tricia-drones. :rotfl:

09-14-2007, 09:15 AM
Awwwww man I missed a 0.05 click :(

When was it up? I was checking all night!

09-14-2007, 09:18 AM
The electricity in my computer room is broken, so I missed out on all the fun last night. :(

m 'n c
09-14-2007, 05:24 PM
Good God, Gert! I go out for a margarita (okay, it was 3!!!), Mexican meal, time with partner dude, TAKE THE FRICKEN PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION into Hollywood, come home and find THIS????????????!!!!!!!!!!!! What the h*** got into something fishy's craw??? AND I missed a $.05 click???

Your night sounds similar to mine (right down to the mexican meal with 3 ritas :rotfl: ) It seems like anytime I have a date night something fun happens around here.

09-14-2007, 05:26 PM
Your night sounds similar to mine (right down to the mexican meal with 3 ritas :rotfl: ) It seems like anytime I have a date night something fun happens around here.

I am not sure "fun" was the word. :) Me mentioned we missed you in chat last night. You are always the leader in going after someone bad mouthing our Tricia. :)

m 'n c
09-14-2007, 05:32 PM
I am not sure "fun" was the word. :) Me mentioned we missed you in chat last night. You are always the leader in going after someone bad mouthing our Tricia. :)

I know but it looks like the SR Army did a good job responding to the situation (I did go and read all the responses). I'm proud of everyone :sunshine: (or is it just tricia :rotfl: )

09-14-2007, 05:37 PM
I know but it looks like the SR Army did a good job responding to the situation (I did go and read all the responses). I'm proud of everyone :sunshine: (or is it just tricia :rotfl: )


I didn't actually go check it all out. I have been losing my temper about something around my area a bit, I didn't want to go fuel myself more by reading anything. :)

09-14-2007, 06:50 PM
I know but it looks like the SR Army did a good job responding to the situation (I did go and read all the responses). I'm proud of everyone :sunshine: (or is it just tricia :rotfl: )

That is exactly what I said in chat last night...that you would be so proud of us for pulling the army together even without you to organize us. You've trained us well!

09-16-2007, 02:05 PM
I think that people are finding it hard to believe that a rewards program can actually be a totally positive experience and that all of the members are happy. There is so much back biting on the other forums and rewards programs that it is unique to find a community such as this where we all work together to help each other earn as much as possible without all the fraud going on in other reward programs.

Tricia, you have made this site/program/forum/community into a very honest, upfront, and admirable thing. Naturally, anything that is done right is going to be the talk of all those who are doing wrong. They despise the fact that you are able to suceed with integrity and your head held high.

Keep on doing what you are doing! I love SR and the whole SR community! :cooldance: :sunshine2: :heart:

09-16-2007, 08:39 PM
Dang it. You got me. I had to send Kathie away because I ran out of room for shoes. I had to send Bryan away because I couldn't keep up with the posts.

Who wants to be next?

:rotfl: Did you put an addition on for those shoes??? Cause I'm back!!!!
Geez.....I go away for a few days and miss all the excitement.

I haven't posted a response on that forum but I will.

Welcome to Rob and other newbies!!!

09-16-2007, 09:02 PM
I think that people are finding it hard to believe that a rewards program can actually be a totally positive experience and that all of the members are happy. There is so much back biting on the other forums and rewards programs that it is unique to find a community such as this where we all work together to help each other earn as much as possible without all the fraud going on in other reward programs.

Tricia, you have made this site/program/forum/community into a very honest, upfront, and admirable thing. Naturally, anything that is done right is going to be the talk of all those who are doing wrong. They despise the fact that you are able to suceed with integrity and your head held high.

Keep on doing what you are doing! I love SR and the whole SR community! :cooldance: :sunshine2: :heart:

Anna---very nicely stated and so true!!! Thanks!!!